Bloom’s Taxonomy (Overview and Importance)

Bloom's Taxonomy is important because it provides a common language for teachers to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods. It helps educators plan lessons, create assessments, and design curriculum maps based on the complexity of the subject matter. Furthermore, it allows students to better structure their studying and gauge their competence.

Bloom’s taxonomy presents a classification of learning that helps educators create an effective curriculum. Usually presented as a pyramid, this classification describes levels of learning, from the most basic to the most advanced.

Bloom’s taxonomy was developed in the 1950’s by a group of educators trying to clarify educational objectives and improve communication between educators and curriculum designers.

This taxonomy was later updated, and has been a bit controversial. Some more recent criticisms are that the taxonomy is too limited or linear in nature. This did result in a more recent revision of the levels. Even with the criticisms, Bloom’s taxonomy is a foundational piece in any curricular discussion.


The levels are from the most basic to the most advanced: Remember, Understand, Apply, Synthesize and Analyze, Evaluate, and finally, Create. The assignments for students would be designed to elicit this level of learning. For example, a young child might Recognize and Remember that there was an event called WWII.

An older student would be asked to demonstrate Understanding of this event; what was it and where did it happen? Students in High School might be asked to apply this knowledge in some way, perhaps by discussing the place of this war in the history of the United States.

The next higher level involves Synthesis and Analysis of the information. At this level we would challenge a student to compare and contrast the effect of this war on different countries, or perhaps the reason that United States became involved in the war.

Graduate students might be challenged to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and strategies in fighting the war or in the peace process. Finally, an expert on this topic would be able to create something, such as a book or play, presenting the a comparison of ideas and recommending perspectives.

Bloom’s taxonomy, while still a bit controversial, is a wonderful tool to use when designing course curriculum at any educational level. College level students are usually pushed to perform through assignments at the higher levels, which are synthesis, analysis, evaluation, and creation.

Here are the six levels of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy

  • Remembering: Retrieve, recall, or recognize relevant knowledge from long-term memory (e.g., recall dates of important events in U.S. history, remember the components of a bacterial cell).
  • Understanding: Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication (e.g., explain the main idea of a passage, classify items into categories).
  • Applying: Use procedures to perform exercises and solve problems (e.g., use a formula to solve a mathematical problem, apply a theory to a real-life situation).
  • Analyzing: Break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose (e.g., compare and contrast two theories, identify the cause and effect in a situation).
  • Evaluating: Make judgments based on criteria and standards (e.g., assess the quality of a research study, critique a piece of art).
  • Creating: Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure (e.g., design a new product, develop a plan for solving a complex problem).

Bloom's Taxonomy is widely used in education to improve the quality of teaching and learning. It helps educators set learning objectives, design instructional strategies, and assess student performance.

By understanding and applying Bloom's Taxonomy, both teachers and students can enhance their educational experiences and achieve better learning outcomes.

## Bloom's Taxonomy: Overview and Importance

Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical model that describes the cognitive processes of learning and developing mastery of a subject. It was developed in the 1950s by Benjamin Bloom and a committee of researchers and educators[1]. The taxonomy consists of three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor[2]. The cognitive domain, which focuses on the acquisition of knowledge, is the most widely recognized and used in education[2].

The original taxonomy consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation[3]. In 2001, the taxonomy was revised, and the categories were renamed as follows: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating[4]. The revised taxonomy emphasizes measurable activities and active verbs[1].

Bloom's Taxonomy is important because it provides a common language for teachers to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods[13]. It helps educators plan lessons, create assessments, and design curriculum maps based on the complexity of the subject matter[8]. Furthermore, it allows students to better structure their studying and gauge their competence[2].

Here are the six levels of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy[9]:

1. **Remembering**: Retrieve, recall, or recognize relevant knowledge from long-term memory (e.g., recall dates of important events in U.S. history, remember the components of a bacterial cell).
2. **Understanding**: Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication (e.g., explain the main idea of a passage, classify items into categories).
3. **Applying**: Use procedures to perform exercises and solve problems (e.g., use a formula to solve a mathematical problem, apply a theory to a real-life situation).
4. **Analyzing**: Break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose (e.g., compare and contrast two theories, identify the cause and effect in a situation).
5. **Evaluating**: Make judgments based on criteria and standards (e.g., assess the quality of a research study, critique a piece of art).
6. **Creating**: Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure (e.g., design a new product, develop a plan for solving a complex problem).

Bloom's Taxonomy is widely used in education to improve the quality of teaching and learning. It helps educators set learning objectives, design instructional strategies, and assess student performance[5]. By understanding and applying Bloom's Taxonomy, both teachers and students can enhance their educational experiences and achieve better learning outcomes.


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