Eliminate puffy eyes and dark circles for healthier appearance

Do you suffer from puffy eyes or dark circles under your eyes? These minor cosmetic issues happen to everyone now and then, and all too often at times when it’s important to look your best. Puffy bags or dark circles signal to others that you are tired, stressed out, or not living at optimal health. Fortunately, a number of preventive, temporary, and long-term solutions can make an enormous difference in helping you maintain a healthier appearance around the windows to your soul.


Cartoon with check mark

  • know the causes
  • watch your diet
  • sleep on your back
  • use cold compresses
  • use moisturizer
  • consider non-invasive microcurrent eye treatment

Cartoon with x mark

  • drink alcohol
  • rub your eyes
  • forget to avoid smoke, dust and allergens
  • eat salty foods
  • forget to be wary of surgical solutions

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do know the causes

So what causes these tell-tale signs, and how can you prevent them? The skin under and around the eyes is the most delicate skin on the body, and therefore the most susceptible to fluid volume changes caused by dehydration, water retention, and positional edema. If you are dehydrated, the tissue becomes thinner and more fragile, which means that 1) vessels under the eyes show through, 2) dark circles appear and/or 3) tissue swells. Furthermore, as we age we lose valuable fat in our faces and around our eyes, which allows the vessels to become more visible. There are also genetic factors that cause some people to be predisposed to dark circles more than others.

Several causes can be involved. If excess salt is consumed in a meal the night before or created from crying, the body retains water and shifts fluid to “balance out” the higher salt concentration. You can feel this in your hands and feet or, frequently, in the thin skin under the eyes where bags form. Another contributor could be your sleeping position. If you sleep on your side, fluid can build up on one side of your face during the night and cause one-sided edema. Finally, allergies can cause puffiness or bags to form under your eyes because histamines cause local swelling.

Do watch your diet

A low-carb diet can prevent eye puffiness by preventing water retention. Eating foods rich in vitamins, especially A, C and E can help to reduce eye puffiness and maintain clear, moist skin. Drinking more water is also important for eliminating puffiness. The recommended amount of water is 8-10 glasses every day. However, you may have to drink more than the recommended amount if you regularly drink diuretics such as coffee or other caffeinated beverages.

Do sleep on your back

Bloodshot eyes, bags, dark under-eye circles, and puffiness can all be reduced, if not completely erased, by getting enough sleep. To further reduce puffiness and darkness under your eyes, sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated. This posture allows fluids to drain from your face. Use an extra pillow so that your head is at least a couple inches above your body.

Do use cold compresses

Make cold compresses — bags of ice, cold spoons, tea bags or frozen vegetables — and place them over your eyes for a few minutes to decrease swelling. The cold works by constricting blood vessels and preventing the flow of fluid into tissues. Slices of cucumber placed over the eyes while you’re lying down can also provide short-term relief.

Do use moisturizer

Unlike the skin on the rest of your face, the eye area does not contain oil glands that can help keep this skin moist, so applying moisturizer under your eyes can keep them healthy looking. Creams created specifically for the eye area prevent fluid build-up by restricting the blood vessels around the eyes and tightening the loose skin.

Do consider non-invasive microcurrent eye treatment

Microcurrent treatment brings nutrients and blood to the eye area to help activate the lymph system, reduce swelling, tone and strengthen the muscles around the eyes and create a slight brow lift. Regular treatments provide a more refreshed appearance and decrease the dark circles and puffiness. Special serums can also be infused into the skin to aid pigmentation, provide deep hydration and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Most microcurrent sessions take about 15 to 20 minutes, achieving improvement in the skin around your eyes almost immediately. Unlike surgery, there is no downtime after a microcurrent session so you can look better and feel more confident at your convenience.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not drink alcohol

To maintain healthier skin, don’t drink alcohol. If you do imbibe once in awhile, keep in mind that some studies show you need to drink an additional four to six ounces of water per ounce of alcohol to stay hydrated.

Do not rub your eyes

The eyes are like balls, supported by soft pads of fat and muscle in the skull. As the muscles get weaker, they bulge out. Instead of rubbing, use a cold, wet cloth to gently massage the area under the eyes with a rolling action, from the nose outwards. If you suspect that the discomfort in your eyes is hay fever, consult your physician if symptoms do not subside.

Do not forget to avoid smoke, dust and allergens

Allergens, such as dust, pollen, pet dander and other particles, can cause the skin around your eyes to become puffy. Regularly cleaning your living area, including vacuuming carpets and upholstery, can help. And always avoid tobacco because, like alcohol, it contains toxins that may lead to stress, fatigue, and hormonal changes — all of which may lead to fluid retention and swelling around the eyes.

Do not eat salty foods

Excess salt in your diet encourages fluid retention and may lead to puffy eyes. This can be partly alleviated by paying more attention to salt intake and becoming aware of the large amount of sodium in common processed foods. In addition, exercise helps remove salt through sweat.

Do not forget to be wary of surgical solutions

Some surgical procedures remove sagging eyelids and replace fat under the eyes to reduce the dark circles. But not only are these procedures very expensive — from $3,000 to $5,000 – they also carry the risk of infection and swelling, bruising, and pain during recovery. Instead, look for more natural, less invasive solutions for treating this delicate area on your face.


Puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes tend to be a temporary cosmetic concern. Short-term solutions include cold compresses, which can work wonders, as can natural astringents, such as wet tea bags and cucumber slices. To prevent puffiness, try to sleep on your back with your head elevated to prevent the gravitational redistribution of fluid. Long-term remedies include a change in lifestyle. Healthy diet, plenty of sleep and the avoidance of salt, alcohol and tobacco are important for maintaining a healthy appearance around the eyes. Another option is microcurrent therapy, which can lead to latent tissue repair and deep hydration of the tissue with lasting results.

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