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Julie C. Bernier


Pack Leader & Co-Owner


Dances With Dogs Puppy Nursery School


South Portland, Maine

Google map:,%20Maine



(207) 632-1863

Full Profile:

I founded Dances With Dogs because I believe that puppies need to be with each other in a safe, supervised, loving environment in order to work through their fears, test out boundaries and learn how to negotiate relationships with others. Bringing home a new puppy, even in the best of circumstances, can be stressful and challenging. I believe that new owners need support, guidance and coaching as they learn how puppies behave, what they need and how to integrate them successfully into their lives.It has been my privilege and my pleasure to meet the needs of puppies and their families at Dances With Dogs. I believe that each puppy who comes into the nursery school CAN learn to be comfortable around other puppies and dogs, given the right supervision, support and encouragement as part of our pack. I believe that Exercise, Discipline and Affection are your pup's essential/basic needs and have modeled everything that I do with and for my students and my customers around those three essentials. I've been blessed to have over 1000 puppies train and play here at Dances With Dogs since opening in 2006, and to count them and their owners among my friends ever since. It is my sincere hope that EVERY puppy in our area gets to experience puppy nursery school…because we absolutely can help shape and guide them into a great family dog for life.