Finding love: Discovering your soul’s true mate

Do you wonder if one true soul mate is somewhere out there? Even individuals in a relationship have that question tugging at their mind in moments of challenge, sadness or loneliness. Each person does have one true soul mate! Here is some advice for finding your true soul mate.


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  • accept the invitation
  • open the door
  • discover your mythology
  • establish a new foundation
  • be willing to immerse

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  • forget that love is not a process
  • think love is a project
  • think love is a doing
  • forget love is not outside of you
  • think love is separation

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do accept the invitation

Once you determine that you will not settle anymore in life when it comes to love, you an extend and accept your invitation to love. Until then, it is an unconscious and default experience that you are allowing.

Do open the door

There is no way for love to get in, or out, unless we ‘open the door’ to the heart. In order to do so, you have to get really clear on how you perceive and define both love and fear. These are the two parts of you that have been and will continue to rule your life if you do not face them.

Do discover your mythology

We each have embedded within us the stories of love; those ideas we hold around how love appears, what has to take place and the ‘happily-ever-after’. In knowing our mythologies, we avoid the pitfalls of our unconscious patterns and behaviors to live out a fantasy rather than a reality that truly is loving.

Do establish a new foundation

Because we have been brainwashed into what we think is love, a new foundation of meaning and practice has to be initiated and integrated as experience. Only then, will real love take root, grow and sustain.

Do be willing to immerse

True love, real love, happens when you immerse yourself into the allness of you. This means embracing all parts: the light and dark, the good and bad, the angel and demon. In allowing all of it, with love, you see yourself and your story in a whole new way and love unfolds more deeply.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not forget that love is not a process

We tend to make love hard. When we do so, we have to process our way out of the very heartbreak and pain that erupted. Sometimes, in the course of processing, we run everywhere to everything else outside of us to heal, grow and find love.

Do not think love is a project

People have the tendency to want to fix people. That is not love. We are not here to fix or to be fixed. By approaching anyone, including ourselves as a project, we are not being loved or loving.

Do not think love is a doing

Love is not a series of steps. It is not actions. It is not doing anything for you or another. Love does not require any expenditure of energy, time or effort. Love is simple. Love is kind. Love is being.

Do not forget love is not outside of you

You cannot love another until you fully love yourself. You first have to understand what love truly is. People can only love you to the degree you are loving yourself. Do not go outside for love, go inside.

Do not think love is separatio

Love is not discarding, burning away or separating from parts of you. WE are not here to shed or leave behind anything. We are here to absorb everything into the Love that we are.


Sometimes the most challenging relationship of all is with the self; and it is the most rich rewarding one. Ultimately, the degree of vulnerability, acknowledgment and intimacy that can be realized for the self allows a person to awaken to more authentic outer relationships. We live in a world of strangers — is one staring back at you from the mirror? You are the love you seek. This is your journey to love. So discover the path to your soul’s true mate.

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