This hair restoration method for men is faster and more precise

In today’s competitive job market, more men are seeking hair transplants to restore a youthful appearance and boost their confidence. Until now, many men felt uncomfortable with the idea of hair transplants due to visible scars, unnatural results, and social stigmas. The revolutionary new method for hair restoration involves the use of an innovative robot that has made this minimally invasive hair transplant faster, more precise and without the need for stitches or a linear scar.


Cartoon with check mark

  • research hair replacement options
  • find out about the benefits of robotic hair transplants
  • choose a qualified hair restoration surgeon
  • your homework
  • ask to see real photographs of the surgeon’s patients

Cartoon with x mark

  • choose a doctor who doesn’t specialize in hair restoration
  • settle for an older hair transplant technique
  • compromise your results with a visible permanent scar
  • select a hair replacement surgeon based on price
  • get turned off by results you have seen

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do research hair replacement options

Follicular Unit Extraction, commonly called FUE, has been the state-of-the-art method of hair restoration for the past several years. The follicular units are removed individually directly from the back of a man’s scalp called the patient's donor area. The older method is called Strip Harvesting and involves the surgeon making a linear incision on the back of the scalp that may result in a permanent, unsightly scar. The newest hair restoration technique involves using the ARTAS Robotic Procedure to harvest donor hair in a precise, reproducible, and consistent fashion.

Do find out about the benefits of robotic hair transplants

The physician-controlled ARTAS Robotic Procedure utilizes a robotic arm and advanced digital imaging to select the best individual hairs from the back of the patient’s head to transplant to the thinning areas. The patient experience is more comfortable, results are more predictable, and ARTAS avoids the drawbacks and side effects associated with older techniques. The result is a virtually pain-free treatment and permanent natural-looking hair.

Do choose a qualified hair restoration surgeon

To get the best possible natural-looking results, you should do some research to locate only highly qualified, experienced hair restoration surgeons who specialize in the newest innovative procedure using the ARTAS robot. Visit

Do your homework

It’s important that you understand all of the details of how your hair restoration procedure will work, what you can expect during and after the procedure, and when you can expect to see results. Surgeons should welcome you to ask questions, take notes, and be educated about the recovery and results you can expect so the procedure goes smoothly.

Do ask to see real photographs of the surgeon’s patients

When you decide to look into hair restoration surgery, you want the best technique and the most undetectable results. Ask to see photographs of the surgeon’s results to make sure you will be content with the outcomes that can be achieved with the methods the surgeon is recommending.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not choose a doctor who doesn’t specialize in hair restoration

Making the decision to have a hair transplant procedure is an important, life-changing decision for any man. It is very important that you seek out only qualified and highly experienced hair restoration surgeons who specialize in the most advanced techniques, like ARTAS hair restoration.

Do not settle for an older hair transplant technique

The ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant gives you fuller, younger-looking hair while eliminating the drawbacks typically associated with older strip harvesting methods.
You’ll get great looking, permanent hair that looks very natural. Recovery time is fast, with most people returning to work or other activities within a few days.

Do not compromise your results with a visible permanent scar

The ARTAS Robotic Procedure brings a new level of precision and accuracy to hair transplantation. It’s a minimally invasive procedure, so no incisions are made, no stitches are used, and there’s no risk of having a visible linear scar at the back of your head so you can wear your hair in the style you want.

Do not select a hair replacement surgeon based on price

There are many hair clinics and chains out there advertising in newspapers, online, and on billboards for discounted hair restoration procedures. Be careful who you choose for your surgeon. Hair restoration surgery is a highly specialized technique and only the most experienced surgeons are able to deliver superior results.

Do not get turned off by results you have seen

We have all seen obvious hair plugs on some men and visible scars from hair restoration procedures. Don’t let a few bad results deter you from having the hair restoration surgery you really want. Now with the breakthrough ARTAS robotic procedure, permanent, natural-looking results without long scars are entirely possible.


Hair restoration surgery has vastly improved over the past several years. Now you can have a fuller, healthy head of hair that looks completely natural with the most advanced method of robotic in a single session. The best way to begin is to come in for a consultation to find out about your options and how hair replacement surgery will work for you.

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