Stress relief advice to help you chill out and enjoy life

Millions of Americans report that they feel medium to high stress every single day –everyone has been there. Caught up in the stresses of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, people often don’t take a moment to slow down and listen to their bodies—until it is almost too late. In fact, stress has been linked to so many common diseases that it likely accounts for more than half of the nation’s health care related expenses.

One of the best ways to reduce your stress is learning to appreciate the value of staying relaxed and practicing several different stress relief techniques—some more unconventional than others—that will help you unwind every day.


Cartoon with check mark

  • completely disconnect (even just for a little while)
  • breathe with the waves
  • eat healthy
  • dress casual
  • listen to your body

Cartoon with x mark

  • be negative
  • bring work home
  • be serious all the time
  • be quiet
  • lose your support system

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do completely disconnect (even just for a little while)

Step away from the Internet and turn off your cell phone for at least an hour each day. Consider removing work email notifications from your phone, too. Or, if you would rather start with baby steps, simply put your phone on vibrate and only look at it if it goes off repeatedly. You should be out enjoying life, not occupying yourself in your technology!

Do breathe with the waves

Live near the beach? If so, try timing your breaths with the rhythm of the waves. If you don’t live near a coast line, all you need is an audio clip of waves. Close your eyes and don’t think about anything else, besides the sound, for at least five minutes – you’ll be surprised how calm you feel afterwards.

Do eat healthy

Doing a cleanse or fasting from certain types of foods can help you feel better and healthier, but there’s another type of eating that helps you feel better, too: eating your comfort foods (in moderation). Whether it’s chocolate, French fries or an ice cream cone, occasionally indulging in what you enjoy is not a crime. One great comfort food is blueberries – they obviously have great health benefits, but you will also feel relaxed while munching them!

Do dress casual

According to a recent study conducted by Alexander Babbage, what people wear to work has a direct correlation on stress levels. The study found that while stress in the workplace overall is high (71 percent reported moderate to high stress levels), those who dress casually or have no dress code are more likely to report lower stress levels. 36 percent of the respondents describe their stress level as lower on “casual days” at the office. If your workplace has casual days, be sure to take advantage.

Do listen to your body

You should never be too busy to listen to your body; you only get one. Don’t ignore even the littlest of signs, like shortness of breath or fatigue when they become a regular occurrence or start to seem out of the ordinary. In some extreme cases, you will begin feeling unusually fatigued early each night due to your heart working harder to push oxygen through your body. Take note of these strange instances and share them with your doctor so they can be evaluated.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not be negative

Always be conscious of your internal conversations. It’s important to stay positive and avoid self-defeating thoughts, such as, “I’m just not good at this” or “It’s not even worth trying.” Negative thoughts will affect your self-esteem, which in turn, affects your overall outlook on life and your relationships with others.

Do not bring work home

While sometimes it’s necessary to work overtime at your job and bring your work home afterwards, it should never become an everyday occurrence. If you absolutely must, choose a cutoff point and stick to it.

Do not be serious all the time

Laughing out loud is proven to reduce stress. According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter increases the endorphins that are released by your brain, stimulates circulation and helps lessen depression and anxiety. It turns out that laughter really is the best medicine for stress management.

Do not be quiet

According to a study in the Psychology of Music journal, singing has both physical and psychological benefits and it decreases anxiety levels. Try singing upbeat songs aloud in your car and the shower. Or, belt out your favorite tune with a few of your friends.

Do not lose your support system

Studies show that the happiest, least-stressed people are those with a support network of friends and family. Don’t ever get so caught up in your work that you alienate the most important people in your lives. Remember, nobody ever thinks on their deathbed that they wished they worked more and spent less time with friends and family. It’s always the opposite.


Life is not a race, so why rush? Slow down and your stress levels will drop significantly.

Many people get so caught up in the stresses of everyday life that they accept that there is nothing they can do to change it – but this is just not true. A certain degree of stress is sometimes inevitable, but you don’t need to let it take over your life. Time is of the essence – prioritize and make time for yourself and the people that matter most to you. Doing this and finding one small thing that helps you de-stress will go a long way.

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