Triumph Over the False King: 2023 Guide for Defeating Old King Allant in Demon‘s Souls Remake

" demons souls false king old king allant guide/" recently requested some help with conquering the formidable final boss of Demon‘s Souls on PS5. Well, new hoonters, I‘m here to offer the latest and greatest tips for this soul-devouring monarch based on new knowledge from version 1.08 and extensive battles on my own NG+4 run!

For those seeking the Throne of Boletaria, the False King Allant stands in your way, corrupted by demonic souls yet still obscenely powerful. Having tested my mettle against him across several journeys, I‘ve suffered devastating grabs and 1-hit KO dive bombs to finally discern the patterns that expose this relentless foe.

Equipped with a lightning Zweihander and Grass Crescent shield, I Eventually emerged victorious, but the road here was long. Hopefully my hard-won knowledge makes your own confrontation smoother, good hunter!

Peering Into the Abyss

Before covering battle specifics, let‘s peel back the layers on this vengeful king. As the once-revered ruler of Boletaria, Allant‘s insatiable lust for power led him to awaken the Old One and unleash soul-hungry demons across the land. The demonic shadows then possessed his weakened soul, morphing the human figure of Allant into a towering beast overflowing with souls devoured from his victims and impervious to mortal blows.

Key Attack Patterns and Openings

Having clashed with False King Allant extensively since launch, here are the essential attack patterns and recommendations for punishing openings:

5-Hit Combo

  • Dodges backward between horizontal slashes are safest
  • After final overhead smash he‘s vulnerable for 2-3 hits
  • Watch your stamina, his strikes are relentless!

Charging Dive Bomb

  • Glowing rune on floor means massive AOE dive incoming
  • Either sprint away or interrupt charge with 1-2 hits
  • Lingering explosions have huge radius – keep sprinting!

Soul Siphon Grab

  • Glowing hand precedes his lethal grab
  • Dodge early into the grab before he can connect
  • Miss it and lose a soul level – fight is now uphill!

AOE Explosion

  • Raises left hand to telegraph blast
  • Hide behind pillars to avoid damage completely
  • Once explosions end, sprint in for 1-2 quick hits

New Delayed Combo – v1.08

  • Allant may now hold his sword high briefly before attacking
  • Remain patient if he pauses, then dodge as usual

Now let‘s cover more advanced strategies and gear to dethrone this false monarch!

Gearing Up for Battle

Having the right equipment dramatically evens the odds. Here are my top recommendations:

Kris Blade +5

  • Boosts magic damage significantly
  • Critical hits deal 30% more damage
  • Farm colorless demon souls from Primeval Demons

Ring of Magical Sharpness

  • Further improve magic and elemental attacks
  • Found in 1-1 near the undead drake

Monk‘s Head Wrappings

  • Better magic damage scaling from stats
  • Dropped by Renowned Warrior at 4-2

Hardedge +5 / Kilij +5

  • Excellent base damage and movesets
  • Standard / DEX-focused weapon paths

Solo Melee Strategies

Now for the true test – steel against steel! Here are tips I‘ve found most effective in 1-on-1 engagements:

Sieze Counterattack Windows

The crux is learning exactly when you can safely strike. Key examples:

  • After his 5th slash, dash in for 2-3 fast hits before he retaliates
  • The moment his charging dive crashes down – sprint in and attack twice
  • When he finishes certain slower attacks like the explosion

Bait the Dive Bomb

If you keep distance, you can sometimes manipulate Allant into doing his dive bomb even when not charging up for it initially. This opens up a longer counterattack window.

Equip Cling Ring

Having extra health can mean surviving 1 extra hit from his combos. Small margin but meaningful!

Utilize Resins

Pine / Gold / Charcoal Resins add extra damage to weapons for even more punishing counterattacks.

Have Patience

It‘s easy to get desperate seeing his massive health bar. Remain disciplined in your dodges, don‘t get greedy! Wait for your windows.

Co-op Squad Strategies

Calling upon allies also works very effectively:

Tank and Spank

Have 1 or 2 heavily armored players go in first. They can potentially survive hits or safely block attacks to draw Allant‘s aggression while pure damage dealers wail on him.

Divided Attention

If Allant fixates on a ranged magic user, the opening for a devastating backstab with Kilij or Uchigatana presents itself!

Team Healing

Having a dedicated support healing ally with Blessed Mirdan Hammer or rings makes keeping the tank topped off much easier.

Watch Those Bombs!

His dive bomb has massive radius so the team needs spread out. Communicate target order based on who has aggro.

While summoning help often trivializes bosses, conquering the False King with just your trusty Claymore and wits intact provides the truest triumph! But for any struggling, friends can make the difference.

As you lay out your kingdom-saving battle plans hoonters, may these strategies steer you swiftly to victory! We shall overcome the soul-devouring evil Allant represents, I have faith. Together, we will restore Boletaria!

Now I pass the torch – share your own stories of riveting fights with this false idol below! What tipped the scales of fate in your favor? Let us celebrate and support one another in conquering the game‘s pinnacle test. Onward, brave warriors!

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