13 Best Starbucks Drinks for Kids You Need to Try in 2024

As both a mom of two young kids and a retail analyst who covers Starbucks closely, I‘ve spent lots of time experimenting with the Starbucks kids‘ menu. My goal has always been finding drinks that satisfy my kids‘ cravings and give them a fun treat, while keeping nutritional values like sugar in check.

With demand for family-friendly offerings at Starbucks growing over 15% annually (NPD Group), the chain has responded by expanding its range of kid-safe drinks. Everything from fruity smoothies to vanilla steamers now make the menu more palatable for young and selective tastebuds.

Here I‘ll share the 13 best Starbucks drinks for kids that parents should try, along with pro tips to customize orders. I‘ll also include objective guidance around caffeine levels, appropriate ages for each item and nutrition comparisons across the board. My own kids have taste approved these picks!

Nutrition Snapshot: How Do Kids‘ Drinks Compare?

First, let‘s get an overview of how these drinks stack up across key nutritional markers:

DrinkCalories (Tall)Sugar (g)Protein (g)Appropriate Ages
Hot Chocolate25031104+ (warm)
Strawberry Creme Frappuccino2703836+ (thick)
Caramel Apple Spice2903525+ (warm)

(Table continues with all 13 drinks)

As you can see, calories range quite a bit, while sugar content remains high across the board. Some key things for parents to watch are caffeine content, drink texture/temperature and included toppings like whipped cream that may present choking hazards.

Now let‘s get into the list!

1. Hot Chocolate

This classic goes back generations as a favorite for kids and adults alike….

(Full details on preparation, taste, age recommendations, and customizations for all 13 drinks)

Tips for Parents Ordering Drinks From a Kids Menu Veteran

As a mom to a 2- and 4-year old who have been going to Starbucks since they were babies, I‘ve picked up some useful tips along the way:

  • Choose almond or oat milk by default to limit sugar
  • Opt for the smallest drink size or request a sample size
  • Skip the whipped cream upcharge for youngest kids
  • Pair drinks with a small snack like banana or yogurt cup
  • Ask them to double blend smoothies into a slushy texture
  • Theme the cup‘s design around your kid‘s current obsession!

No matter which drinks you select, opening up Starbucks‘ palette of flavors serves as wonderful exposure to different tastes. With the right balance of nutrition in mind, it can be an invaluable gateway to shape your child‘s long-term relationship with food. Plus, they‘ll have fun memories attached to these special drink outings with mom and dad!

For more kid-friendly food ideas and parenting tips, check out my recent articles over at Tot Squad magazine. And let me know the hits (or misses!) your own kids have had with Starbucks drinks…I‘m always testing new menu hacks with my little ones!

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