Amazon Inclement Weather Policy in 2024: Your Full Guide

As an ecommerce leader, Amazon‘s policies around facility closures and weather-related absences impact thousands of employees. This definitive guide examines Amazon‘s current inclement weather policy and provides expert insights for employees.

Facility Closures During Severe Weather

While Amazon received criticism in the past for keeping facilities open in dangerous conditions, they have improved facility closure practices since 2021.

  • According to Amazon, they now proactively close facilities when weather poses a high safety risk.
  • Local management utilizes weather alerts, road condition monitoring, and other data to make informed closure decisions.
  • For example, Amazon preemptively closed over 100 facilities during the 2022 Hurricane Ian, preventing 4,000 employees from traveling through hazardous conditions.

However, facilities don‘t always close during severe weather:

  • In 2021, an Edwardsville, IL fulfillment center stayed open during an active tornado warning. A tornado devastated the facility, resulting in 6 deaths.
  • During Hurricane Ida in 2021, a New York Amazon facility remained open, resulting in flooded roads that trapped night shift employees.

While Amazon has enhanced policies, localized weather can still impact facility safety. Employees should stay updated on local weather alerts and utilize absence options if conditions seem dangerous.

Employee Absences Due to Inclement Weather

Amazon‘s policy accounts for circumstances where facilities remain open but travel is unsafe for individual employees. Here are the key protocols employees should follow:

  • Contact HR to report your weather-related absence. Inform them you cannot safely travel to the facility.
  • Request UPT or PTO to account for the missed shift. UPT will be refunded but PTO will not.
  • Save documentation like weather reports and call-in confirmation numbers.

Amazon states employees will not face retaliation for weather-related absences, but some supervisors allegedly threaten job termination if employees don‘t show up. Having thorough documentation protects employees if questioned later.

Here is a summary of the absence options:

Time Off OptionPaid or Unpaid?Refunded Later?

UPT is ideal for weather absences since hours won‘t be permanently deducted. PTO allows employees to avoid missing a day‘s wages but hours aren‘t refunded.

State Laws and Termination Risks

Amazon asserts that employees will not be terminated for missing shifts due to hazardous weather conditions. However, state laws related to absence penalties vary:

  • In at-will employment states like Arkansas, employees can potentially be fired for any reason, including weather absences.
  • Other states protect employees from termination if reasonable precautions are taken, like properly notifying the employer.

To reduce termination risks:

  • Review local labor regulations around weather-related absences.
  • Fully document absence requests and save HR call-in confirmation numbers.
  • Note any retaliatory threats from supervisors. Termination in these cases may violate labor laws.

While Amazon has a formal inclement weather policy, implementation inconsistencies still put employees at potential risk in some areas. Following proper protocols helps safeguard your job during weather emergencies.

Is Working During Severe Weather Safe?

While closure policies have improved, Amazon employees may still be pressured to report to work during dangerous conditions if facilities remain open. According to employees, fulfillment centers have:

  • Lost power and lacked adequate emergency shelters during strong storms.
  • Remained open during tornado warnings, hurricanes, and flooding situations.

Employees are advised to independently assess local weather hazards before coming to work and utilize absence options whenever personal safety could be at risk.

Amazon has demonstrated an ability to close facilities proactively when conditions warrant it. However, localized weather emergencies can still create unsafe work environments if closures don‘t occur.


Amazon‘s inclement weather policy gives employees options for staying safe in severe weather – especially UPT with its refunded time. However, inconsistencies in closure decisions and potential supervisor retaliation are still concerns to be aware of.

By understanding Amazon’s policy details, legal protections in your state, and utilizing absence protocols, employees can prioritize safety while reducing job risks during hazardous weather events in 2024.

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