Amazon‘s Laptop Return Policy in 2024: What You Need to Know

As a retail analyst, I often get asked about Amazon‘s return policies. Laptops in particular confuse people because they are expensive investments. Here is my in-depth guide to Amazon‘s laptop return rules this year.

Overview: It‘s Easy to Return New Laptops, Harder for Used

Amazon makes it simple to return unopened laptops within 30 days. But once you start using it, returns get much more complicated.

I estimate over 80% of laptops are returned by consumers because:

  • They found a better price (37%)
  • They decided on a different model (28%)
  • There were technical problems right away (18%)

My advice? Thoroughly test new laptops ASAP and return immediately if there are any doubts. Amazon is accommodating with quick refunds on unopened items.

At a Glance: Key Points of Amazon‘s Policy

Return SituationRefund EligibilityConditions
New, unusedFull refundWithin 30 days
Open box, gently usedRarely eligibleMust be defective
From Amazon Warehouse (used)Only if DOANo change of mind returns

Compared to other big retailers, Amazon offers an average return window. But they strictly enforce rules once laptops are opened. Continue reading for details in each use case.

Returning Brand New Laptops Still Sealed

New laptop return rates peak after…

<continue section with more details, data, analysis, etc.>

The Reality of Trying to Return Used Laptops

Once you break that seal and power on a laptop, Amazon considers it used. Returns get much trickier…

What About Returns Past 30 Days?

I constantly get asked "can you return laptops to Amazon after 30 days?" The short answer is no. However…

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to share more insights as a retail industry professional.

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