Are All Dinosaurs in Path of Titans Free? A 2023 Guide

No, not all dinosaurs are free in Path of Titans. Out of the current 34 playable dinosaurs, only 4 are available for free. The rest require purchasing the game and additional packs.

Free Starter Pack Dinosaurs

Path of Titans offers a rotating free Starter Pack with 4 dinosaurs that can be played unlimitedly:

  • Dryosaurus
  • Hypsilophodon
  • Maiasaura
  • Psittacosaurus

This free version allows you to test the waters before deciding to buy-in. These 4 dinosaurs offer a basic gameplay experience to understand the mechanics.

Number of Playable Dinosaurs

As of January 2023, there are 34 playable dinosaurs available in Path of Titans (30 land dinos, 4 flyers).

The standard edition unlocks over 20 dinosaurs, while purchasing special edition founder‘s packs grants you access to exclusive species on top.

This visual shows the number of free vs paid dinosaurs currently:

Land Dinosaurs426
Flying Dinosaurs04
Total Dinosaurs430

So only 11.8% of the playable dinosaurs roster is free, rest are paid.

Unlocking Dinosaurs via Progression

Aside from purchasing, you can unlock new dinosaurs via natural progression systems like questing.

Actively playing earns you points to unlock species. Higher tier/rarer dinosaurs cost more points to unlock.

On average, investing 50-100 hours allows you to unlock ~50% of all species for free.

Ongoing Content and New Dinosaurs

The Path of Titans developers Alderon Games have outlined plans to add 5-10 new dinosaurs annually.

2022 saw additions like Tyrannosaurus, Pycnonemosaurus, Amargasaurus etc. 2023 plans are already underway.

So the roster will continue expanding over time for both free and paid players!

Should You Play Free or Paid?

The free Starter Pack lets you experience core mechanics, but is quite limiting.

I‘d recommend playing 10 hours with the free dinosaurs to see if you enjoy the gameplay before purchasing. Unlocking all 30+ dinos makes for diverse gameplay.

Hope this guide gives you a detailed view into what‘s available free vs paid! Let me know in comments if you have any other questions.

Data sourced from Alderon Games forums and Path of Titans public roadmap. Opinions my own as a dinosaur gaming enthusiast.

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