Are All the Elder Scrolls Games Connected?

In short – absolutely. While each entry in the Elder Scrolls main series can technically stand alone, references scattered throughout the games confirm every title exists within a shared universe and connecting timeline.

As a longtime fan who has played and studiedTES lore extensively, I can confirm these subtle story links are critical in bringing Tamriel to life as a cohesive fantasy world across eras.

Below I‘ve outlined exactly how the ES games fit together, along with some of my theories on where the story could head next. Let‘s dive in!

Demystifying Tamriel‘s Timeline

Every Elder Scrolls title falls into a clearly defined era:

EraDurationGames Set Within Era
Second Era~3,000 years* Elder Scrolls Online (2E 582)
Third Era~430 years Arena (3E 399)
Daggerfall (3E 405)
Morrowind (3E 427)
Oblivion (3E 433)
Fourth Era~200+ years and counting* Skyrim (4E 201)

Given the full epoch of Tamrielic history spans eras dating back tens of thousands of years, a few centuries between each mainline game is no more than a blip.

But for mortal races, much can happen in a few generations of time. So when recurring factions like the Fighters Guild or locations such as Red Mountain appear in multiple games, the world feels lived-in and changes occur logically even as the story advances chronologically.

Critical Story Connections Between Games

While certainly enjoyable as standalones, paying close attention to references across ES titles gives further insight connecting the broader plots across Tamriel such as:

Oblivion‘s Ending Sets up Skyrim‘s Political Landscape

The assassination of Emperor Titus Mede II and dissolution of the Blades in 4E 171 explain the weakening of the Empire that sets up Skyrim‘s civil war scenario.

Morrowind‘s Ministry of Truth References Daggerfall

When Baar Dau crashes into Vivec City in 4E 5, it fulfills the prophecy from Daggerfall around the ancient Dwemer artifact.

God Talos‘ Divine Ascension Referenced from Arena to Skyrim

Talos‘ rise to divine status after Tiber Septim‘s apotheosizing Warp in the West retroactively persists as lore from Arena forward to Skyrim in 4E 201.

As an obsessive lorebeard, I love tracking these details across games separated by hundreds of years in-universe timeline. It rewards long-time fans with clever nostalgia and worldbuilding.

How Might Elder Scrolls 6 Connect the Timeline?

Now you maybe wondering — how might references continue into Elder Scrolls 6? As a mega-fan, I have a few theories:

Thalmor Aggression Will Continue

If set in High Rock or Hammerfell as guessed, showing increasing Thalmor occupation following Skyrim seems plausible.

Other Provinces Referenced by Characters/Books

NPC dialogue or texts referencing Morrowind‘s recovering landscapes from Red Mountain‘s eruption.

God Talos‘ Illegal Talos Worship Ongoing

The White-Gold concordat from Skyrim likely remains given the games are set in close succession.

Either way, you can bet on the return of factions like the Dark Brotherhood, Daedric quests, and hidden lore connections fans will love decoding.

Why Shared Universe Continuity Matters

But why does an interconnected timeline matter in a franchise where each entry stands on its own? As an engaged fan, shared continuity transforms ES from isolated one-offs to a dynamic living history.

Plus, it allows events from a past game starring our custom character to organically shape politics and factions ruling Tamriel centuries later.

Quick item – ES5 Skyrim has sold over 30 million copies as of 2016, indicating strong audience appreciation for interconnected lore. I know I personally can‘t get enough!

So while Elder Scrolls stories function fine in a vacuum, recognizing callbacks and references across games deeply enriches the experience. Tracking this cohesive timeline over 25+ years and anticipating what comes next keeps me endlessly immersed and invested in Tamriel.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully this deep dive emphasizes how the elaborate, interconnected ES timeline binds all its incredible games together into one epic universe.

To me, seeing the consequences of heroes and villains reappear generations later brings so much added dimension without needing to sacrifice the independent stories fans know and love.

As a member of 100+ hour Elder Scrolls addiction club, I‘m thrilled each new title builds on previously references lore to reward devoted fans like myself!

What are your thoughts on Elder Scrolls‘ interconnected worlds? Are you looking forward to seeing Tamriel‘s fate continue to unfold as a living history? Let me know!

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