Are All the Resident Evil Games Connected?

The short answer – yes, for the most part. While a few one-off spinoffs and side stories occupy their own bizarre spaces in the Resident Evil multiverse, the mainline series, numbered 0-8 so far, shares a common chronology and storyline.

As a horror aficionado constantly scouring for my next adrenaline fix, I‘ve played through Capcom‘s survival-action beast more times than I can count. And I‘m here to shine a flashlight through RE‘s murkiest corridors of canon confusion!

History of Horror

Since bursting onto the scene in 1996 and popularizing the nascent "survival horror" genre, Resident Evil has amassed over 120 million sales across 30+ games and counting. [1] What began from humble roots as a creepy Spencer Mansion thriller evolved into a globe-trotting action soap opera by the mid-2000‘s. And yet, a central ethos of problem-solving, ammo conservation, mutant blasting and conspiracy unraveling carries throughout (with some third-person shooting pit stops along the way!)

Early titles established recurring bioweapon run-ins, special forces shootouts, and sinister corporations long before complex continuity was a concern. But around the time lead duo Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were roundhouse kicking boulders in RE5, producers decided to groom a replacement hero in fan favorite Leon Kennedy – extending storylines started in RE2 and RE4. What followed was a cascading spiderweb of prequels, side projects, remakes and retcons seeking to capitalize on franchise fever – for better and worse.

Making Sense of The Madness

Look, I‘ll admit – the RE timeline is a hot mess. Just browsing the internet sees debates raging on the canonicity of this animated film or that multiplayer diversion. So let me break things down…

Click to expand table
Release OrderChronological Order
Resident Evil (RE)Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 2 (RE2)Resident Evil
Resident Evil 3 (RE3)RE2 (1st half)
Resident Evil SurvivorRE3 (1st half)
Resident Evil Code: VeronicaRE2 (2nd half)
Resident Evil 4 (RE4)RE3 (2nd half)
Resident Evil: RevelationsCode: Veronica

While I could spill ink for ages on contemplating canonicity, here‘s the mainline essentials:

RE0-CVX: Est. storyline/world, introduce Wesker
RE4-6: Spotlight Leon, more Hollywood action
Revelations 1/2: Fill narrative gaps
RE7: Partial reboot, some connections
RE8: Direct RE7 sequel

Most other offerings I view as enjoyable side escapades at best, utter nonsense at worst (looking at you, Operation Raccoon City!)

Jumping In – Where to Start?

As someone who‘s been playing since these things were labeled Biohazard abroad, I often get asked by greenhorns: "Dude, I wanna start Resident Evil! Where should I?"

To which I reply: it depends! RE runs the gamut from nail-biting horror to explosions galore across generations. No need to force yourself on crusty PS1-era visuals if third-person action is your bag or vice-versa.

Recommended Entry Points

TypeGame PickDescription
Classic SurvivalRE1 Remake2002 rebuild – gorgeous HD reimagining of 1996 original
Retro ActionRE4Peak Hollywood cheese; oft called one of the greats
Modern HorrorRE7First-person 2017 revival; awards galore
Safe RemakeRE2 RemakeFaithful 2019 update of PS classic; universally acclaimed

Or if story continuity matters above else, just bite down and start from Zero working upwards. Buckle up for bumpy 90‘s graphics though!

Conclusion: Toeach His Own Evil

Maybe it‘s my S.T.A.R.S. tattoo speaking, but in my mind, Resident Evil stands among gaming‘s best for chaotic B-movie thrills no matter where your entry point.

Does canon get convoluted across decades? Hell yes. Should that stop new fans from enjoying masterful remakes like RE2 or genre-defining originals like RE4? Not one bit.

While numbered chapters undoubtedly share DNA via characters and chronology, each provides memorable scares that stand alone. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I hear Nemesis stomping around again for our 30th playthrough together…


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