Are All Yakuza Games Connected?

No, not every Yakuza game features direct story connections to the others in the series. While some titles have recurring characters or lightly reference events in previous releases, each Yakuza game essentially stands on its own in terms of core narrative. You can jump into any entry as a newcomer and enjoy it as its own engaging chapter set in the captivating world of the Yakuza.

A Sprawling, Character-Driven Saga

As a passionate Yakuza gamer and content creator, I‘ve been enthralled by this epic, decades-spanning Japanese crime drama ever since first visiting the neon-bathed streets of fictional Kamurocho City.

The Yakuza series (known in Japan as Ryƫ ga Gotoku or "Like a Dragon") charts the turbulent lives of various anti-hero protagonists with ties to the criminal underworld. While featuring plenty of over-the-top action and humor, the heart of these games lies in the human relationships between its multilayered characters.

Sega‘s franchise masterfully balances an interconnected web of hardboiled gangster storylines with deep RPG elements, mini-games galore, and absorbing explorable urban environments.

Distinct Story Arcs

While recurring figures from the Japanese mob organization Tojo Clan connect the dots between some releases, the Yakuza games primarily divide into distinct narrative arcs centered on different principal characters:

  • Kazuma Kiryu Arc (Yakuza 0-Yakuza 6) – Makes up the "Kiryu Saga" focusing on renowned series‘ icon Kazuma Kiryu, aka the "Dragon of Dojima". Covers his ascension in the Tojo Clan through the decades into the 2010s. These titles have direct chronological continuity.
  • Judgment Arc – A spin-off duo dealing with detective Takayuki Yagami‘s investigations in Kamurocho. Features all original characters with no narrative ties to mainline Yakuza entries.
  • Ichiban Kasuga Arc (Yakuza: Like a Dragon) – Shifts focus to new hero Ichiban Kasuga, a low-level yakuza thug. Set in present day after the events of Yakuza 6 with some extremely minor returning character cameos.

There are also additional side story spin-off titles like zombie-themed Yakuza: Dead Souls and the Fist of the North Star crossover that have no plot relevance to other games.

Direct Connections Between Titles

As shown above, while certain entries interlink by centered on Kazuma Kiryu and his lengthy personal mission, the Judgment, Ichiban, and peripheral Yakuza games stand alone plot-wise.

Installments in the dominating Kiryu arc share direct narrative continuity, with Yakuza 0-5 following Kazuma‘s ascent within the Tojo Clan criminal syndicate through decades of dangerous political turmoil until he ultimately leaves the yakuza world behind. These story beats, characters, and relationships directly carry over between releases.

Meanwhile, detective drama spin-offs Judgment and Lost Judgment take place in the familiar red-light district of Kamurocho with passing references to the events and figures of earlier Yakuza chapters. However they feature an entirely original ensemble and self-contained mystery plotlines.

Lastly, eagerly anticipated sequel Yakuza 8 will pick back up with new fan favorite lead Ichiban Kasuga on his own personal quests unrelated to Kiryu‘s completed journey.

Yakuza Series Timeline

While not every Yakuza game links to others plot-wise, the following visual timeline maps out the sequential order of major releases:

Release YearGame TitleStory Year
2006Yakuza 22006
2007Yakuza: Dead Souls2011
2008Yakuza 32009
2012Yakuza: Dead Souls1986
Yakuza 52012
2015Yakuza 01988
2016Yakuza 62016
2020Yakuza: Like a Dragon2019
2021Lost Judgment2021

* Remastered/remake versions of games 1-5 also released years later

You can observe from these dates which entries directly follow previous timeline-wise versus those that stand alone.

To Play in Order or Not?

So while not every Yakuza game links together narratively, should you still play them in release order for maximum enjoyment? General consensus agrees chronological order provides the richest experience – but don‘t sweat it if you‘d rather just dive into the most appealing title!

Reasons to Play in Order

  • Continuity in overarching plots and character development
  • Understanding all references/cameos to past games
  • Seeing how engine, graphics, gameplay evolves
  • Fan service moments
  • Unlocking bonus content in some titles

Reasons Order Doesn‘t Matter

  • Every game recap exposition from past entries
  • Focus is on each title‘s self-contained story
  • Little continuity with spin-offs like Judgment
  • Skipping ahead avoids potential franchise burnout
  • Options enable players to cherry-pick entries of interest

My recommendation? For new players, try starting with brawler origin story Yakuza 0 or turn-based latest chapter Yakuza: Like a Dragon, then go back to play in order if invested! However every game stands alone narratively, so don‘t be afraid to jump ahead to others that grab your interest down the line rather than forcing yourself to play 15+ lengthy games chronologically.

Tips for Getting Into the Yakuza Series

For newcomers overwhelmed by this expansive crime saga, here is my best advice for getting into the Yakuza games based on my years of experience:

  • Start with Yakuza 0 – This epic 1980s-set prequel balances great gameplay, self-contained story, and perfect series introduction. Its massive critical and commercial success even led Sega to remaster past franchise titles for modern consoles!
  • Try Yakuza: Like A Dragon – Features an all new protagonist and turn-based combat system for an easily accessible modern entry point backed by strong reviews.
  • Prepared for soap opera-esque stories! – The intricate, melodramatic plots and complex characters relationships can seem overwrought to some but will suck you in like a great binge-worthy TV drama.
  • Don‘t worry about remembering every detail – Games do a good job recapping relevant past events and explaining who‘s who, even if starting midway through the series.
  • Soak in the vibrant, detailed worldbuilding – One of Yakuza‘s greatest strengths is letting players immerse themselves in entertaining mini-games, side activities, and rewards for exploration beyond each title‘s dramatic core narrative. Take it slow by straying off the main path!
  • Try additional spin-offs – The wackier budget releases like zombie apocalypse prequel Dead Souls or Fist of the North Star team up provide enjoyable, self-contained alternatives to the heavy crime drama plots.

The Yakuza saga has earned its reputation as one of gaming’s most beloved yet underappreciated franchises. As someone who came late to the series myself, I highly recommend new fans jump in to explore these enthralling, emotional, humorous and rewarding titles!

Let me know in comments if you have any other Yakuza questions! I‘m here to provide guidance for new players on this legendary video game crime drama franchise.

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