Are all Zombie maps Free Cold War?

You bet your Pack-a-Punched Thundergun they are! As a long-time zombie slayer since the early World at War days, I‘ve slashes my way through every Aether story map in Black Ops 4. And I can confirm from Treyarch themselves that ALL additional Zombies maps and modes released for Black Ops Cold War will be 100% free. No Season Pass needed.

This revelation came in the official announcement leading up to Cold War‘s launch at Gamescom 2020. While publishers greedily dissected past games into paid DLC packs, Activision is changing course to keep fans united and engaged over time. And as a loyal community member logging countless undead hours since Kino Der Toten dropped jaws in 2010, free Zombie content makes me want to yell "Fetch me their souls!!!"

What‘s Included at Cold War Launch – Packed to the Gills!

Treyarch gifted fans with a solid set of features at release for that classic dopamine drip of blowing off zombie limbs:

  • Maps: Die Maschine + Limited Time Cranked Mode
  • Weapons: Over 30 guns with rarity tiers
  • Enemies: Normal zombies + Special Tempest + Hellhounds + Mini-Boss Zombie + More!
  • New Elements: Opt-in Exfil, Weapon Rarity, Armor Plating, Support + Field Upgrades!

It stacks up nicely versus Black Ops 4‘s anemic launch offerings as you can see:

Black Ops 4 (Launch)Black Ops Cold War (Launch)
Round-Based Maps1 (IX)1 (Die Maschine) + Limited Time Mode
Enemies4 Types7+ Types

Beyond the numbers, the way Cold War intertwines with Warzone also gives our favorite mode legs for the long run!

Why Free Maps = Happy Slayers Club

Let me throw on my tinfoil hat for a hot sec here folks. Adjusts hat Ahh perfecto!

As someone with 31 days 23 hours played in Zombies, I‘ve noticed a trend. Takes puff of cigar

  • Black Ops 3? 1 million Zombie fans buying map packs
  • Black Ops 4? 500,000 fans buying map packs
  • Cold War? 10 million players as free integrated experience!

You see it? With free maps drawing in Warzone numbers, if even a fraction buy SBMM-crushing blueprints, sexy finishing moves, or badass operator skins… ka-ching baby! That free content drives "voluntary" purchases from whales over time.

If I lost you there I feel you – numbers can glaze things over quicker than a tempested brain.

Simply put, free maps = more players = more chances to show off cool stuff = more money made. Now that‘s some "Elemental Pop" logic! Rimshot

So we keep our DLC, unite more zombie hunters, and Activision‘s wallet grows 3 sizes like the Grinch‘s heart. Everyone wins!

Which brings me to what tastiness awaits us in 2024…

The Future Brain-Munching Roadmap

If you‘re craving more Cold War content like I am, insider leaks reveal one more round-based Zombies map releasing later this year before Treyarch fully moves on from Cold War development. Additionally, limited time holiday events will keep rewarding grinders like us with fresh challenges and exclusive rewards.

And if you thought Warzone was done expanding think again! Rumors of a long-anticipated Zombies Royale mode new point of interest on Caldera are heating up. And who knows – maybe Weaver provides intel tying the Dark Aether outbreak to some Warzone nuclear secrets? Wink

The hype train is already leaving the station for leaks surrounding Treyarch‘s rumored 2023 project. If the rumors hold weight, could we see Victis or Primis return to link Cold War‘s Dark Aether story back to the Aether universe? As Eddie would say – only time will tell!

Stay locked and loaded friends – it‘s only the beginning of this free Zombies ride. We have years of undead chaos ahead! Now who‘s down to rack up critical kills on the next Forsaken Easter Egg hunt? Honey badger‘s got an itchy trigger finger over here! Letsss goooo!!!

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