Are any Darkest Dungeon DLCs worth it in 2024?

As a passionate Darkest Dungeon player with over 300 hours invested across multiple playthroughs, I get asked this question a lot by newcomers to the franchise – are the DLCs really worth picking up?

With four major paid DLC packs available, it can get confusing. That‘s why I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide analyzing exactly what you get with each add-on, so you can decide whether they are worthwhile purchases for you in 2024.

The Crimson Court DLC – A Bloody Masterpiece

Easily the most expansive Darkest Dungeon DLC, The Crimson Court adds an entire mini-campaign and endgame content onto the base game.

You gain access to The Courtyard – a sprawling new Gothic dungeon area with its own unique quests, bosses and set encounters. It is extremely deadly, acting as an endgame challenge for highly upgraded heroes.

What does The Crimson Court Add?

  • A new playable hero class – The Flagellant. A fanatic who inflicts pain on himself to support the team. Very unique mechanics!
  • 5 intimidating new Bosses – The Countess, Viscount, Baron, Count, and Fanatic
  • Hundreds of new enemies and game mechanics via The Courtyard quests
  • The Crimson Curse affliction that can cause heroes to turn into vampires!
  • Trinkets, districts, town events, fresh narrative content, and more

With a 92% positive rating out of 15,000+ Steam reviews, it‘s clear The Crimson Court is a hit with Darkest Dungeon veterans. It stays true to the core game while providing a meaty new challenge.

I‘ve sunk over 75 hours into Courtyard quests across various campaigns. It breathes exciting new life into the late game, with unique rewards to earn. The Gothic theming is perfectly executed – it feels like a mini Bloodborne expansion!

Additional Playtime: +20+ hours

Should You Enable it on Your First Playthrough?

The Crimson Court makes the game considerably harder via the vampire curse mechanic. I‘d recommend leaving it disabled for your very first campaign while learning. Once you have a solid grasp and upgraded roster, enable it to take on the Courtyard!

Verdict: This is the most essential DD DLC for storyline content and gameplay longevity. A must-buy for serious fans!

Shieldbreaker DLC – A Unique New Hero

The Shieldbreaker DLC adds just one new hero class, but she is incredibly well designed with some of the most creative mechanics in the game.

What Does The Shieldbreaker Add?

  • New Hero Class – The Shieldbreaker. She wields a spear and shield with dancing strikes.
  • Unique campaign mechanic where she relieves nightmares from her past. Provides backstory!
  • New gameplay elements like guard piercing, armor stripping, and more. Very versatile skillset.

The Shieldbreaker is the ONLY Darkest Dungeon class capable of attacking ALL enemy ranks from any position. This opens up very cool team combinations and strategies.

Her nighttime event quests provide awesome lore companion content. I loved slowly learning about this mysterious new hero across my playthroughs.

With a 95% positive Steam rating, it‘s clear the Shieldbreaker‘s complex mechanics and campaign integration are a major hit. She never feels gimmicky or out of place.

Additional Playtime: +5 hours

Verdict: The Shieldbreaker is my personal favorite DLC addition. Her versatile skills open up new strategies, and the lore quests provide cool backstory. 100% recommended!

Color of Madness DLC – An Intense Endless Mode

The Color of Madness DLC adds an entirely new endless dungeon mode called The Farmstead. It has a unique progression system and grows constantly harder.

What Does The Farmstead Add?

  • An endlessly replayable new area – The Farmstead
  • Tough new enemies like scarecrows, chickens, yardbirds etc
  • New weapons, trinkets, and progression mechanics
  • Special mini-bosses on higher difficulties (100+ runs)
  • New narrative event explaining this mysterious meteor crash

The Farmstead provides virtually endless gameplay, as you push to beat your highest win streak. It never plays the same way twice, with random item drops and layouts. Unlocking legendary Color of Madness trinkets requires REAL dedication but feels extremely rewarding.

It doesn‘t expand the core storyline, but provides a fun replayable challenge for endgame players. The theming is lighthearted and works well as a break from the darker main campaign.

Additional Playtime: +15+ hours

With an 89% positive Steam rating, it‘s clear the Farmstead hits the mark as an intense optional game mode for seasoned players.

Verdict: While skippable for super casual fans, The Farmstead’s roguelike progression and special trinket unlocks offer TONS of replay value. Perfect for players wanting more flexibility and challenge after finishing the main storyline.

Musketeer DLC – An Alternate Take on The Arbalest

By far the most minor Darkest Dungeon DLC, The Musketeer essentially adds an alternate fourth skin for the existing Arbalest class. I wouldn‘t pay more than $1 for it.

What does The Musketeer Add?

  • Fresh Musketeer skins and barks for the Arbalest class
  • A new backstory explaining her past military service

The skins allow you to make your Arbalest squad feel more coherent as a battlefield platoon. But otherwise, it‘s rather light on actual content or gameplay changes.

Additional Playtime: +0 hours

With just a 64% positive rating, it‘s the only Darkest Dungeon DLC with a mixed response. At $4.99 USD it feels overpriced unless you REALLY want reskins.

Verdict: As a super cheap add-on The Musketeer pack is harmless for Arbalest fans wanting cohesion or flavor. But don’t buy this DLC alone – it adds almost nothing substantial on its own.

Are the Darkest Dungeon DLCs Worth It? Final Verdict

Based on the in-depth analysis above, below is my tier ranking for which Darkest Dungeon DLCs are most essential through to skippable:

S Tier – 100% Essential

  • The Crimson Court

A Tier – Highly Recommended

  • The Shieldbreaker

B Tier – Great for Hardcore Fans

  • The Color of Madness

C Tier – Non-essential

  • The Musketeer

For new players on a budget I would grab The Crimson Court and Shieldbreaker straight away. They offer the most compelling content and bang-for-buck to expand your initial playthroughs.

Meanwhile The Color of Madness is perfect for players who have already sunk 50+ hours into multiple completed campaigns. It won‘t add much for casual fans.

As for The Musketeer – it’s really only worth buying if you already own the other DLCs and want to go all-in on collector extras.

So there you have it – my complete 2023 purchasing guide for the Darkest Dungeon DLC roster. Hopefully that breakdown helps provide insight into what exactly you gain with each add-on! Let me know if have any other questions.

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