Are Any of the Monster Hunter Games Connected?

No, the Monster Hunter games feature standalone stories and are not directly connected in terms of plot or narrative sequencing. While they share common design elements and a connected universe, you can jump into any Monster Hunter game as your first without missing story details.

Overview of Connections

The table below summarizes whether key Monster Hunter games are connected by story, gameplay elements, or platform capabilities:

Game 1Game 2Story Connection?Gameplay Connection?Crossplay/Saves?
Monster Hunter StoriesMonster Hunter Stories 2References only
Monster Hunter WorldMonster Hunter RiseSequel
  • As seen above, most Monster Hunter titles constitute standalone narrative experiences. Gameplay elements like monsters, weapons, and the core hunting loop often carry over, but story progress does not.
  • There is no cross-platform multiplayer or cross-save data transfer across current Monster Hunter games. Each console ecosystem (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch) remains siloed.

Monster Hunter Stories Connection

  • Monster Hunter Stories 2 makes references to the previous game with cameos and small story nods. But there is nothing crucial a new player would miss jumping straight into Stories 2.
  • The Stories spin-offs derive gameplay systems, monsters, and elements from the main series but tell an independent narrative.

Monster Hunter World & Rise Narrative Connection

  • Monster Hunter Rise is considered a narrative follow-up to 2018‘s Monster Hunter World, continuing the tales of the hunter within the same universe.
  • But the actual plotlines remain self-contained and require no story knowledge from previous games. You hunt epic monsters and forge new gear without needing context.

Main Series Order & Newbie Entry Points

The table below outlines the Monster Hunter main series in order of release:

2004 – Monster Hunter (Japan only)
2005 – Monster Hunter Freedom
2006 – Monster Hunter 2 (Japan only)
2007 – Monster Hunter Freedom 2
2007 – Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
2009 – Monster Hunter 3 Tri
2013 – Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
2018 – Monster Hunter World
2021 – Monster Hunter Rise
  • Expert consensus recommends new fans start with 2021‘s Monster Hunter Rise (Nintendo Switch) due to its more accessible learning curve and tutorials.
  • Alternatively, Monster Hunter World (PlayStation, Xbox, PC) offers the most content overall through its Iceborne expansion.

Are Any Monster Hunter Games Connected Story-Wise?

In summary, no – the Monster Hunter series features self-contained storylines and worldbuilding. While entries reference each other and contain multiplayer connectivity, you can jump into any entry as your first Monster Hunter game without narrative confusion. Gameplay depth expands, but plotlines remain standalone.

Some title comparisons:

  • Monster Hunter Stories 1 & 2: Connected by light references only, fully standalone stories
  • Monster Hunter World & Rise: Set as sequels but require no plot knowledge from previous games
  • Main series: Share universe lore and monsters but have independent narratives and introductions tailored for new players

So dive into the engrossing monster hunting gameplay of any Monster Hunter game in the series order you desire! With a central loop focused on gear crafting and epic hunts rather than complex plots, you‘ll find accessible adventures any title you choose.

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