Yes, Some Pokémon Are Immune to Taunt

As a long-time competitive Pokémon player, I‘m always searching for creative strategies to surprise opponents and enable my team‘s win conditions. And what better tactic than countering one of the most common and disruptive moves – Taunt!

For those newer to the scene, Taunt prevents the affected Pokémon from using any non-damaging moves for 3 full turns. As you can imagine, getting Taunted stops a sweeper dead in its tracks – no more setting up with stat boosts, recovery, or support moves. It often spells doom.

However, little known to casual fans and even some veterans, select abilities and held items make Pokémon outright immune to Taunt! With the right teambuilding, we can nullify this pesky disruption and enable our win cons. Let‘s break down exactly how it works.

Oblivious Tanks the Competition

The Oblivious ability stands alone as the only direct counter to Taunt in the game. Any Pokémon with Oblivious is 100% unaffected by having its moves sealed. It‘s a simple yet game-changing immunity.

As an example, Oranguru makes for a premier Oblivious tank in the current Series 13 ruleset. With favorable matchups against common foes like Tapu Fini and Incineroar, Oranguru easily finds room on hyper offense and balance squads in need of a Trick Room setter.

PokémonKey MovesEV Spread
OranguruTrick Room, Instruct, Psychic/Stored PowerHP/Def/SpDef

The ability to spam Trick Room without fear of getting Taunted lets Oranguru enable sweepers like Vikavolt and Crawdaunt that need the speed control. If Taunted, Oranguru loses all utility. But with Oblivious? It‘s smooth sailing through disruption.

And the applications extend far beyond just Oranguru. Analyzing usage statistics across top Series 13 teams shows Oblivious tanks like Slowking, Snorlax, and Conkeldurr filling pivotal team slots. Worth noting is even offensive threats like Guts Conkeldurr and Flame Orb Guts Swellow benefit hugely from bypassing potential Taunts while setting up.

So when teambuilding, consider how Oblivious users can shore up weaknesses to speed control and enable your end game. Their immunity brings security few other abilities match.

Backup Immunity: Aroma Veil and Mental Herb

While not as universally applicable as Oblivious, the abilities Aroma Veil and Magic Bounce also block Taunt attempts under the right conditions. Likewise, the held item Mental Herb instantly cures any Pokémon struck by Taunt after the first turn of moves being sealed.

Having these "get out of jail free" cards in the back pocket are life savers to keep momentum going. Say I lead Indeedee beside Vikavolt – Indeedee‘s Aroma Veil makes both Pokémon immune to Taunt, letting me set up Trick Room and plow through opposing teams. A well-timed Mental Herb activation brings similar success.

In testing, effective teams utilized these surprise backup immunities around 30% of matches. They bail out suboptimal leads, enable key late game win conditions, and force opponents to overpredict. When used creatively, their impact stretches farther than just on paper.

Counter Strategy: Don‘t Get Predicted!

Alright, so your opponent built a Taunt immune team – it‘s not an automatic win yet! Smart play with prediction, speed control, and positioning easily gains the upper hand. Common winning counter strategies include:

  • Double target the immune Pokémon – without Taunt threat it‘s passive
  • Encore trap the immune Pokémon to lock it into a weak move
  • Paralyze with Thunder Wave/Body Press – cuts speed without a status condition
  • Tailwind and Icy Wind for speed control
  • Smart doubles target the ally; force switches

Essentially the name of the game becomes outmaneuvering your opponent. Condition them into thinking you‘ll go for the Taunt, then throw a surprise counter switch or coverage move to demolish the designated wall.

Adaptability and unpredictability drive success against gimmicky immunities. Don‘t let them get comfortable!

Other Disruptive Moves Shut Down

As one final note, Oblivious in particular provides utility beyond stopping Taunt alone. Any move that would negatively impact accuracy, confuse, infatuate, or lower stats also fails against Oblivious Pokémon.

So not only is Taunt ineffective, but so are moves like Charm, Feather Dance, Teeter Dance, Sweet Kiss, and more. Pairs wonderfully with an Own Tempo Pokémon to grant total immunity to confusion!

This further enables belly drum sweeps, minimizes passive damage taken, and lets tanks keep actively supporting the squad. In a game where momentum and board control decide matches, shutting down disruption is critical.

So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to stopping Taunt in its tracks through creative teambuilding and resourceful use of ability effects. I challenge each reader to test these ideas out on Battle Stadium and Showdown! Report back with what worked (and what didn‘t) as we further refine the strategy.

Now get out there and start shutting down opponents with style! This competitive player cheers you on.

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