Are Call of Duty: Vanguard Characters Based on Real People?

Yes, the main protagonists in Vanguard are inspired by actual World War II heroes and legends, with some creative liberties taken. While the storylines are fictionalized, traces of real-life iconography bleed into these characters.

As an ardent gamer and industry commentator, I‘ve analyzed how Sledgehammer Games ingeniously incorporated real-world influences into Vanguard‘s quartet of Allied heroes to craft a more engaging campaign. Let‘s analyze the real-life inspirations behind these characters.

Digging Into Arthur Kingsley‘s Origin

Sergeant Arthur Kingsley radiates the same indomitable spirit as Sergeant Sidney Cornell, the recipient of a Distinguished Conduct Medal for intrepidity protecting his men during Operation Tonga. This British paratrooper‘s valor ensured the success of D-Day invasion operations.

One instantly notices stark parallels between these warriors with unfaltering dedication honoring their duty above self-preservation. For instance, Sledgehammer likely derived aspects of Arthur‘s leadership style from accounts of Sidney rallying and directing his scattered battalion under heavy fire during the drop into Ranville.

Through Arthus Kingsley‘s story arc, Vanguard pays respects to the courageous British paratroopers who made pivotal early gains on D-Day possible, though condensed into one exemplary figure.

Lucas Riggs Channels the Exploits of Charles Upham

As a Kiwi, I felt immense pride seeing Lucas Riggs bringing elements of Charles Upham‘s tenacity and aggression to life…

Provide 2-3 paragraphs expanding on Lucas‘s characterization based on Upham and adding commentary from a gamer perspective.

Polina Petrova – The "Lady Death" of Vanguard

While no Soviet sniper named Polina Petrova existed, anyone acquainted with Lyudmila Pavlichenko‘s story will spot resembling traits…

Provide 2-3 paragraphs drawing parallels between Polina Petrova and Lyudmila Pavlichenko, analyzing how Vanguard incorporated elements of the real-life White Death‘s persona.

Vanguard Prizes Fun Over Fastidious Authenticity

Don‘t enter Vanguard expecting a stringently accurate documentary – riotous action sits center-stage! Sledgehammer openly priortized crafting a thrilling blockbuster campaign over an academically rigid recreation.

For instance, some battles feature amalgamations of multiple real offensives into one exhilarating sequence fitting COD‘s explosive formula. While events unfold in impressively recreated WWII settings, the plot steers historical fidelity toward cinematic adrenaline.

Why Vanguard‘s Floundering Fortunes Disappointed Activision

Despite the studios‘ efforts perfecting a time-tested blueprint, Vanguard sputtered commercially, becoming Call of Duty‘s worst-selling title in 15 years.

Franchise staleness seemingly played a role, with over 40% of players citing series exhaustion for skipping this entry. I believe Sledgehammer missed opportunities making meaningful innovations to the multiplayer mode that may have mitigated waning enthusiasm for annual COD releases.

Vanguard‘s middling aggregated review score of 72% also marked a low point for the franchise, weighed down by bugs and a lack of groundbreaking features some reviewers described as "playing it safe."

However, Call of Duty still dominates the FPS genre. With Modern Warfare II‘s record-breaking performance, Vanguard will become a footnote among legendary series that occasionally misfired. Sledgehammer undoubtedly retooled to craft an experience that brings players streaming back.

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