Are Custodes stronger than space marines?

Custodes outclass even the mighty space marines by a huge margin when it comes to the raw stats. A deep dive clearly shows the Emperor‘s golden boys have the Primaris utterly beat across critical metrics like speed, strength and survivability.

Let‘s break it down:

Strength & Toughness

Custodian Guard55
Primaris Marine44

At base strength and toughness 5, the average Custodes already matches space marine captains and beats all flavors of Primaris! With the Sealord trait, some Shield Captains hit disgusting strength 6, effectively Primarch-lite level.

Now let‘s talk armor – most Custodes enjoy a 2+ base save thanks to their Auramite and Adamantium gear. Not even Gravis Primaris can claim savings throws that good! On top of that, ALL Custodes have a 4+ invulnerable along with 6+ Feel No Pain baked right in.

That‘s one thick gold skin – bolters and chainswords simply bounce off Custodes armor!

Speed & Reactions

Bladedly fast – Shield Captains on Dawneagle Jetbikes hit insane speeds thanks to 12" movement and a once-per-game Strat for advancing an extra 6"!

Some Custodes units like Vertus Praetors can also advance and charge. By comparison – not even Primaris Outriders can pull off such feats of raw speed.

With initiative 5 base, Custodes also react far quicker in close combat compared to marine speed of 4 – yet another decisive advantage.

Weapons & Wargear

Guardian Spears, the iconic armament of the Custodes, incorporate lethal disintegration Beam technology alongside good ol‘ grunty chopping power – allowing them to carve through Primaris armor like a hot knife through butter!

Some Custodes lads are also packing gear like Grenade Launchers, Adrathic ‘Distintegration‘ Guns along with Misericordia backup daggers – talk about overequipped!

So Custodes definitely have all the best toys to flex on Primaris marines.

Experience & Training

Custodes begin training as infants and continue to hone their lethal skills over centuries if not millennia. Over 10,000 years of watching Terra‘s back has made them sharper than any blade.

Even brand new Primaris Intercessors simply can‘t match that level of battle experience. Many Custodes remember what marines looked liked before the Primaris ‘patch‘ and remain thoroughly unimpressed 😀

In summary, the Custodes‘ builds and stats are utterly maxed for combat performance, outstripping even Primaris in multiple areas. Combined with longer lifespans granting more xp, they dominate marines across the board!

I foresee Primaris Statlines getting further "Primaris Lieutenant" style buffs before they can even think about competing with elite Custodes warriors on an even playing field!

What are your thoughts on this red hot debate? Can Crusade relics or stratagems tip the balance for Primaris against the Emperor‘s finest? Comment below with your spiciest opinions!

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