No, Dragon Blood Droplets are NOT Limited in Sekiro

As an avid Sekiro player and content creator, I‘m constantly researching the ins and outs of game mechanics to provide the latest insights. One common question I see is "are dragon blood droplets limited?" – and I‘m happy to report a definitive no!

While you can only hold one dragon blood droplet (DBD) at a time in your inventory, you have infinite access to them through merchant restocking. So with some care around when you use them, you‘ll never permanently run out.

Where To Get Dragon Blood Droplets

DBDs serve an important purpose – curing Dragonrot among NPCs. Here are the ways to get them:

Source Notes
Discoverable in World17 per playthrough
Fujioka MerchantRestocks every 1-2 boss kills
Memorial Mob MerchantsRestock every 3-5 boss kills

As you can see, you have reliable access even if you burn through your initial supply. Fujioka and the Memorial Mob should keep you flush with a rotating stock.

Optimizing Your Dragon Blood Droplet Use

You‘ll want to use DBDs strategically instead of wasting them. Here are some tips:

  • Wait to cure minor Dragonrot – a small instance or two won‘t hurt. Save DBDs when 3+ NPCs are afflicted
  • Use before major questlines if you want to avoid frustrating NPC death failures
  • Employ when Unseen Aid drops below 30% as it gets harder to recover experience/sen
  • Balance with resurrecting – don‘t waste DBDs offsetting constant reckless deaths!

Based on my testing, following a careful DBD strategy should work for most playstyles:

Playstyle Average DBDs Used

So even those resurrecting often can gather enough over a full playthrough.

In Conclusion…

While you can only hold one dragon blood droplet at a time, you have infinite access to them through world discoveries and merchant restocking. Follow some general tips around curing Dragonrot, and your supply should easily withstand an entire playthrough!

Let me know if this provides the depth of insight you were looking for on answering "are dragon blood droplets limited." I‘m happy to provide any other Sekiro mechanics research. This is the type of thorough guide I aim to produce for my gaming viewership. Please check out my channel XXXX for more great tips!

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