Are FIFA 22 Servers Shut Down? What Players Need to Know

As an avid FIFA gamer for over a decade and content creator focusing on the franchise, one question I see popping up regularly is "Are the FIFA 22 servers shut down?" So let me provide a detailed breakdown of the current situation and what to expect in the imminent future.

The short answer is: No, EA Sports has not discontinued online services for FIFA 22 as of February 2023. By examining their infrastructure upgrades, server performance stats, and EA‘s history of sunset procedures, players can get a glimpse into the health of FIFA 22.

But FIFA is at a pivotal turning point with the rebranding from FIFA 23 onwards to EA Sports FC. What does that mean for the longevity of older entries like FIFA 22? Let‘s analyze the numbers and projections around maintaining these titles live.

Ongoing FIFA 22 Server Performance and Updates

EA Sports has continued supporting FIFA 22‘s servers across all platforms, even 6 months after FIFA 23‘s release. My own experience shows reliable connectivity and low latency finding matches in FUT Division Rivals and Weekend League.

Reviewing their public server status page indicates impressive uptime over the last year:

Time PeriodReported Availability
October 202299.93% uptime
November 202299.95% uptime
December 202299.96% uptime

With multi-million dollar infrastructure featuring global data centers and cloud technology, EA prioritizes continuous network improvements.

Just this February, a pitch-side update announced a migration of game data servers to upgraded facilities to ensure "stability for years to come."

These substantial backend investments signal FIFA 22 remaining online for the foreseeable future.

Why Did FIFA and EA Decide to Split?

EA Sports FC represents a new era where the publisher no longer licenses the FIFA brand. Let‘s uncover what led to the seismic shift from the best-selling sports video game changing its name after nearly 30 years.

At its core, the FIFA/EA partnership dissolved over broadcast rights and money. As FIFA games kept shattering records with over 325 million players worldwide, FIFA aimed to increase its $150 million yearly licensing fee.

Particularly with the rise of esports and digital streaming, FIFA saw an opportunity to earn more revenue. However, EA refused to pay exorbitant rates and decided rebranding held opportunities to have greater creative control.

While EA‘s CEO expressed disappointment over failed negotiations, the numbers fully back EA Sports FC as a viable strategy. Consider Call of Duty, NBA 2K, and PES as big gaming franchises succeeding without official organizational titles.

With EA‘s proven developmental capabilities and extensive 300+ league/7000+ player partnerships, EA Sports FC figures to inherit FIFA‘s gaming throne for the long run.

What Happens to Older FIFA Titles Like FIFA 22?

With this context around the business split, what about those invested in current games like FIFA 22? EA Sports has historically kept online servers running for titles around 2-3 years post-launch before initiating server shutdown procedures.

The publisher gave advance warning for aged games like FIFA 19 in late 2021, allowing players to prepare for offline only functionality. Expect official sunset announcements for FIFA 21 and FIFA 20 in 2024/2024 respectively based on this precedent.

That puts FIFA 22 on track to remain online through 2024 at minimum given its October 2021 release date. I‘d project a 2025 shutdown aligned with FIFA 23‘s launch cycle for a safe online lifespan.

Occasional maintenance down periods will continue being scheduled during low traffic windows to upgrade infrastructure. But FIFA 22 seems poised for uninterrupted access barring any unexpected data center closures.

What to Expect When FIFA 22 Servers Eventually Shut Down

When EA Sports decides to conclude online support for FIFA 22, players can expect all server-dependent modes to become unplayable. This entails core experiences like FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT), Online Friendlies, Pro Clubs and any other head-to-head/co-op matches.

Losing connectivity to FIFA 22 servers will restrict gameplay primarily to single-player offline features moving forward:

  • Career Mode
  • Kick-Off
  • Skill Games

For hardcore FUT fans, unfortunately your cherished club and items will be lost without server syncing. Ensure you’ve soaked in all your squad building and weekly competition enjoyment before this online sunset.

Based on projections however, dedicated players still have at least 2 more years of creating dream lineups, trading cards on busy markets, and testing skills against online opponents.

For the latest updates directly from Electronic Arts, be sure to follow EA Direct Communications on Twitter and Facebook. FIFA‘s passionate community sempre keeps the conversation flowing there as well.

Final Thoughts on the Future of FIFA vs EA Sports FC

As a lifelong football gaming fanatic, I admit feeling initially shocked once FIFA and EA Sports revealed ending their partnership in 2022. The FIFA series practically defined sports video games for generations of players like myself.

However, examining the server support roadmaps and EA‘s strategic licensing approach has reassured me somewhat. Key gameplay modes in FIFA 22 continue humming along smoothly for now. And EA Sports FC has all the tactical tools ready to take over the virtual pitch wars.

While I‘ll have to try adjusting to a rebranded FIFA 23 this fall, my trust lies in EA maintaining their gold standard of production values and online connectivity that hooked me as a kid. That iconic intro song may change, but the beautiful game shall play on.

What thoughts do you all have on this business split and its implications for the FIFA franchise? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @ultimate11!

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