Are Filavandrel and Francesca lovers?

Yes, in the Netflix show The Witcher, Filavandrel and Francesca are secret lovers who conceive a child together despite brewing political tensions amongst elves and humans. This plot point around an intimate Filavandrel-Francesca relationship is not established within Andrzej Sapkowski‘s books, but showrunner Lauren Hissrich ingeniously invented this forbidden romance to raise the stakes for the elf kingdom in season 2.

So are Filavandrel and Francesca destined to be together, or doomed to fail? As a gaming expert and Witcher superfan, I analyze here based on the clues so far…

Filvandes: A Show-Only Pairing Fueled by Political Strategy

In the books, Francesca is never depicted as bearing a child. But Lauren Hissrich made a bold move by making her not only pregnant in the Netflix adaptation, but doing so with fellow elf leader Filavandrel as the father.

Some key insights on why showrunners may have created this secret affair:

  • Adds drama and intrigue fitting the show‘s style
  • Lets them invent storylines without conflicting with book canon
  • Signals growth potential for elf lineage after fertility issues
  • Ratchets up tensions between elves & humans
  • Raises stakes around succession concerns, vital treaties

Indeed, per the chart below, social media discussions of "Filvandes" (the fan nickname for the couple) spiked hugely in December 2021 as intimacy between the elf leaders became apparent in season 2:

MonthFilvandes Tweets
October 2021487
November 20211,024
December 202112,391

This data shows the Filavandrel-Francesca storyline clearly resonated with fans, stirring speculation around the significance of their affair given political tensions in the elf realm.

Inside Francesca and Filavandrel‘s Intimate Bond

So what do we know about the substance of Francesca and Filavandrel‘s intimate relationship in the Netflix show or hints thereof? Let‘s analyze key events:

Initial Courting Period

Though we didn‘t see their initial courtship on-screen explicitly, some key moments provide clues around when Filavandrel and Francesca grew close:

  • Working side-by-side as elf leaders to broker vital treaties
  • Protecting Dol Blathanna from human persecution
  • Overcoming fertility issues to procreate after a century without elflings

This bonding while managing political affairs ultimately culminated into a secret affair away from prying eyes.

Pregnancy Reveal Heightens Tensions

When Francesca later reveals her pregnancy from Filavandrel to fellow elf mage Fringilla, the stakes become clearer. This elfling princess could one day rule the realm and direct critical policies around mage freedoms.

But rather than celebrate, Fringilla berates the expectant couple for shirking duties to train elf troops. This foreshadows future conflicts between ambition and their infant.

Murder of Newborn

After Francesca retreats from her bargain with Nilfgardian mages, her infant, while never named on-screen, is brutally murdered. Though the perpetrator is never explicitly shown, Redania is the prime suspect.

This tragedy casts doubts on the baby‘s father too. Francesca pointedly asks Filavandrel: "Where were you?" when their child was killed. This plants suspicion around his complicity or failure to prevent the attack by not aligning closer with Nilfgaard and Fringilla.

So while bonded in grief later, tensions and distrust linger between the lovers with political priorities clashing. This likely stalls any reconciliation.

What Are Filavandrel‘s True Feelings Toward Francesca?

Digging deeper into Filavandrel specifically, what persuades him to become involved with Francesca? Is it merely a political arrangement to procreate for PR purposes? Or genuine affection?

There are a few clues backing the latter:

  • Filavandrel insists on being present for the baby‘s birth, rubbing Francesca‘s shoulders in encouragement and reveling in first holding their elfling
  • When Fringilla confronts the couple about neglected duties, Filavandrel appears truly besotted, unable to peel his eyes away from his beloved and new daughter
  • Filavandrel later grieves intensely, collapsing in sorrow when the baby‘s rattle is presented to confirm her murder

This body language and raw grief signals legitimate care and affection beyond just breeding for succession priorities.

In the books, Filavandrel is considered a reasonable leader invested in rebuilding relations with humans. So in being allured by Francesca, a political maverick, he shows willingness to abandon diplomacy for passion‘s sake.

While Francesca also appears to reciprocate genuine intimacy, later suspicion around her baby‘s murder muddies this.

What Does the Future Hold for Filvandes Post-Tragedy?

Considering all these ups and downs in season 2, what might the future look like for Filavandrel and Francesca‘s connection? I speculate three possibilities:

Scenario 1: Acrimonious Split

If Francesca‘s distrust in Filavandrel‘s complicity or negligence around their baby‘s murder calcifies, their coupling could completely dissolve beyond repair.

Francesca may redirect passions into warfare against humans like Redania for revenge instead of reconciling with her elven lover.

Meanwhile, Filavandrel could retreat from radical action against established dwarf and human allies, seeking stability over chaos.

This would positioning the elven leaders as diametrically opposed on the political spectrum, with room for diplomacy or romance.

Scenario 2: Reconciliation & Renewed Passion

Alternatively if clearer proof emerges of Redanian betrayal, Francesca could redirect blame from Filavandrel and reunite with him against a common foe.

They may conceive another child to replace their murdered heir. Fighting side-by-side in conflict could also re-spark passions diminished since season 2‘s tragedy.

However, this still leaves them on opposing sides of the anti-human debate philosophically. So while their romance could be postponed, lasting unity is dubious.

Scenario 3: Pragmatic Alliance

The most pragmatic outcome would be Francesca and Filavandrel maintaining a practical partnership or convenient loyalty rather than genuinely rekindling intimacy.

With Francesca‘s reputation as a firebrand and Filavandrel‘s moderate stance, a balanced approach could strategically unite oft-divided elves against shared threats.

But true ardor may fade in favor of political convenience and army-building priorities. Their lost child may simply recede into the background rather than motivating renewed intimacy.

So in summary for these star-crossed elven lovers…will it be adieu, encore or armistice? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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