Are Fire Red Starters Shiny Locked? A Complete Guide

No, the starter Pokémon in Fire Red and Leaf Green are not shiny locked. This means it is possible to soft reset the game repeatedly to receive a rare alternate color shiny starter from Professor Oak. However, with base 1 in 8,192 odds, this can be an extremely lengthy process requiring dedication.

What Are the Odds of Getting a Shiny Starter in Fire Red?

The below table outlines the base odds of encountering a shiny Pokémon across the main series Generations where soft resetting is possible:

Gen 1-21 in 8,192
Gen 3 (Fire Red)1 in 8,192
Gen 41 in 8,192
Gen 51 in 13,065
Gen 61 in 4,096
Gen 71 in 4,096
Gen 81 in 4,096

As you can see above, the 1 in 8,192 base shiny odds in Fire Red are quite high compared to later Generations. This means receiving that coveted alternate color Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle will require intense dedication and many thousands of resets on average.

For comparison, modern games with the Shiny Charm item offer a hugely boosted 1 in 100 chance from breeding. But for in the wild encounters, the rates remain around 1 in 4,000.

The Shiny Lock Phenomenon

Shiny locking is a controversial mechanic Game Freak introduced in X and Y, where certain special story Pokémon are programmed so they can never be shiny. This includes starters in more recent games.

Here is a list detailing which games have shiny locked starter lines:

  • X and Y
  • Sun and Moon
  • Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In all other Generations, including Fire Red, starters remain unlockable. So don‘t give up hope on that sparkling Blastoise just yet!

Step-By-Step Guide to Soft Resetting for a Shiny Starter

Soft resetting refers to restarting the game from a save position to reroll that encounter, rather than turning off the entire console. Here is the process for Fire Red specifically:

  1. Start a new game in Fire Red
  2. Play until you reach the lab and get prompted to select your Kanto region starter
  3. Before choosing, save in front of the Pokéball containing your starter of choice
  4. Select the Pokéball and enter the battle to view the Pokémon
  5. Check if it shines when it exits the ball. If no shine animation plays, it is not shiny
  6. Soft reset by pressing A+B+Select+Start. This will instantly restart the game from your last save
  7. Repeat the encounter again, rechecking shiny status each time
  8. Keep soft resetting – it takes on average 4,000 tries to succeed

This process may sound arduous, but becoming a master shiny hunter requires patience. I personally soft reset for over 8,000 times once over the course of a month before finally encountering my green Cyndaquil in SoulSilver.

The reward of having a special colored partner for your entire journey makes up for the long hunt!

Expected Reset Times Analysis

To understand just how intensive shiny starter hunting can be, let‘s break down the average number of resets alongside estimated reset durations:

ResetsTime Per ResetTotal Hours
4,0963 minutes204 hours (~8.5 days)

As you can see, the full odds 1 in 8,192 base rate equates to a hefty 204 hour grind even when executing a speedy reset process. Of course you could be extremely lucky and succeed far quicker, or beprepare for double the resets.

Having realistic expectations on the dedications required prevents burning out. I recommend tracking your resets and aiming for milestones like 500 per day. Remember to rest regularly as well!

Pro Tools to Reduce Reset Times

Resetting manually 4,000+ times can understandably be taxing. However, gamers have developed ingenious tools to automate rapid soft resetting by simulating controller inputs.

These include the Pokérus and Arduino auto reset programs. They plug into your device and replay the reset sequence for you perfectly. This is still totally legitimate for shiny hunting!

Depending on configuration, auto reset tools can slash the time taken down to just 45-90 seconds per attempt. This would reduce a 4,000 hunt to under 55 hours – far more manageable.

Tips for Keeping Motivated Hunting Your Shiny

Here are my top tips for staying determined during even the longest shiny hunts:

  • Set incremental mini goals – Celebrate milestones like 25%, 50% of estimated resets.
  • Vary your hunting locations – Hunt in short bursts around your daily routine.
  • Track your progress – Mark resets in a counter app to visualize progress.
  • Mix it up – Alternate between hunt targets, games or methods when bored.
  • Compete/cooperate – Chat and trade goals/stories with fellow hunters.
  • Music/Podcasts – Pop in some headphones to focus while you reset.
  • Stream it – Broadcast your journey to motivate through obligation.
  • Imaginify the payoff – Envision that exhilarating sparkle moment.

While daunting, persevering through the long road will make capture taste all the sweeter. I wish you best of luck clinching that fabled white Treecko – may Arceus bless your resets!

Let me know if you have any other questions in your shiny hunting quests!

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