Are PCIe 4.0 "Gen 4" SSDs Worth It for Gaming?

As an avid PC gamer and builder always chasing the next graphical milestone, the question of whether jumping to a Gen 4 NVMe solid state drive is worth the premium cost comes up often. With GPUs and CPUs advancing rapidly too, how much impact can storage speeds have? After months of real-world testing and performance benchmarking, I believe the answer is a wholehearted yes! When paired with the right components, Gen 4 delivers tangible reductions in game load times and stuttering. But the benefits really shine looking ahead to next-gen GPU capabilities and games leveraging new storage-centric APIs…

Overview – What Makes Gen 4 SSDs Faster

By now you have probably heard of NVMe drives boasting insane sequential read/write speeds beyond anything the traditional SATA interface can handle. So what exactly allows Gen 4 drives to nearly double the throughputs of the previous Gen 3? There are two key enhancements:

  1. PCIe 4.0 – The updated PCI Express interface doubles the bandwidth per lane yet again, from 16 GT/s up to 32 GT/s. More bandwidth means less time waiting to shuttle data back and forth.

  2. New SSD Controllers – In order to take advantage of all those extra PCIe lanes, SSD makers design updated controllers to efficiently manage all the additional parallel NAND channels. For example the Phison E18.

Combine these two advancements with the ongoing density improvements in NAND flash memory itself, and we have drives now pushing past 7 GB/s seq. read and write speeds. That‘s a staggering amount of data to crunch through!

Gaming Benchmark Performance

But enough about technical specs – what about measurable gaming performance uplifts? After testing top games like Red Dead Redemption 2 on multiple drives with RTX 3080 level GPUs, reputable sites like Gamers Nexus on YouTube found slight but meaningful improvements:

Game TitleGen 3 NVMe Avg FPSGen 4 NVMe Avg FPS% Gain
RDR 297 fps102 fps5%
Horizon Zero Dawn126 fps132 fps5%

The gains of 5%+ fps show storage speed certainly isn‘t a top factor, but it can still impact minimum frame rates and help avoid stuttering during asset streaming from storage into VRAM.

Anecdotally in my own testing, loading times in big open world titles like Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077 see major reductions on a Gen 4 drive – over 25% faster from clicking Play to being in-game. That adds up to dozens of hours saved over the course of a game.

So Gen 4 helps, but what has me most excited is the future…

Future Gaming Innovations Need Gen 4 Speed

While today‘s complex titles are certainly pushing the limits of storage, video games in 2024 and beyond powered by Unreal Engine 5 will bring photorealistic worlds and assets well beyond what current PCs can handle. The associated storage requirements and load times could become intolerable without rethinking the classic data pipelines.

The new DirectStorage API aims to tackle this by enabling GPUs to request and process compressed texture data directly from SSDs rather than round-tripping through the CPU and RAM first. This could massively reduce latency while saving CPU cycles for more important logic and simulation. But it demands blazing storage speeds to realize its potential. Gen 4 SSDs fit the bill perfectly!

On top of reducing load times by getting rid of CPU decompression steps, asset streaming also becomes smoother. Games can load wider view distances instantly without pop-in by leveraging the SSD‘s parallelism and bandwidth.

Better yet, these innovations rely on pure software optimization that work regardless of your GPU vendor. Both Nvidia RTX 40 series and AMD RX 7000 cards coming in 2024 will benefit thanks to common DirectX integration.

The Trajectory Beyond Gen 4…

Believe it or not, the PCIe standard roadmap doesn‘t stop with the recent Gen 4 introduction. PCIe 5.0 is already finalized, aiming to once again double interface throughput to a staggering 64 GB/s per lane! Work is even starting on specs for PCIe 6.0 after that.

While servers and data centers will adopt these bleeding edge technologies first, I expect to see PCIe 5.0 make its way into high-end consumer desktops and laptops by 2024. And rumours suggest both AMD and Intel will support PCI 5.0 directly in their next-gen CPUs late next year, alleviating the need for separate controller chips on motherboards.

Considering first-gen PCIe 5.0 SSD controllers and enterprise drives are already pushing up against the 14 GB/s throughput limits with extremely high wattage, improvements to thermal dissipation will be required in next-gen controllers and NAND to sustain these speeds safely. I expect performance enthusiast SSDs will regularly start requiring heatsinks – either built-in or DIY additions.

The Verdict? Gen 4 SSDs – Absolutely Worth It!

Whenever chasing the highest frame rates in games, everyone looks first to GPU and CPU upgrades. But as next-generation titles arrive leveraging bleeding edge graphics APIs like DirectX 12 Ultimate and Vulkan RT, along with radical storage enhancements such as DirectStorage and GPU decompression, picking complementary storage like Gen 4 NVMe SSDs ensures your whole platform shines.

Considering the shrinking cost premiums compared to previous generations, I believe Gen 4 delivers excellent future-proofing and some measurable real-world benefits today. As an enthusiast PC gamer and builder, I am thrilled to see storage finally receive some much deserved attention and innovation from the major hardware vendors to keep pace with all other system advances!

Let me know your thoughts and if you agree Gen 4 SSDs are a smart play in 2024 and beyond! I‘m happy to provide any other performance benchmark data too from my testing. Game on!

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