Are gift cards activated at self checkout?

As a hardcore deal-hunting gamer, getting the most bang for my buck on gaming gift cards is a top priority. So I‘ve done some major digging into exactly how and where you can activate gift cards at self-checkout lanes. Get ready for a boatload of sweet intel, choombas!

Straight-up: You can totally activate gift cards yourself at most retailers‘ self-checkout kiosks. But there are some key need-to-knows depending on where you shop. Let‘s jump in!

Activating Cards at the Big Box Stores

First up, here‘s exactly how to activate gift cards at two of my fave gaming shopping spots – Target and Walmart:


  • Scan the gift card‘s barcode with the hand scanner when prompted
  • Then scan that wacky activation code (aka the "squiggly" number)

For Walmart gift cards, no activation required! These bad boys activate automatically when purchased. Nice and easy!

Potential Pitfalls & Troubleshooting Tips

While most major retailers have on-point self-checkout gift card activation, it‘s not always smooth sailing. From time to time I‘ve run into cards that refuse to activate. Lame!

Here are some of the most common activation issues I‘ve run into and how I fixed them:

Card won‘t scan? Take it to a cashier. Could just be a bum barcode.

Error message on activation? Double check the instructions on the gift card packaging itself. Might have missed a step!

Still won‘t activate? Time to kindly grab an employee for a hand. Politely explain the trouble and they‘ll override activate it for you.

Pro Tip: Hold onto that gift card receipt! It can come in major handy if you need help down the line activating a fussy card.

The Deets on Digital Gift Card Activation

While old school plastic gift cards are still clogging up my wallet, digital gift cards are fast gaining ground. In 2022 over 31% of gift cards purchased were digital according to the National Retail Federation.

And digital cards purchased online typically activate automatically upon purchase, so no self-checkout step required. Just redeem that bad boy directly on the retailer‘s website!

Which reminds me – for you fellow gamers out there, keep an eye out for deals on gaming digital gift cards during the holidays. Last year I scored a sweet 20% off PlayStation gift card on Amazon‘s Black Friday sale!

The Need-to-Know on Gift Card Activation

By now you‘re probably wondering – what‘s the deal with activating gift cards anyway? Does it really matter?

Well my card-carrying gaming compatriots, activating gift cards is critical because it‘s what loads the initial value onto the card. No activation = no mula to spend on epic gaming hauls.

Most cards activate automatically when purchased. But for those fussy few that require self-checkout activation, just follow the retailer‘s instructions.

And don‘t sweat the activation fees – according to the Mercator Advisory Group only 27% of gift cards have purchase or activation fees.

Just steer clear of those Visa gift cards, which slam you with whopping $6 activation fees. Majorly not worth it!

Alright choombas, let‘s bounce – I‘ve got gaming gift cards to activate! Stay thrifty out there and catch you next time.

Gift Card TypeAverage Activation Fee
Store Gift Card$0
Prepaid Visa Gift Card$4-$6
American Express Gift Card$4-$6

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