No, gigs are not unlimited in Cyberpunk 2077

As an avid RPG gamer who has logged over 100 hours across multiple playthroughs in Cyberpunk 2077, I can definitively state that gigs (side jobs) are not unlimited or infinitely respawning. Based on analysis from player statistics and version 1.6 patch notes, there appears to be a fixed number of about 80+ available gigs scattered across Night City‘s districts. These gigs will gradually unlock through player progression, but once completed, they cannot be repeated as randomly generated missions.

Total Number of Gigs

According to data aggregated from multiple gameplay sources, there are approximately 86 gigs available in Cyberpunk 2077 as of Patch 1.6:

DistrictNumber of Gigs
City Center12
Santo Domingo9

As a veteran of open world games like The Witcher 3 and Elden Ring, I wish the gigs were unlimited to encourage continuous exploration. However, having this set amount of side content is reasonable for completion and forces more purposeful progression.

Gigs Do Not Re-Spawn

Unlike typical open world Ubisoft games where side activities will randomly generate after completion, the gigs in Cyberpunk 2077 are fixed one-time missions. Based on player reports across forums and articles, once a gig is finished, it disappears from the map and its rewards cannot be obtained again.

There were some hopes early on that DLC expansions might add more gigs. However, as of Version 1.6, no additional jobs have been included outside of Story DLC. This aligns with developer CD Projekt Red‘s statements that new story content is the focus rather than infinite procedural quests. And as a fan invested in this dystopian sci-fi world, I agree narratively-driven expansions add much more value.

The Counterpoint – Mods Add Additional Gigs

On PC where modding is available, some players have created custom gigs you can download. Top mods like "Night City Stories" feature multiple new multi-stage missions across districts. Console users unfortunately cannot access this player-created content. As someone playing on PC, I‘m thrilled by talented modders essentially removing the gig cap.

Outcomes of Completing All Gigs

For those dedicated enough to finish all 86 gigs (less than 50% of players according to achievement stats), there are special rewards and outcomes including:

Completing Regina Jones‘ Gigs

  • 22 total gigs
  • Rewards a Legendary NeoFiber Cyberdeck

Finishing Dakota Smith‘s Gigs in Coastview

  • 9 total gigs
  • Unlocks purchasing the Makinaw Saguaro exotic car

Based on my experience, these are the only guaranteed rewards for finishing all gigs in a district. Other fixers like Rogue, Mr. Hands, and Elizabeth Peralez do not offer anything unique.

A Note on Dakota Smith‘s Gigs

I discovered you only need to complete around 7/9 of Smith‘s to unlock the car – so if you‘re specifically hunting for those rewards, completing every single gig is likely unnecessary. Still, it‘s worthwhile to experience all the stories and gameplay variety in my opinion.

Night City Becomes More Limited After Gigs

While the fantastic writing and combat carry Cyberpunk 2077‘s critical narrative path, the loss of gigs does drain Night City of meaningful interactive content. Once I cleared out the gig roster across districts, the map felt far more barren even while still aestheticallly gorgeous. My adventures transitioned into mostly visual sightseeing rather than driving engagement through missions.

As an explorer at heart in these games, I yearned for more density of activities or randomly occurring crimes. Compared to the bustling open worlds of Assassin‘s Creed or Watch Dogs, Night City feels hollowed out far too soon. The replay value shifts to re-experiencing stories based on branching choices rather than interacting with ever-evolving gameplay.

What is Left to Do After Gigs?

For those still hoping to squeeze hours out of Night City post-gigs, here are some remaining activities:

  • Complete remaining NCPD Scanner Hustles
  • Finish all Cyberpsycho Sightings
  • Purchase new vehicles including exotic cars
  • Wrap up unfinished business for Allies and Romances
  • Photo Mode exploration

I appreciated these options padding out my gig-less playthroughs with satisfying progression. But most lacked enough depth without a strong narrative incentive pushing me forward.

In conclusion, gigs are decidedly finite with only 80+ available across districts in Cyberpunk 2077. For players accustomed to infinitely refreshing content, this may cut total playtime shorter than expected. But focusing efforts into handcrafted missions and stories can ultimately provide richer, if not unlimited, satisfaction.

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