No, Kiriko and Genji Are Not Related – But Here‘s the Whole Story

To answer plainly: Kiriko Kamori and Genji Shimada are not biological relatives or family members. But their two families have an intertwined history and close friendship that spans decades. Read on for more on the secret ties between the cyber ninja and medic ninja!

A History Passed Down: The Shimada Clan and Asa Yamagami

While not found in the same family tree, the Shimada and Kamori families do have a special relationship tied to the childhoods of both Kiriko and Genji.

As a quick history lesson, the Shimada clan is a powerful crime syndicate based in Hanamura, Japan for centuries. They amassed influence through less than legal means, using cybergnetic and martial arts skills to dominate less advanced rivals.

"The Shimada family was established centuries ago, a clan of assassins whose power grew over the years, enabling them to build a vast criminal empire that profited from lucrative trade in arms and illegal substances." – Genji‘s Official Backstory

To uphold their martial tradition and might, each generation of leadership hired swordmasters to train their young. This is where Asa Yamagami comes in – master swordmaker, martial arts expert, and mother to Kiriko Kamori.

Asa Forges Deadly Blades and Bonds

As a friend of the Shimada elders, Asa Yamagami was selected to foster the next generation heirs. Using her family‘s ancient forging techniques, she crafted mythic samurai swords for the brothers to wield.

The talented sensei then mentored Hanzo and Genji Shimada in her family‘s secret martial arts passed down over centuries. This included mastery of shuriken, blades, the bow, and ninjutsu techniques leveraging spiritual energy.

"As the Shimada samurai swordsmith, Asa Yamagami formed a powerful friendship with the young Genji Shimada." – Kiriko‘s Backstory

While the brothers excelled under her tutelage, it was Genji who bonded most closely with his teacher – and her daughter Kiriko.

Like Family: Kiriko and Genji‘s Childhood Bond

As Asa Yamagami tutored the brothers in her dojo, her daughter Kiriko could often be found observing quietly. Though not receiving formal training, the future healer studied her mother‘s lessons closely while getting to know her rambunctious playmate Genji.

Despite the age gap, a lasting friendship formed between the children of the dojo. The elder Kiriko later taught Genji tricks she picked up from watching her mother, from advanced shuriken skills to secret wall climbing routes for sneaking dango snacks.

"Kiriko and Genji were childhood friends. But where Genji was brash and fiery, Kiriko was thoughtful and measured." – In-Game Interaction

Even after Genji departed for his Overwatch mission abroad, he still kept a photo of young Kiriko in his sleeping quarters. This highlights how strong their familial-like early friendship was.

Contrasting Values – A Barrier Back Then

Of course, contrasts existed between the children that caused some strain. Kiriko was raised in a traditional household that valued spirituality and restraint. As a fox shrine maiden-in-training, she prepared to be the next guardian of the Kanezaka kitsune.

The flashy and flamboyant Genji instead lived a life of luxury and rebellion within the criminal Shimada empire. He was impatient, edgey, and embraced danger which clashed with Kiriko‘s conservatism. Over time, the friends saw less of each other.

"They kinda grew apart because they were leading such different lives. But the care and acceptance was always still there." – Lorraine Cink, Overwatch Writer

Still, their early positive memories persisted even once separated…influencing their future reunion.

Cybernetic Shift – Aligning Values

Following Genji‘s near-fatal duel with Hanzo, he was recovered by Overwatch and rebuilt into a cyborg ninja. This fusion of man and machine was a traumatic transformation, causing Genji to reflect deeply on his past recklessness.

"Genji embraces his cyberization, finding peace and purpose as one of the world’s deadliest warriors." – PlayOverwatch Twitter

When Genji later reconnected with Kiriko as an adult, he had evolved from the impulsive playboy of years past. Kiriko‘s measured wisdom and spiritual outlook better resonated with the new thoughtful, Zen-inspired cyberninja.

In this way, the childhood friends realigned ideologically – no longer divided by the contrast in values from their upbringing. Genji‘s cyberization and Kiriko‘s miko training both fostered patience, precision, spiritual energy control, and a desire to help others.

Overwatch 2 Kiriko and Genji Character Art

New allies – the cyberninja and kunai healer stand united in Overwatch 2 to save their mentor

Present Day Partnership (and Theories!)

Now in the present timeline of Overwatch 2, Genji serves as a mentor for Kiriko as she adjusts to life outside Kanezaka with Overwatch. He empathizes with her struggles bridging the spirit realm and physical world.

"Kiriko followed in her family‘s tradition…\while finding a kindred spirit in her old friend Genji." – Kiriko‘s biography

The swordmaster‘s daughter and ninja student now fight side-by-side, leveraging their unique talents. Kiriko wields her Ofuda charms and Healing Ofuda to reinforce Genji, while he deflects damage and swiftly assassinates marked targets.

As for their future? Given their history and rapport, many fans theorize a potential romance between the two non-relatives. Or they may further evolve into close partners in Overwatch ops. Their bond has already persisted across their eventful lives!

So in summary: Genji Shimada and Kiriko Kamori have known one another since childhood thanks to their families‘ close ties. While starting as an odd couple, cyborgization and training allowed their outlooks to align more over time. This history informs their current cooperation as friends and teammates in Overwatch.

And that brings us up to date on their lore! Let me know in the comments which other hero relationships intrigue you from their backstories. I‘ll be sure to feature fan requests in my next deep dive post!

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