Are Liu Kang and Kitana Dating? An Epic Romance Across the MK Timelines

Yes, as of Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11), Liu Kang and Princess Kitana have officially reignited their romantic relationship. But their love story has taken dramatic twists and turns across the various MK storyline reboots.

As passionate warriors sworn to protect their realms (Earthrealm and Edenia), Liu Kang and Kitana‘s deep bond was hinted at but never fully realized in the original trilogy. Their budding love was tragically cut short when both heroes fell in battle.

Resurrected as undead wraiths by the sorcerer Quan Chi, the now "Revenant" Liu Kang and Kitana were forced to serve the Netherrealm for over 25 years. But thanks to Kronika‘s temporal meddling in MK11, key events shifted to allow Liu Kang to regain his humanity and finally unite with Kitana once more before all of reality crashed down around them.

So through death, rebirth, and the erosion of spacetime itself, Liu Kang and Kitana‘s romance has persevered against the odds. As iconic figures in MK‘s lore, their relationship status has major implications for the fate of the realms going forward!

The Original Trilogy – Allies With Hints of Attraction

In Liu Kang‘s introductory appearances during the first three MK games, there were subtle hints he felt an affinity for the graceful Edenian warrior princess. Though both were intensely focused on defending their home realms from Outworld‘s Emperor Shao Kahn, fans noticed special post-fight interactions suggesting a burgeoning romance.

For example, in MKII, if Kitana wins a round against Liu Kang she may thankfully say "You have my gratitude, Liu Kang." And Liu Kang replies "We make a great team, Kitana!"

Additionally, MK lore outside the games stated Kitana‘s beauty and noble spirit impressed Liu Kang. While purely professional at first, he grew to admire her over time until an attraction sparked.

So why didn‘t their relationship fully develop if mutual interest was present?

The short answer is – their duties came first.

As champions upholding the safety of billions of souls, Liu Kang and Kitana prioritized their realm defender roles above all else. With near-constant threats emerging from Outworld and beyond, any thoughts of courtship understandably took a backseat.

But their devotion was tragically cut short…

The "New" Timeline – Undead Lovers Forced to Serve Evil

In 2011‘s franchise reboot MK9, Raiden receives visions of Armageddon and tries to alter the dark future he foresees. Unfortunately, his efforts only create an alternate timeline where Shao Kahn merges Outworld with Earthrealm – and slaughters most of Earth‘s heroes.

The deaths of Kitana and Liu Kang at Shao Kahn‘s hands rip the backbone from Earthrealm‘s forces. Sensing opportunity in the pair‘s heroic souls, the cunning sorcerer Quan Chi resurrects them as undead "Revenants" – forcing them to serve the Netherrealm.

Now cursed to exist as unliving wraiths, Kitana and Liu Kang spent years under Quan Chi‘s control. During this dark era, their latent affections manifest in twisted ways while carrying out evil deeds together.

For example, the Konquer mobile game reveals Revenant Kitana "held romantic feelings" for the also undead Liu Kang. And in MKX, it‘s suggested Liu Kang specifically requested Kitana be empowered to rule the Netherrealm at his side as fellow Revenants.

So although technically \"dating,\" no joy exists in this grim parody of Liu Kang and Kitana‘s once pure affection. But strangely, in becoming merciless killing machines their bond only strengthens…

MK11 Aftermath – Love Blooms Amid The Chaos

When Kronika initiates MK11‘s "temporal armageddon" to restart history, she frees Revenant Liu Kang and the other undead from Quan Chi‘s control. The time goddess promises to make the Revenants human again if they serve her schemes to \"reset\" the realms.

But Kronika later betrays them, ending Kitana‘s brief hope of regaining her old life. After Kronika is defeated by Fire God Liu Kang (don‘t ask, MK lore gets complex!), Kitana renounces her evil ways. The hero Liu Kang‘s divine power restores her humanity at last.

Freed from undeath and chaos of the collapsing timelines, Liu Kang and Kitana acknowledge their complicated past. Having weathered lifetimes of trauma and still caring for each other deeply, they officially cement themselves as romantic partners going forward.

As MK11 concludes with their realms in ruins, Liu Kang and Kitana stand ready to forge a new future governing reality itself hand in hand.

So to answer our opening question: YES – After many ups and downs across fracturing timelines, Liu Kang and Kitana definitively end MK11 as a devoted couple at long last.

By The Numbers: The Lengths of Liu Kang and Kitana‘s Love

To spotlight just how dramatic and enduring Liu Kang and Kitana‘s affection has been through countless Mortal Kombat adventures:

  • 13,000+ years – Kitana‘s lifespan as an Edenian (though she spent 10,000 years frozen in an ageless sleep)
  • 35+ years – Total length of Liu Kang and Kitana‘s acquaintance as allies and later undead partners
  • 2 different resurrections from death – As the Revenants of MKX and later Kronika‘s servants in MK11
  • 6 different personal timelines witnessed – Including MK1-3, MK9 reboot, MKX, MK11 Kronika/Fire God Liu Kang timelines, MK11 Aftermath Epilogue
  • ~95mph – Liu Kang‘s record punching speed according to original MK lore. While not quantifiable, Kitana‘s affection possibly grew upon witnessing Liu Kang‘s blinding combat talents.

Truly, Liu Kang and Kitana‘s passion for each other is one that endures across millennia!

The Definitive Word on Liu Kang and Kitana‘s Relationship

To conclude, based on binding MK canon lore across decades of games, films, and media:

Yes, Liu Kang and Princess Kitana are indeed dating as of Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath.

Their attachment evolved from great respect as warriors to romantic love over the course of many ordeals. Tragically slain and resurrected as vile undead slaves, Liu Kang and Kitana‘s bond grew unbreakable if grotesquely twisted.

But thanks to MK11‘s events, their revived human forms stand reunited. After lifetimes of impossible hardship, they finally are free to nurture the affection festering between them since first meeting so long ago.

As the Defenders of Earthrealm and Outworld, Liu Kang and Kitana‘s might and passion burning together signals hope for prosperity across all realms. Let their love reign eternal!

That concludes this chronicle of Liu Kang and Kitana‘s legendary romance. Did I miss any crucial details in documenting their mythical relationship journey across MK‘s ever-shifting lore? Let me know in the comments!

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