No, Liu Kang and Kitana Are Not Married

Despite being one of the most popular and long-standing romantic pairings in the Mortal Kombat universe, martial arts champion Liu Kang and Princess Kitana of Edenia have never officially tied the knot. But that doesn‘t mean fans shouldn‘t start speculating about a potential marriage between the two heroes in an upcoming game!

A Bond Forged in Kombat

Liu Kang and Kitana have fought side-by-side against villainous threats like the sinister sorcerer Shang Tsung and conquering emperor Shao Kahn for over a decade of MK storylines. According to detailed MK lore chronicles on sites like MKSecrets and MK Warehouse, their bond has grown over the years from one of allies united against common foes into an unspoken but clearly blossoming romance.

While they began as platonic comrades-in-arms, the electric chemistry between the Shaolin monk and Edenian princess is obvious to any MK fan. As a passionate gamer who has analyzed every entry in the series, I‘ve watched Liu Kang and Kitana‘s relationship evolve across three distinct phases:

Early Allies

In their first battles alongside one another in MKII and MK3, Liu Kang and Kitana recognized each other‘s admirable qualities but remained focused on overthrowing Shao Kahn‘s invasion of EarthRealm. As documented in MK‘s original comicseries, they acknowledged their shared principles but did not pursue any romance yet.

Emerging Bonds

After freeing Edenia from Outworld‘s grasp, Liu Kang and Kitana were able to see each other in a new light without the constant threat of kombat weighing upon them. Fan reception to their chemistry sparked NetherRealm Studios to start subtly emphasizing the subtextual attraction between the two heroes in later games. They served as staunch allies – and hints arose of them becoming something much more intimate.

Modern Romance

In contemporary MK storylines like MKX and MK11, Liu Kang and Kitana are shown behaving much more like an actual couple than ever previously. They make comments alluding not just to physical affection but also love between the two. And despite both tragically dying and becoming evil revenants under Quan Chi‘s power for many years, their bond persevered as they remained loyally side-by-side as Emperor and Empress of the NetherRealm.

While they still aren‘t officially married, every piece of evidence points to Liu Kang and Kitana being committed romantic partners in all but name at this point!

A Match Made in… Outworld?

What is it precisely that makes the pairing of Liu Kang x Kitana so incredibly appealing for devoted MK aficionados such as myself? As an avid gamer writing for fans, let me share some of my insights on why I believe their relationship just "works":

  • Complementary Duality – Like many classic video game love stories, Liu Kang and Kitana complete each other by being mirrored opposites in some regards. He‘s EarthRealm‘s champion with Shaolin serenity; she‘s Edenia‘s battle-hardened but graceful princess. This duality dynamic fuels memorable storytelling drama.

  • Shared Values – More profoundly, Liu Kang and Kitana share an unshakable commitment to defending their home realms and stopping megalomaniacal villains like Shao Kahn. Their ideals and duty brought them together initially as allies before affection took root.

  • Forbidden Love – There‘s immense romantic appeal in a "star-crossed lovers" motif of Liu Kang and Kitana overcoming obstacles to be together. From disapproval due to their realms‘ conflict to transformations into revenants, their devotion persists against the odds.

  • Cultural Contrast – As an Asian martial artist and European fantasy princess respectively, Liu Kang and Kitana symbolize a blending of different cultural mythologies into one postmodern couples. It represents cultural bridges being built via pop entertainment mediums.

Iconic Romantic TropesLiu Kang & KitanaZelda & LinkTifa & Cloud
Opposites Attract
Shared Convictions
Forbidden Love
Cultural Blending

Ultimately, I believe fans are so enamored with the pairing because Liu Kang and Kitana truly signify both "gamer wish fulfillment" in their power-fantasy personas and also hopes that love can bloom even on the battlefield. Their ongoing, multigenerational saga inspires our own dreams of romance… with a kombat twist, of course!

Will Wedding Bells Ever Kombat Ring?

So could an actual marriage between these two flagship MK heroes come to fruition? As a superfan of the series, I think it‘s very possible NetherRealm Studios may decide to have them tie the knot in an upcoming game release‘s storyline!

Some key reasons why I believe (or at least desperately HOPE) Liu Kang and Kitana will wed include:

  • It would be the natural culmination of over a decade of cultivated romance subplots between them
  • Their revenant arc had them ruling together as Emperor/Empress already in a way
  • Past MK games have incorporated major storyline shake-ups before to surprise fans
  • Liu Kang becoming a god and Kitana the Kahn of Outworld shifts balance of power dynamics
  • Franchises like Street Fighter and Tekken have started featuring weddings now too

If I had to bet on it as an eagle-eyed gaming journalist, I‘d say there‘s easily a 65-70% chance we will get an official Liu Kang/Kitana marriage ceremony within the next 2 major MK game releases!

And you can believe that I‘ll be there playing through Story Mode with tears of joy for my OTP finally tying the knot. What a glorious sight it shall be to behold!

Fellow gamers and MK fans, do you agree with my insights and predictions on this topic? Sound off in the comments with your own thoughts on Liu Kang and Kitana‘s eternally burgeoning relationship! Do you foresee wedding bells in their future… or are they doomed to eternal kombat instead of coupledom?

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