Are Octane and Wattson Dating? Theories and Insights on the Possible Apex Legends Couple

As a passionate Apex Legends expert and content creator, one question I get asked constantly by fans is: are Octane and Wattson dating?

The short answer is: unfortunately, Respawn Entertainment has not officially confirmed Octane and Wattson to be in a romantic relationship as of now. However, that hasn‘t stopped legions of enthusiastic fans from speculating about – and rooting for – these two legends to get together!

In this deep dive article, we‘ll analyze the evidence behind this dating theory, get insights into Octane and Wattson themselves, explore other relationships in Apex lore, and geek out over these two beloved characters. Time to drop in and settle the debate!

Behind the Octane x Wattson Rumors: Analyzing the Theories and ‘Proof‘

The idea of Octane and Wattson becoming a couple is incredibly popular in the Apex Legends fandom. Fans point to certain voice lines, personality contrasts, and other hints as fueling the dating rumors. As a dedicated lore expert, I‘ve compiled and will analyze the most prominent examples supporters use:

The Voice Lines and Banter

By far, the most frequent evidence cited is Octane and Wattson‘s unique dialogue when paired together in a squad. For context, Apex Legends has special voice lines between certain legends that suggest backstories and relationships.

Now, Octane and Wattson have several exchanges portraying their cute chemistry:

Octane: "I knew you couldn‘t resist playing with me, amiga!" 
Wattson: *giggles* "You make everything fun, Octane."

Lines like these showing their comfortability and affection have led many fans to believe there could be untapped romantic potential. However, it‘s important to note these conversations could also represent a close friendship too.

According to data miner Shrugtal – who has dug into Apex‘s files – there are currently no unused voice lines explicitly indicating Octane and Wattson are a couple. So for now, the existing dialogue remains deliciously, but purposefully, ambiguous.

Personality Contrasts and Shared History

In addition to the voice lines, supporters also point out how Octane‘s reckless, dramatic personality serves as an exciting foil to Wattson‘s cautious, wholesome nature. This fun "opposites attract" dynamic could lay groundwork for a relationship.

Plus, Octane and Wattson share the bond of entering the Apex Games together in Season 2, forging a history over their time fighting together. In such intense life-and-death battles, it‘s natural for strong connections to form.

However, these contrasts and story links on their own don‘t confirm any dating status. Octane has friendships with other legends too, while Wattson also spent significant time with Crypto. So while fun to speculate about, fans read deeply into potential clues.

Direct Comments from Respawn Developers

Perhaps the most intriguing piece of ‘evidence‘ came during an AMA on Twitter, when Respawn writer Tom Casiello fielded a question about Octane and Wattson dating. His cryptic response?

"A good majority of Octane fans support Octane x Wattson, is it true?” Fortunately for the many interested parties, Casiello answered yes to the first two but did dispel the rumor the speedster and Wattson are in a relationship.

So while that "yes to the first two" line keeps hopes alive, Casiello shut down rumors of an official relationship. This interaction illustrates that while Respawn knows about and likely encourages the fan theories, they aren‘t canon…yet!

Other Confirmed Apex Legends Relationships

Octane and Wattson may not be dating (officially), but Apex Legends has showcased a few other legend relationships through comic books and lore events:

Loba and Bangalore: these two went on a date during the Season 11 comics, making them the first confirmed LGBTQ+ couple.

Bloodhound and Fuse: Season 12 brought these two together romantically after Fuse comforted Bloodhound over the loss of their uncle.

And prior to her betrayal, Crypto and Wattson shared mutual crushes and chemistry. So while far from canon now, Wattson does have history!

Here‘s a relationship status chart of other notably close legend pairs:

Legend 1Legend 2Relationship StatusEvidence
FuseMirageClose friendsIn-game banter about partying
WraithBangaloreRespectful colleaguesShared military history
CausticWatsonFather/daughter dynamicCaustic worked with Wattson‘s dad

So while no official Octane/Wattson confirmation yet, the table is certainly set for more legend relationships!

Who Are Octane and Wattson? Peeling Back the Layers on These Lovable Legends

Before we conclude, let‘s peel back the layers on Octane and Wattson themselves to better understand fan fascination with this pairing.


Octavio Silva, aka Octane, built his reputation via stunts and injecting stim to become the adrenaline junkie he is today. After losing his legs pulling off an exploding jump, Octane joined the Apex Games and got bionic legs to satisfy his need for speed. Armed with Stim and Launch Pads, jumping and flooring it is Octane‘s specialty.

Outside of battle, Octane maintains flashy sponsorships and enjoys partying with his best friend Ajay Che, aka Lifeline. Could a romantic side exist under that daredevil exterior though?


The static defender Natalie "Wattson" Paquette grew up tinkering with electrical tech thanks to her engineer father. His shocking death left Wattson orphaned, leading her to join the Apex Games alongside herfather‘s old colleagues Caustic and Crypto.

Despite her youth, Wattson‘s electrified fences and Pylons make her the ultimate defense hero. And beneath her punny, innocent personality lies surprising trauma that may leave room for a caring partner‘s support.

Takeaways on Their Backgrounds

So in many ways, Octane and Wattson represent a thrilling clash of personalities and lifestyles. Octane seeks out chaos and feeds off daring acts, while Wattson utilizes order and methodical tactics. Their outlooks and emotional needs seemingly contrast on the surface.

But their joint status as original Apex Legends could foster understanding. And perhaps Wattson‘s painful past experiences could benefit from Octane‘s joyful approach. Both legends share loneliness in their own ways, leaving space for comfort.

Overall their backgrounds hint at connections, though mainly in friendship terms…for now.

Final Verdict: Should You Ship Octane x Wattson Romance?

After reviewing evidence and lore, what‘s the final verdict?

As an Octane x Wattson shipper myself, I think the pairing makes perfect sense on paper. Their opposite approaches could beautifully fill each mutual loneliness. However, based on the purposefully vague official canon, assuming anything feels premature.

We have no direct proof confirming or denying Octane and Wattson feel attraction beyond platonic fondness. Much like Mirage pretending his pork chops taste good, we see what we want to see!

But part of what makes Apex Legends ships so fun is reading between the lines and picking sides in the friendly fandom debate. So in that spirit, I say Octane x Wattson fans have plenty justifying their imagination, even if hardcore evidence lacks. And we can count on more juicy voice lines and stories to further stir the pot!

Maybe one day Respawn will shock us all and make Octane/Wattson official. But for now, while we may hope they‘re dating, our trigger fingers still itch for that definitive confirmation!

So what do you think? Should Octane and Watson become the next hot item in Apex Legends? Which legend pairing do you wanna see get together? Let me know in the comments! And as always, remember to have fun gaming!

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