The Truth About Peach and Luigi‘s Relationship Status and History

No, Princess Peach and Luigi are decidedly not a canonical romantic couple in Nintendo‘s core Super Mario games or extended media. While fans have speculated about Luigi‘s potential unrequited interests, all evidence suggests Peach only has eyes for Mario while Luigi has moved on with Princess Daisy.

As an avid Mario gamer and content creator, I‘ve analyzed the franchise‘s 30+ year history and feel confident stating Peach and Luigi have never officially been depicted as together. However, some glimpses into their dynamics across games have fueled fan curiosity, making their non-existent pairing still a fascinating topic for discussion.

Luigi‘s Hint of Former Affection Towards Peach

Going chronologically through mainline and spin-off media, the strongest case for potential requited affection from Luigi comes from Mario Power Tennis in 2004. In Peach‘s victory celebration scene, Luigi is shown enthusiastically cheering for her alone with hearts over his head. This rare moment displayed him acting clearly smitten in Peach‘s presence in a way not seen before or since.

My personal theory is the creators likely wanted to play with the idea of a subtle one-sided crush from Luigi to spice things up. Showing him acting lovestruck towards Peach was probably intended humorously or as the slightest nod towards the notion Luigi vying for her too.

Ultimately though, this fleeting scene felt more like fringe fan service rather than any meaningful storyline shift. Nintendo never followed up seriously on these brief fireworks so we can assume Luigi admiring Peach ended there!

Peach Has Only Ever Had Eyes for Mario

In contrast, Peach‘s consistent depictions across every Mario platformer, sports title, spin-off and expanded universe media like cartoons and comics have reinforced her romantic connections with main hero Mario, not Luigi.

Her rescue storylines from Bowser kidnappings fuel that popular heroic plumber romance fantasy for fans to this day. And even in games where she takes the playable spotlight like Super Princess Peach, her emotional ties to Mario still feel central to her arc.

Moments explicitly showing affection like kissing Mario on the nose or baking him cakes show her favorable treatment compared to Luigi. And the rare times when she‘s shown bestowing a kiss upon Luigi read much more as sisterly thanks than passionate signs of actual courtship.

Within the mushroom kingdom, Peach‘s heart belongs to the man in red alone!

Luigi Moved On – His Current Sweetheart is Daisy!

At some point after his Power Tennis pulse-quickening display, Luigi clearly got over his brief Peach crush and transferred his romantic sights elsewhere – to athletic princess Daisy!

Across Mario sports games, Daisy began consistently appearing as Luigi’s selected partner with strong hints at a building dating relationship. They‘ve been depicted sharing joyful celebrations together and even public statues placed them as a solidified romantic pairing – no longer leaving Luigi’s courtship status in question.

And for her part, the flower child Daisy seems enamored with her new bashful beau as well! Though lacking the iconic history of Mario/Peach, their visible on-screen sparks fly high enough to satisfy fans that Luigi‘s gambling on new love rather than longing for Peach again.

The verdict: Mr. Player Two found hisPlayer Two! And her name is Daisy.

Why Fans May Have Shipped Peach x Luigi

Given Peach and Luigi‘s actual platonic status, why have fans paired them together at all? Luigi‘s brief Power Tennis yearning likely sparked curiosity plus the basic fraternal triangle notion if Mario has Peach then Luigi could pine for her too.

That one-minute scene has probably been OVER-interpreted by wishful-thinking fans hoping to shuffle up the predictable Mario/Peach dynamic. After 30+ years, the franchise leads hooking up feels almost too predetermined at this point.

So speculation about potential "close family friend steals girl away" drama brings understandable intrigue! Even if not backed up by canonical evidence, the idea of Peach and Luigi coupling up instead carries underdog appeal. Their virtual chemistry hasn‘t been explored so optimism around less expected pairings isn‘t fully dead yet for fanfic purposes!

Can We Expect This Twist In Future Mario Titles?

Would Nintendo ever officially break the status quo and establish Peach with Luigi out-of-the-blue? My analysis is very doubtful.

Given decades perfecting the iconic cat-and-mouse romance between Mario racing to Peach‘s rescue from Bowser‘s evil clutches, it seems unlikely creators would tamper with that formula barring some timeline shake-up novelty.

And why derail Luigi finally discovering mutually-strong ties with Daisy? That built momentum towards seeing Player One‘s brother happily partnered seems like wasted potential to shuffle him awkwardly back towards one-way pining for Peach again.

In my estimation as a gaming commentator, the odds of Peach and Luigi becoming Nintendo‘s next power couple feel next to zero! But I‘ve been surprised before so as a closing caveat, never say never…

Peach x Mario Still Going Strong Per Fan Polls!

Based on recent fan polls below, Mario/Peach continues dominating as the community’s favored romantic pairing while Luigi/Daisy secure secondary approval ratings:

Couple (game franchise)Support Percentage
Mario/Peach (Super Mario Bros)72%
Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda)66%
Luigi/Daisy (Super Mario Bros)41%

So Mushroom Kingdom devotees are speaking – while Luigi/Daisy cheers grow, main hero Mario remains Peach‘s perennial prime partner choice for now and foreseeable future!

Verdict: Peach is Spoken For…and So is Luigi!

In closing, my deep analysis into 30+ years of core Super Mario games and extended media confirms Princess Peach and Luigi do not have canonical romantic history or current evidence supporting them as an official item.

While Luigi‘s brief spell of infatuation for Peach may have sparked some fanfic fodder, his brother securing her consistent love leaves his brief courtly crush shelved for good. And Luigi focusing his sights on athletic golf/tennis/party game partner Daisy suggests he‘s not stressing past rejections but embracing new dating opportunities instead!

So in the virtual world of Nintendo‘s beloved mascot franchise, both brothers have enviable soulmates — it‘s just Mario and Peach‘s bonding gets far more spotlight! But Luigi’s lower-key loving with flower child Daisy exudes plenty of heartfelt potential as well.

At the end of the day, Peach seems spoken for…and so does Luigi. We can confirm those two have settled into "just friends" mode indefinitely. So theories and fantasies imagining unconventional Mario romantic shake-ups look set staying confined to fanfic wish fulfillment rather than future game storylines.

But part of fandom passion lies letting imaginations run wild even non-canon style sometimes! So shippers pairing Peach with her hero‘s lanky bro can still indulge that creativity even if Nintendo‘s gates remain closed. After all, crossover crack pairings with less and less plausibility manage stirring some support nowadays, so Luigi x Peach is relatively tame!

As a Mario superfan myself though, I‘m perfectly content letting the original Mushroom Kingdom couples shine on. Because if it ain‘t broke why attempt fixing it and risk poisoning such deliciously addictive adventures fans crave revisiting? Nintendo‘s formula feels ripe enough that this plumber probably shouldn‘t be getting delusions of a princess upgrade when his stallion brother’s already aced winning her majesty’s heart!

So let Mario keep his Peach while Luigi settles for Daisy. Status quo remains and no love triangles necessary! That resolution seems sweet as sugar to me.

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