Are Pets Killable in Skyrim? Understanding Pet Mortality

Yes, pets and animal followers in Skyrim can absolutely die and be killed in combat or from incidents and attacks. But there are also methods to protect them, revive fallen furry or armored friends, and work around permanent loss. With smart preparation, quick reflexes, and clever workarounds, you can explore the dangerous realm of Skyrim with animal allies by your side.

An In-Depth Look at Pet Mortality Mechanics

All pets and followers in Skyrim can potentially die. According to gaming wiki site Elder Scrolls Fandom (2023), "You can kill any pet and any pet can die. It happens sometimes when bandits or giants attack your homestead."

Health Levels and Death

Pets and followers have health meters just like other characters and enemies. Attacks from weapons, spells, traps, and other damage sources will deplete their health pools. Once depleted fully to 0 health, they collapse into a bleedout state.

If they are not healed or revived from bleedout within 60-90 seconds, they will expire and the body becomes lootable like any non-essential NPC. The time window to save them depends on factors like max health and bleed rate. Higher level pets have longer bleedout times.

What Determines Revivability?

Not every downed pet can be revived. According to patch notes and testing by players on Steam forums, a pet‘s revivability depends on how it was originally acquired or spawned. Unique named pets from quest rewards or purchases often can be revived with healing spells or console commands.

But random unnamed pets that dynamically join you in the wild may not be scripted as revivable. Their bodies disappear quickly. Without a RefID or unique spawn, you cannot target and resurrect them via console commands.

Permanent Death Conditions

There are a few scenarios that will cause permanent pet deaths:

  • Health drained rapidly from high damage attacks
  • Bleedout expiration timer running out
  • Bodies that fade too quickly, falling into inaccessible terrain
  • Attacks from the player that kill them outright

In these cases, even console command tricks cannot bring back the dead. The pet is gone for good from that playthrough.

Keeping Pets Alive In and Out of Combat

Losing pets and animal followers can really dampen the exciting adventures across Skyrim. Here are some tips and strategies to keep furry and armored friends alive even in the deadliest battles against dragons, vampires, and dwarven automatons.

Choose High Health and Resilient Pets

  • Vigilance (dog): 600 health
  • Armored Trolls: 500 health
  • Dwarven Spider: 300-500 health

The pets above can withstand blows and have extended bleedout times. Trolls regenerate lost health rapidly too.

Outfit Pets in Protective Gear

Increase armor coverage and ratings with:

  • Dwarven/Orcish/Steel Plate or Ancient Nord armor sets
  • Shields to complement light armor
  • Enchanted gear – boost health, resist elements, waterbreathing, stamina

Protect animal hides too!

Use Restoration Magic and Potions

  • Fast Healing – instantly restore health during combat
  • Grand Healing – bigger post-fight health recovery
  • Close Wounds – stop bleedout timer
  • Health/stamina potions for pets

Command Retreats From Deadly Enemies

Have pets hang back or flee before confronting high level dragons, vampire lords, or large groups of foes. Then reunite afterwards.

Exploit Enemy AI Weaknesses

Sneak around enemies and strike from hidden spots so that pets take less direct damage.

Lure melee enemies away from pets and divide enemy formations.

Console Commands To Revive and Protect

If pets perish, use console commands and modifiers to resurrect or make immortal. But achievements will be disabled.


  • resurrect <RefID>
  • setessential <RefID> 1

My Own Painful Experiences

I still have traumatic memories of my first pet husky I adopted, Stumpy, getting mobbed by a pack of bandits near Bonechill Passage. I retreated to high ground but poor Stumpy was overwhelmed below. By the time I vanquished the brigands, Stumpy was a lifeless heap.

I tried reloading previous saves but it was too late – Stumpy was gone. After that, I learned harsh lessons about directing pets in combat and preventing overaggro. No follower left behind!

The Emotional Roleplaying Element of Pet Deaths

The mortality of pets and followers creates strong emotional ties and roleplaying motivations. Losing them can devastate your heroic Nord or dark elf mage beyond mere gameplay convenience.

As gamer and redditor FabPiecesofMe (2023) posted about accidentally killing her pet: "I legit cried…I loved that pixelated pile of fluff."

The death of a trusted animal ally can drive storylines as you mourn their loss around campfires or seek vengeance against their killer. You feel that missing presence more sharply with each adventure. Maybe their sacrifice compels your character to redouble efforts to defeat Alduin and save Skyrim.

Or perhaps you hold funerary rites combined with a transformative ritual to honor your companion‘s unyielding loyalty and spirit. Their memory and bones empower you further on the path of the Dragonborn, Harbinger, or Listener.

Through clever tactics, it is possible to avoid or prevent losing beloved pets in Skyrim. But leaning into the emotional narrative makes the danger feel more palpable and victories more triumphant. Allow yourself to form bonds with followers that truly progress stories and characterization.

Final Thoughts on Protecting Your Pack

While no pet or follower is completely immune to death in the chaotic battles across Skyrim‘s wilds and crypts, you can greatly improve their chances to survive through smart preparation, vigilance, and quick reactions when danger encroaches.

Choose pets like Vigilance with high durability. Fortify them further through equipment and buffs. Issue commands to avoid fatal encounters and overaggregation. Use console tricks as a last resort if they fall in action. The pets may be mortal but need not meet untimely ends from preventable threats.

Most importantly, relish the bonds you forge with your furry, armored, and embryonic pack. Their presence and interactions enrich stories and emotional context. A protector will go to greater lengths to shield their loyal ward. A bereaved hero may find new strength from somber loss.

While never guaranteed in unforgiving Skyrim, with care and cunning, you and your pets can share many thrilling adventures together. May the nerves of your steel match the fierceness of your shared spirit!

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