Are Renna and Ranni the Same Person in Elden Ring?

The Short Answer

No, Renna and Ranni are not the same character. Ranni first disguises herself as the mysterious Renna before eventually revealing her true identity as the Snow Witch. So while introduced separately, Renna is simply an alias used by Ranni.

Who Exactly is Renna?

Renna first appears early in Elden Ring, gifting the player the Spirit Calling Bell to unlock spirit ash summons. At this point, she is a blue-cloaked figure with four arms, her identity and motives obscured.

According to fan theories, Renna‘s four arms and blue cloak connect her to the ancient Snow Witch – Ranni‘s mentor. The Snow Witch Set armor describes its original wearer as a powerful magic user with four arms. As Ranni likely modeled her doll body after her teacher, this could explain Renna‘s appearance.

Renna‘s True Goal

While posing as Renna, Ranni is able to manipulate the player into aiding her schemes behind the scenes. By gifting the Spirit Calling Bell, Renna sets the Tarnished on the path towards gathering Great Runes and becoming Elden Lord – playing right into Ranni‘s hands.

So Renna‘s true purpose is kickstarting the player‘s journey in a way that ultimately benefits Ranni‘s own quest for dark moon power. Pretty cunning!

Ranni Reveals Her True Self

Upon returning to Renna‘s Rise after defeating Starscourge Radahn, the mysterious blue figure finally divulges her actual name:

"Thou‘rt a brave warrior. Carrying the torch of my mother‘s vision. I am the daughter of Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, and Radagon, champion of the Erdtree. Mine name is Ranni."

So after this dramatic revelation, the secret is out – Renna is actually Ranni the Witch! Ranni admits to orchestrating the Night of the Black Knives to kill Godwyn and free herself from the Greater Will‘s control.

Ranni‘s Background

As revealed in her monologue, Ranni is an Empyrean demigod born to Queen Rennala and Radagon. She had two brothers – Radahn and Rykard. After being chosen as an Empyrean by the Two Fingers, Ranni rejected her fate and stole a fragment of Destined Death to kill Godwyn. This allowed her to shed her mortal flesh and live on as a spirit instead, no longer bound by the Greater Will.

So behind the mask of Renna, it turns Ranni had sinister plans all along!

The Connection Explained

While introduced as separate characters, Renna‘s true identity is eventually uncovered to be Ranni herself. By posing as Renna early on, Ranni is able to nudge the player along their destined path from the shadows.

Only after defeating Radahn and proving worthy of her vision does Ranni finally include you in her schemes to defy the Greater Will and take Marika‘s place.

So in summary:

  • Renna – Mysterious identity used by Ranni to disguise her motives
  • Ranni – True personality revealed after Radahn‘s defeat

Despite initial appearances, Renna and Ranni are different personas of the same charismatic deceiver. Truly befitting of the bewitching Snow Witch!

Theories on Other Disguised Identities

Ranni revealing herself as the puppeteer behind Renna has sparked debate around other potential aliases used to manipulate outcomes from behind the scenes.

Is Melina also Ranni?

Popular theories posit that Ranni may also be disguising herself as Melina, the maiden who acts as the player‘s guide. Evidence includes:

  • Both have an eye permanently closed
  • Melina‘s burning flesh resembles Ranni‘s blackened fingers
  • They share a similar hairstyle covering one eye

However, counterarguments suggest they have conflicting motivations – Melina wishes to burn the Erdtree, while Ranni wants to replace it with her Dark Moon. So the jury is still out!

Marika Pulling the Strings?

Another theory suggests Ranni‘s schemes may unconsciously align with Marika‘s own grand vision to destroy the Golden Order. Is the witch being manipulated without realizing by her mother to catalyze the Elden Ring shattering?

I explore more lore theories in my Elden Ring podcast here: [link]

So while Renna is confirmed as Ranni‘s deception, theextent of the Snow Witch‘s identities and co-conspirators remains tantalizingly ambiguous…

Let me know your thoughts in the comments! As a passionate Soulslike gamer and lore enthusiast, I live for discussing and dissecting these connections.

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