Are SCP Real?

The SCP Foundation is not real. It is a fictional secret organization that is part of a collaborative writing project on a wiki of the same name. The Foundation is portrayed as being responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by science, known as “anomalies” or “SCPs”.

The SCP Foundation originated in the “paranormal” /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, where the very first SCP file, SCP-173, was posted by an anonymous user.

Featured Answers

it is fake, not real like the SCP foundation said.

Answered from Anonymous

No, the SCP Foundation is not real, but the Foundation Popularity is most likely Large, you may Play SCP: Containment Breach on your PC or Mac.

Answered from SCP Foundation

The SCP Foundation is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative writing wiki project of the same name.

Answered from Rae A. Samillano

Is the SCP Facility Real?

The SCP Foundation originated in 2007 on the 4chan paranormal discussion boards as a creepypasta concept suggested by a user named Moto42. The idea was simple yet compelling: what if a secret organization documented worldwide anomalies?

The first SCP article created was SCP-173, the iconic and creepy statue entity written by Moto42. This sparked the creation of a wiki collaboration to expand the universe. One of the earliest developers and site creators was a user named Anaxagoras.

Over the next decade, the SCP Foundation wiki grew through the contributions of notable horror writers including djkaktus, DrClef, DrGears and more. The editing and quality control by staff like Bright kept the standard high.

By 2022, over 6000 SCP anomaly articles were collaboratively created, forming a fictional universe with thousands of interconnected entities, locations, objects documented in a clinical bureaucratic style. From a humble creepypasta origin, the SCP wiki has become one of the largest crowd-sourced fiction worlds.

Table of Contents:

  1. Overview of Fictional SCP Anomalies
  2. Growth and Popularity of the SCP Universe
  3. Reception, Controversies and Criticisms
  4. Real-World Attempts at Monetization
  5. Impact on Horror and Science Fiction Genres
  6. The Evolution and Future of Collaborative Fiction

Overview of Fictional SCP Anomalies

The SCP Foundation secures and contains a vast range of fictional anomalous objects, entities and locations. These include:

  • SCP-173 – a concrete statue that moves and kills when not looked at directly. One of the earliest and most iconic specimens.
  • SCP-096 – a humanoid creature that enters a murderous rage when its face is viewed by someone. Very dangerous to containment teams.
  • SCP-049 – a medieval doctor with a plague cure that turns victims into zombies under its control. Inspired by the plague doctor masks.
  • SCP-3000 – a massive eel-like aquatic entity up to 40 km long lurking in the deep sea. Demonstrates god-like powers.
  • SCP-3008 – an anomalous IKEA retail store with no exit. Shoppers trapped inside face staff and entities.
  • SCP-058 – the Heart of Darkness artifact that causes addiction and obsession when viewed. Inspired by classic novella.

These are just a handful of the thousands of SCP anomalies that have been collaboratively created and documented on the wiki since its origins.

Growth and Popularity of the SCP Universe

The SCP Foundation has seen exponential growth from a small message board concept to a globally popular collaborative fiction universe:

  • Over 5000 SCP anomaly articles documented
  • Wiki sees over 130 million views annually
  • 300+ writers have contributed SCP content
  • There are over 250,000 registered user accounts
  • Popular SCP pages often get 30,000+ upvotes
  • Facebook group has over 200,000 members
Collaborative Fiction Universes
UniverseSCP FoundationCreepypasta Wiki
ArticlesOver 5000Over 15,000
Page Views (2022)130 million60 million
Registered UsersOver 250,000Over 100,000

The above table compares the SCP Foundation with Creepypasta Wiki, another major crowdsourced horror fiction universe. The SCP wiki has seen greater growth in content volume, readership and registered contributors over a similar timeframe.

Reception, Controversies and Criticisms

The SCP Foundation's fiction content blending bureaucratic clinical writing styles with supernatural horror concepts has seen its share of reception controversies:

  • Criticism over clinical tone and formats imitating real organizations, risk of misinterpretation
  • Plagiarism controversies related to stolen content from other fiction universes
  • Concerns over lack of quality control and dilution of writing standards over time
  • Praise for pioneering a new model of collaborative fiction writing and worldbuilding
  • Some critique over horror themes and objectionable content in some SCP articles
  • General creepypasta genre critiqued for viral fiction that can confuse younger demographics

There have been plagiarism controversies, with some early SCP entries copied from sources like the Silent Hill games without attribution. Quality control of submissions continues to be a point of concern. The clinical bureaucratic tone has drawn criticism for imitating real-world formats too closely.

Real-World Attempts at Monetization

As a creative commons collaborative fiction project, the SCP Foundation attracts many unauthorized commercial usage attempts:

  • SCP Containment Breach game (24+ million downloads)
  • Indie horror games like SCP: Secret Files
  • SCP illustrated books, t-shirts, toys and merchandise
  • Low-budget SCP films on YouTube and crowdsourcing sites
  • Tabletop RPGs, card games and console game mods
  • SCP crypto tokens and NFT projects

These monetization efforts exist in a legal gray area. As an open fiction universe, gaining official SCP copyright approval is unlikely, resulting in disputes. The wiki itself remains a non-profit creative writing community.

Impact on Horror and Science Fiction Genres

The SCP Foundation has significantly impacted internet horror and sci-fi genres:

  • Inspired the “creepypasta” genre of viral horror fiction stories
  • Popularized collaborative writing structures for crowdsourced fiction
  • Clinical bureaucratic writing style adds atmosphere to horror concepts
  • Expanded genres with thousands of new anomaly creatures and concepts
  • Mainstreamed interest in speculative science fiction through easy online access
  • Fostered growth of online fan communities around collaborative fiction worlds

Horror authors like Stephen King have praised projects like the SCP Foundation for demonstrating new mediums for horror fiction using the online collaborative writing format. This model has become a template for creators in the internet age.

The Evolution and Future of Collaborative Fiction

Looking ahead, the SCP Foundation remains devoted to its roots as a collaborative fiction wiki, with some possible future directions:

  • Additional expansion of the fictional universe through new SCP anomalies
  • Increased moderation and quality control over article submissions
  • Potential licensing deals for approved games/films based on SCP IP
  • New formats like podcasts, animation and AR for engaging storytelling
  • Maintaining balance between creative writing freedom and professional standards
  • Continued experimentation with horror/sci-fi collaborative fiction models

Online collaborative writing projects like the SCP Foundation have changed the landscape for speculative fiction and horror. This demonstrates the potential for internet-based collaborative worldbuilding and storytelling to engage fandoms. While the future path it takes may evolve, the SCP wiki remains committed to this experiment in collaborative fiction started 15 years ago.



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