Are Shadow Pokemon Worth Powering Up for PvP Battles? My Take as a Seasoned GO Battle League Player

As an avid Pokemon GO pvp competitor for over 5 years and moderator in battling communities, I‘m constantly experimenting with new battle teams. And some of my most dominant stretch runs have featured elite shadow Pokemon. So in my experience, the short answer is – yes, powered up shadow Pokemon can definitely become PvP juggernauts!

But it does take an investment of resources to unlock their full potential. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll analyze the pros and cons of shadows for PvP to help fellow fans decide if commitments worthwhile for their playstyle.

Harnessing the Shadow Attack Bonus

Shadow Pokemon gain a 20% damage boost to their Charged and Fast Attack moves in both raid battles and PvP matchups. At a glance, this makes them seem vastly superior attackers. However, they simultaneously take 20% more damage from opponents due to lowered defense.

Let‘s look at some estimated battle data with a common matchup:

PokemonFast Move DamageCharged Move DamageTotal Battle Damage
Shadow Swampert16.01321930

As you can see, the shadow version outdamages standard Swampert by ~8.5% over the length of a battle. The increased attack output usually makes up for additional damage taken.

Now keep in mind – this bonus applies equally to ALL shadow fast and charged moves. When added on top of already fearsome attacks of Pokemon like Mewtwo or legendaries, shadows can dish out devastating blows.

These damage examples are estimates, but clearly demonstrate the concept of overpowering opponents with the shadow attack boost. Next let‘s analyze some of the top PvP shadow options to consider adding to your battle roster.

4 Dominant Shadow Pokemon for PvP

While the shadow bonus can make almost any eligible Pokemon stronger, some species have kits that translate extremely well to PvP success when powered up. Based on my personal use and tournament observations, here are 4 of the top shadows worth hunting:

Shadow Mewtwo

The king remains on top – shadow Mewtwo has been a menace since its PvP debut. With access to the insanely powerful Psystrike charged attack, most opponents get wiped out far before they can mount a comeback. I‘ve built entire teams around shield baiting so Mewtwo can sweep late game fights.

Some ideal movesets are:

  • Fast Move: Psycho Cut (for energy gains)
  • Charged Moves: Psystrike + Focus Blast/Ice Beam

Shadow Machamp

Another steady option, shadow Machamp crushes with Counter fast move damage. Power-Up Punch charges quickly and baiting it into Close Combat or Rock Slide finishes most neutral fights. Check fast move resistances then clean up!

Shadow Salamence

Despite the flying typing vulnerability, Salamence as shadow is still very sturdy. With the sheer power of Dragon Breath fast damage, Dragon Claw spam potential, and the coverage of Hydro Pump, you can overpower teams without proper counters.

Shadow Venusaur

While somewhat specialist now, in certain limited metas like Kanto Cup I‘ve used shadow Venusaur to devastating effect. The Frenzy Plant community move gives Venusaur excellent coverage and charge potential alongside Sludge Bomb. If your cup or league allows it, don‘t sleep on this shadow!

These are just a few prime shadow options – the analysis can go very deep on many others like Politoed, Victrebell, Metagross and the legendaries. Overall the takeaway is shadow Pokemon open up tactical options regular versions cannot provide. Let‘s examine if they mesh with your battling style.

Deciding If Investment Is Worthwhile for You

While the damage output of shadows is very alluring, they do require significant investment to become battle-ready. Here are key considerations:

Resource Cost

Powering up shadow Pokemon is an expensive endeavour requiring tons of Stardust and Candy. Evolving them costs even more! It can take over 500,000 Stardust and hundreds of Candy to max out. Casual players likely don‘t have stocks to spend so freely.

However, for established battlers, the shadow boost may justify costs since you‘re further powering up existing competitive species anyway. Their performance ceiling is heightened considerably.

Team Composition and Strategy

Your battle style matters greatly too. Shadows make excellent closers and late game win conditions but need support to enable them. If you prefer bulky cores and balanced composition, shadows may not align.

And in certain shield bait scenarios, sacrificial swaps actually favor bulkier team members. So you‘ll need to decide if a glass cannon or tank fits your gameplan better. There‘s certainly room for both.

(Mostly) Irreversible Investment

Unless you use an Elite TM, the Charged Move Frustration cannot be removed from shadow Pokemon outside special Rocket events. So that‘s an opportunity cost if you‘re unwilling to wait.

And keep in mind you cannot undo purification once completed! So be certain before turning a shadow into a standard version. There‘s real finality in the choice, as shadow boosts disappear.

IV Optimization Differences

Since Attack is already amplified, Defense and Stamina IVs become more important for PvP shadows. You ideally want a low Attack IV but maxed Defense and HP stats to further durability.

This can make finding the perfect specimen more challenging than regular Pokemon. Be prepared to review many, many IV spreads!

So in summary – powered up shadow Pokemon require a willingness to invest substantial resources for glory…but the payoff can be enormous!

Final Verdict – Shadows Are Strong Options for Committed PvP Players

While not universally superior options in all scenarios, shadow Pokemon provide seasoned PvP trainers great potential return for investment. Their fearsome attacking abilities enable tactics and wins not otherwise possible.

However, more casual battlers may find the Stardust and Candy costs difficult to keep up with. And without proper support, glass cannon shadows can collapse quickly.

So while exciting to unlock, I recommend buffers analyzeshadows closely vs alternatives to make informed decisions about resources. With smart utilization, shadows will devastate – but do require diligence!

Let me know if you have any other PvP shadow questions – happy to provide takes from my battling experiences!

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