Are Sniper Elite 3 and 4 connected?

Yes, Sniper Elite 4 is a direct sequel to 2014‘s Sniper Elite 3, continuing elite marksman Karl Fairburne‘s dangerous missions across World War 2‘s North African and European theatres. As a passionate stealth tactics fan, this series progression from scorching dunes to Italian villages had me grinning through my scope.

Reunion with Karl Fairburne

Gamers step back into the boots of American OSS agent Karl Fairburne, stealthily eliminating high-value Axis targets from behind enemy lines. What makes Karl so compelling is his blend of rugged resourcefulness from his Montana upbringing, mixed with the calculated precision of his sniper training.

His unique skill-set makes threading dense patrol routes to find the perfect perch more white-knuckle than ever. Speculation also surrounds a mysterious personal vendetta Karl pursues against SS instruments like Wolfe and Himmler. Hopefully Rebellion will lift the lid on his past soon.

While Karl remains the lone wolf protagonist, Sniper Elite 4 reunites players with Abwehr defector Brauer. Assisting with vital intelligence for your targets, it’s rewarding to see the aftermath of characters whose lives you’ve saved.

Chronicle from Desert to Italy

Sniper Elite 3 sees Karl battling Rommel’s feared Afrika Korps in 1942 North Africa. Adjusting from temperate Europe to searing desert proves tactical as well as environmental, with longer shots exposing Karl to detection. Military historians will also appreciate historical details like Tobruk’s defense and battle aftermath found in victory points.

Sniper Elite 4 then depicts Karl embroiled in the 1943 Allied push into Axis-controlled Italy after victory in Africa. The German forces are now on their back foot, as Karl helps turn the tide towards Rome. Maps feel more familiar European locations like forests and ancient ruins. This combined arms invasion requires balancing stealth and supporting your squad to avoid Hitler unleashing chemical weapons.

Marksman Mechanics Refined

While both titles share Sniper Elite’s trademark ballistics and patience, Sniper Elite 4 displays notable mechanical improvements. Bullet penetration now considers surface depth for increased realism. Enemies are also smarter, using smoke, rolling to cover, dodging rounds, even melee rushing your hideout! Upgrades like silencers, mines, and weapon handling also help sell Karl’s mastery with each mission.

The trademark Killcam also looks slicker than ever while retaining those wince-inducing angles of bullets shattering bones and puncturing organs in x-ray vision. I’ve heard you can disable this feature if it proves too gruesome!

Play Sniper Elite Titles in Order?

As Karl remarks dryly, “I’ve certainly seen better days”. While Sniper Elite 4 is arguably the more polished package, there’s joy in experiencing this expert marksman’s full odyssey from Africa onwards. Witnessing Karl’s tactics evolve while fraying at the edges heightens the personal stakes in every pulse-pounding encounter.

However, newcomers who just want to sample Sniper Elite’s tense stealth action could comfortably start from Sniper Elite 4. The opening fills any blanks about Karl’s past operations if you need story context. With deeper mechanics and varied European environments, Sniper Elite 4 represents the pinnacle of Rebellion’s stealth sandbox vision.

In closing, whether you want Karl’s full backstory or simply crave best-in-class sniping action, don’t miss these two stellar tactical shooters! Just mind your spacing, watch those sightlines, and happy hunting!

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