Are spear goblins better than archers in Clash Royale?

I‘m here to definitively settle the heated debate over an age-old Clash Royale argument – are the pesky ranged Spear Goblins or the powerful twin Archers the better support troop? After countless hours perfecting both cycle and beatdown decks, my vote goes to the Spear Goblin for its sheer utility!

Sure Archers boast intimidating strength with high damage potential. But the Spear Goblin‘s range and speed simply provide more value behind tanks or in aggressive Mortar cycle decks. Their low elixir cost also accelerates critical card rotation for match-winning quick pushes.

Let‘s closely compare stats, history, pro opinions, interactions, and counters to evaluate where each troop shines before presenting an overall verdict:

Technical Stats and Key Differences

Here‘s a snapshot of key stats for Spear Goblins and Archers in Clash Royale:

StatSpear GoblinsArchers
Elixir Cost23
Hit Speed1 sec1.2 sec
Movement Speed6060

It‘s clear even 3 spear goblins combined deal about half the devastating DPS (damage per second) compared to twin archers. They also get one-shotted by equal level logs and arrows.

However, what spear goblins lack in strength they make up for in sheer speed and range! Their breakneck 1 second attack animation outpaces archers to enable constant pressure. Long 5 tile throwing range allows goblins to safely poke from behind cover.

Additionally, archers may hit hard but cost 50% more elixir. This limits their cycle flexibility in key matchups compared to the extremely low 2 elixir commitment for 3 scrappy spear gobs.

But which provides more overall value on the battlefield? Let‘s break down their situational advantages next!

When Spear Goblins Outvalue Archers

Don‘t let their frail looks fool you – veteran Clashers leverage spear gobs masterfully as lethal support capable of pressuring all matchups:

Win Condition Support

  • Spear their high speed quickly whittle buildings behind Hogs or Giants
  • Range protects them from splash units on defense
  • Extreme cycle-ability accelerates building pressure


  • Distract Candy Crush troops like Royal Ghost or Bandit
  • Pull flying units towards center to activate King‘s tower
  • Surround tanks with more units via fast cycle potential

Of course as a proud spear goblin user for years, I absolutely love their offensive potential too!

Creative Spear Goblin Attacks

As Sun Tzu said: "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

Crafty spear goblin deployment generates monumental spell bait value:

  • Trick opponents into wasting Arrows on them
  • Punish incorrectly with swarm troops like Minion Horde
  • Generate massive counterpushes

Their speed also pressures princesses and dart goblins for positive trades. Archer‘s mediocre DPS simply can‘t compare with such finesse!

When Archers Outvalue Spear Goblins

Alright I‘ll grudgingly admit archers boasting higher damage and hitpoints make them deadly when protected:

  • Annoyingly shred tanks like PEKKAs when left unchecked
  • Survive better against splash units
  • More threat to air troops
  • Better DPS against crown towers

Archers shine brighter behind beefier tanks that demand raw power over speed and range.

The top Clash Royale player Bobby learned this after spear goblins failed to support his Golem pushes early on. He switched to archers and immediately gained 400 trophies before reaching number one global!

So archers certainly have gameplay merits. But spear goblins enable more opportunities through quicker cycle potential in my book.

Alternatives for Spear Goblins

While less cycleable than the 2 elixir Spear Goblin, here are some similarly annoying troops that can substitute in certain situations:

  • Firecracker– Longer range but less reliable chip damage on crown towers
  • Minions – Higher DPS flyers vulnerable to arrows
  • Skeletons – Extremely cheap but die to all spells
  • Bats – Air-only version of skeletons with DPS potential
  • Goblin Gang – Spear gobs with knight and stab goblin bonus!

I personally love using minions since they shred tanks and murder archers and wizards. Plus the minion hordebaits opponent spells for massive counterattack potential! But they definitely get demolished by spells unlike the elusive spear goblins.

History and Origins

Spear goblins and archers both trace their roots back over 10,000 years ago to tribal origins before forming the Goblin and Archer clans respectively. They likely branched into distinct factions based on weapon preferences.

Archers chose to train with bow & arrows that dealt high damage but required strength and mastery. Meanwhile spear goblins opted for ranged weapons maximizing speed over power.

Centuries later, these rival tribes were contracted by kings and lords as mercenaries in the era preceding Clash Royale tournaments. Certain battle scenarios made archers the optimal play, while spear goblins proved superior in others.

Let‘s explore modern interactions against troops and buildings to demonstrate this dichotomy!

Interactions Against Win Conditions

Competing 1v1 interactions against popular Clash Royale win conditions shows situational advantages:

  • Hog Rider: Spear gobs shred hogs faster while archers take ages, especially if placed reactively
  • Royal Hogs: Archers reliably counter a solo royal hog with no hits but struggle against a herd
  • Goblin Barrel: Archers kill goblins faster but spear gobs work by surrounding landing zone
  • Balloons: Archers absolutely essential to crush balloons before bombs drop
  • Battle Ram: Both counter battle ram fairly well but spear goblins more cycleable for surprise pulls
  • Giant: Archers dish out heavy damage with range but spear gobs quicker to pressure supporting troops
  • Royal Giant: Spear goblins effectively distract a lone RG for ages while archers quickly melt one
  • Elite Barbarians: Archers completely hard counter elite barbs – spear gobs just tickle !
  • PEKKA: Archers able to counter a lone PEKKA with tower help – spear goblins turned to pincushions

As seen, both troops fill specific attacking niches. Archers bring raw stopping power against grounded beatdown. But spear goblins enable faster cycle potential to pull tanks, predictive plant on barrels, and surgically distract assortment troops behind a Giants.

Let‘s see how the tables turn on defense!

Interactions Against Spells

Unfortunately spear goblins trade horrendously equal level small spells unlike archers surviving some:

  • Arrows – Completely counters spear gobs while archers heavily damaged
  • Log – Laughably annihilates all spear gobs but archers survive at half health
  • Barb Barrel – Barbs crush slim spear gobs after breaking but struggle against archers
  • Zap – Zaps both briefly but doesn‘t fully counter spear goblins
  • Snowball – Snowball stops spear gobs temporarily though archers persist at low HP
  • Poison – Poison prevents all spear goblin damage unlike archers surviving and attacking

Alas spear goblin users must protect them assiduously to extract value. Otherwise they instantly perish to small spells unlike beefier archers.

Interactions Against Splash Units

Let‘s examine splash unit matchups:

  • Wizard – Incinerates spear goblins easily while archers demand two shots
  • Executioner – His mighty axe kills archers and spear gobs in one equally powerful swing
  • Bowler – Bowls over spear gobs with ease but archers avoid the knockback
  • Valkyrie – Her whirlwind axe shreds frail spear gobs rapidly though archers take longer
  • Firecracker – Archers and spear goblins both easily sniped by blazing firecracker
  • Witch – Spear goblins die faster to skeletons while archers destroy them

Evidently archers‘ greater durability makes them more resistant to splash units. But spear goblins long range allows attacking safely from behind tanks or buildings.

Hard Counters and Best Compositions

Let‘s outline top counters and teammate suggestions when constructing battle decks with either troop choice:

Archers Hard Counters

  • Fireball – Utterly deletes both archers for positive trade
  • Poison – Shuts down all archer damage over time
  • Mega Knight – Demolishes archers easily with jump spash
  • PEKKA – Makes short work of archers with mighty sword slashes
  • Mini PEKKA – Annihilates them rapidly with melee attacks
  • Lumberjack – Quickly shreds low HP archers to bits

Ideal Archer Teammates

  • Giant: Meat shield protects archers crushing buildings
  • Golem: Archers assist killing swarms distraction golemites
  • Lavahound: Archers defend airborne pups after lavahound pops
  • Royal Giant: Archer DPS melts towers while RG tanks
  • Ice Wizard: Complimentary splash to destroy swarms
  • Tornado: Groups enemies for archer splash damage

Spear Goblins Hard Counters

  • The Log: Effortlessly stomps all spear gobs 2 levels lower
  • Arrows: Completely counters equally leveled spear goblins
  • Wizard: Makes short work of flimsy spear goblins
  • Bomber: Shreds spear goblins easily with ranged bombs

Ideal Spear Goblin Teammates

  • Hog Rider: Spear gobs quickly pressure buildings for hogs
  • Mortar: Spear gobs protect mortar through immense range
  • Bats: Air dps perfectly complements anti-ground spear gobs
  • Goblin Gang: Additional spear gobs strengthen cycle potential
  • Miner: Spear gobs reliably chip tower during miner tanking
  • Dart Goblin: Extreme range supports dart goblin DPS

Picking synergistic companions amplifies either troop exponentially. But crafty tactics and reactive responses also dictate engagement outcomes.

Predicting Future Balance Changes

Many Reddit and Twitter polls show players predicting Spear Goblin nerfs soon given their ubiquitous utility in top meta decks:

"How are $upercell not nerfing spear gobs when they have more use % than LOG?"

"Spear goblins are just too good for 2 elixir. Needs a first attack or stats nerf"

What tweaks could be in the works? Let‘s speculate on possibilities:

  • Slower first attack speed
  • Lower count to 2 units
  • Damage nerf bringing DPS closer to Archers

While justified in terms of usage rates, I believe spear gobs remain balanced due to fragility. Archers simply post too little threat for certain low damage win conditions like Hog Rider.

But we will have to see what the next round of balance changes brings!

The Verdict: Spear Goblins Beat Archers!

While archers boast mighty strength with higher DPS potential, spear goblins outclass them through sheer utility and cycle flexibility to support more win conditions:

✅ Faster move and attack speed
✅ Chip damage easier with range
✅ Spell bait potential
✅ Cheaper cost aids cycling

So construct those Hog 2.6 cycle decks with the Spear Goblin unless running Golem beatdown! Their low elixir cost and ranged pressure provides incredible value if played properly.

Do you agree the almighty Spear Goblin conquers over archers in Clash Royale? Let me know in the comments!

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