Are Takeda and Jacqui Married in Mortal Kombat?

Based on the latest official Mortal Kombat story details, Takeda and Jacqui are not currently married. Their relationship status remains engaged, just as it was confirmed to be through character dialogue exchanges in Mortal Kombat X.

While we haven‘t seen their love story progress further on-screen since then, there are strong indications these two are destined to be together once they return to the fray. Let‘s recap their romantic history – and why MK‘s power couple still has what it takes to go the distance.

How Their Relationship Blossomed Prior to MKX

Takeda is the passionate, headstrong son of Kenshi. As Scorpion‘s prized student, he gained fame through the Shirai Ryu clan before joining the next generation of Earthrealm warriors. Jacqui is the level-headed, badass daughter of Jax Briggs. She followed her father‘s footsteps in joining the Special Forces and soon proved herself as one of the team‘s most skilled combatants.

These two young, gifted fighters had much in common from the start. As members of a close-knit circle of comrades defending Earthrealm, it was only natural a romantic bond would start to form. By the time Mortal Kombat X rolls around, Takeda and Jacqui have officially become a couple.

MKX Confirms Their Engagement

During MKX, we learn Takeda and Jacqui‘s relationship has gotten even more serious. As mentioned earlier, a key Jacqui Briggs intro dialogue with Scorpion goes as follows:

Jacqui: "Takeda and I are.. engaged."
Scorpion: "May the Elder Gods protect him."

So there it is straight from the source – at some point between the MKX comic series and the game‘s main story mode, Takeda and Jacqui decided to take their love to the next level with marriage plans.

No doubt their constant peril defending Earthrealm made them realize life is short – so why waste time dancing around their feelings? This writer applauds the couple for following their hearts!

What Does the Future Hold for Jacqui and Takeda?

Unfortunately, there hasn‘t been any continuation of the couple‘s storyline since MKX. Both fighters are excluded from Mortal Kombat 11‘s roster, leaving their relationship status ambiguous after their initial engagement reveal.

However, there is ZERO reason to think their romance is off track. If anything, I‘d speculate they rushed to finally tie the knot during the 5 years between MKX and MK11. They‘re likely enjoying some newlywed bliss away from the ongoing battle with Kronika.

That, or Jacqui and Takeda may have elected to take a backseat for MK11‘s events to focus onstrengthening the Special Forces ranks in preparation for future conflicts. Based on Jacqui‘s deep commitment to her father Jax‘s legacy, this would be on brand for her character.

No matter what direction NRS takes them next though, Takeda and Jacqui clearly have one of the healthiest bonds in the series. Their devotion and honesty towards each other is too powerful to derail.

In a franchise filled with revenge plots and betrayal around every turn, the genuine care and affection between these two – and the hope it inspires – makes them one of Mortal Kombat‘s most beloved couples.

By the Numbers: Takeda and Jacqui‘s Relationship Timeline

YearAgeRelationship Status
MKX Story20 years oldDating
1 year later21 years oldEngaged
MK11 Story26 years oldEngaged or Married

So by crunching some basic numbers around their ages and biographies, we can estimate Jacqui and Takeda became engaged somewhere around age 21 before disappearing from the spotlight altogether a few years later.

Will NRS confirm an official marriage between MK‘s power couple in a future installment? Or are they planning an even bigger romance arc for Jacqui and Takeda down the road? I know I speak for their legions of fans when I say we‘d love nothing more than to see these two reunited and back in action soon to get some answers!

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