Are the Contract DLC Missions Worth It for GTA Online Players? A Passionate Gamer‘s In-Depth Perspective

As an avid GTA fan who has poured over 400 hours into Online, I‘ve been eagerly anticipating the Contract DLC since it was first teased back in July 2021. Now that it‘s finally here, I‘m excited to share my full hands-on perspective on whether these new storyline missions are worth playing and investing your precious gaming time into.

A Clear Yes, With Some Caveats

To give a clear answer upfront – yes, I strongly recommend all GTA Online players complete the Contract DLC missions. With engaging content, big cash payouts, and unlockable vehicles, it‘s some of the most valuable additions we‘ve seen to GTA Online in awhile.

However, there are a few caveats. Mainly that these missions shine the most when playing co-op with friends. Solo, some of the missions can be pretty challenging. Additionally, you‘ll need a good chunk of starting capital to purchase the new auto shop property required to even access the content.

Overall though, if you‘ve got at least $2 million in the bank, some capable friends to team up with, and around 5 hours to spare, diving into this new criminal underworld storyline is an absolute blast.

Lucrative Payouts Fund Your Criminal Enterprise

The sheer amount of cash you can score from successfully completing these missions makes them well worth the effort. Here‘s a breakdown of the monetary incentives:

  • Each of the 6 story missions pays $65k-$85k, totalling around $500k
  • Completing all the missions nets you a $1 million bonus
  • After finishing the story, you can replay missions for additional income
  • Investing in the new auto shop property unlocks a lucrative $250k-$400k side hustle of exotic car theft missions

This means that if you grind all the content out, you can pocket over $3 million! For comparison, that‘s over 3 times what you‘d earn from other popular money makers like the Diamond Casino Heist. This infusion of cash is perfect for investing back into your criminal enterprise.

Quality Content Brimming With Personality

While the payouts are nice, where the Contract DLC truly soars is in the engaging content that feels ripped right from a single player GTA narrative. Iconic characters like Franklin Clinton and Dr. Dre immerse you in this latest Los Santos underworld caper, while a diverse mix of 6 story missions provide welcome gameplay variety:

  • High octane weaponized car chases
  • Stealthy infiltrations set to a smooth beat
  • All out firefights through corporate plazas

Some personal highlights for me were:

  • A rhythmic dance party shootout set to Dr. Dre‘s latest track
  • A thrilling film-style escape clinging onto the bottom of a flying car
  • Hacking an arrogant billionaire‘s network to dig up his secrets

I also have to applaud the stellar voice acting and production quality. The celebrities featured like Dre and DJ Pooh banter back and forth seamlessly and make you feel part of their circle. It brings a lively personality that was missing from previous online content updates.

Compelling Replay Value

A concern I had was how replayable these missions would be after completing the story arc. But there‘s actually solid replay value due to:

  • Decent financial incentives, earning ~$100k per hour
  • Adjustable difficulty settings, making replaying at Veteran level a formidable challenge
  • Randomized guard patrols and entry points making each run feel different
  • Rotating exotic car theft assignments that keeps the auto shop side business fresh

Replaying also lets you appreciate humorous environmental details and conversations you likely missed the first time around. With engaging gameplay and financial motivations pushing you back in, I anticipate replaying these missions regularly as part of my weekly gaming routine.

A Solid Challenge for Solo Players

I should note that while all these missions are completely soloable, some are pretty difficult without backup. NPC enemies hit brutally hard even on standard difficulty, so certain large scale firefights and infiltrations can get intense for a lone operative.

Having a friend or two along makes things significantly easier thanks to more firepower and revived allies. But even solo, overcoming the challenge through skill and strategy provides a major rush. Just make sure to pack plenty of armor, health snacks, and weaponry!

Final Verdict: An Absolute Must Play for All GTA Fans

In the end, I wholeheartedly recommend all GTA Online fans complete The Contract missions when possible. The engaging storyline, likable personalities, lucrative payouts, and solid replay value make it some of the most compelling content added to public Online servers in years.

It successfully recaptures the excitement and personality of classic GTA single player campaigns. The only catch is you‘ll want at least $2 million spare to purchase one of the new auto shop properties in order to even access the content.

Once you‘ve secured adequate funding, gather some capable associates online to tackle these missions together on hard difficulty for maximum enjoyment. I‘d love to hear your thoughts once you complete them! See you around Los Santos.

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