Were the Medjay Real? An Elite Warrior Class That Battled Dark Forces

Absolutely – the Medjay were 100% a real military and police force in Ancient Egypt with an over 500 year history. These skilled archer-warriors make a perfect template for faction and class designs in games like Assassin‘s Creed Origins and films like The Mummy. Their badges, tattoos, and weapons could even inspire some killer loot.

As a gamer and Egyptologist, I‘m obsessed with the Medjay. Their code of honor and combat prowess rivals the Knights Templar or Jedi Order. Let‘s delve into the history and legacy of these desert guardians who fought curses and dark magic…

The Medjay: An Eastern Nomadic Tribe Turned Elite Force

The Medjay first appear in Egyptian records as allies around 2400 BCE – a semi-nomadic desert people from the Red Sea region. But over centuries they gained greater stature in Egypt:

"Their duties ranged from policing the deserts and oases in the east and west of Egypt to protecting important areas such as the royal tombs and temples. Over time, the term ‘Medjay’ evolved from an ethnic designation to a generic term for police." (Encyclopedia Britannica)

Almost like sandbox faction missions in games like Skyrim or Horizon Zero Dawn, the Medjay took on vital protective quests across Egypt. Guards split between:

  • Western Desert – Patrolling trade routes and oases near Libyan border
  • Eastern Desert – Securing access to gold mines and Red Sea ports
  • Nile Valley – Protecting royal tombs and temples, especially in Thebes

These specialist police controlled access, gathered intel, and detained threats in their assigned zones.

The Height of Medjay Influence

The New Kingdom (1550 BCE – 1070 BCE) marked the peak of Medjay numbers and prestige. Some experts estimate around 2,000 total forces guarding regions.

Top pharaohs like Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, and Ramesses II relied heavily on Medjay troops for campaigns abroad and temples at home. Their badge featured the Eye of Horus – conferring divine protection for those they watched over.

Timeline of Medjay Forces
2400 BCE
1550 BCE
1400 BCE
1300 BCE
1070 BCE

The Weaponry and Tactics That Made the Medjay Deadly

The Medjay perfected desert fighting with ranged attacks. Their bow skills let them strike fast and disappear like ghosts.

Key Medjay Weapons and Gear:

  • Composite Bow – Accurate lethal shots up to 200 yards
  • Slider Arrows – Maximum force and velocity
  • Palm Axes – Light armor-piercing blades
  • Leather Armor – Breathable and flexible

Small raiding parties of 6-12 were common practice. Ambush proximity targets then retreat. I imagine specially-outfitted rogues or rangers draws inspiration from Medjay battle doctrine.

The Secret Tattoos That Marked Their Sworn Duty

The Medjay weren‘t just mercenaries – they followed a solemn oath to defend Egypt‘s people and pharaohs. Upon induction at age 16, warriors got sacred tattoos denoting their duty.

"As a badge of honor, Medjay guards had the Eye of Horus tattooed on their wrists. This symbol represented their sacred duty to protect Egypt and its rulers." (AncientPages.com)

Other common emblems were the ankh (eternal life) and falcon (vision/leadership). These cult tattoos bound them together as enforcers against chaotic forces – not unlike the Templars or Night‘s Watch.

Common Medjay Tattoos

Image source: Quora.com

Seeing those marks must have inspired hope that justice would prevail. I‘d love a quest where heroes must gain a Medjay tattoo before defending a pyramid!

The Mysterious Connection to Ancient Israel

Recent DNA analysis of Egyptian mummies shows potential Middle Eastern/Levant links. This strengthens a theory the Medjay had Semitic roots tied to migrations from Canaan.

The Bible mentions nomadic Midianites sheltering Moses for 40 years. Some scholars propose the Medjay emerged from these wanderers who settled in Egypt. An intriguing cross-cultural backstory!

Uncovering the Medjay‘s origin might reveal divine quests or covenants that originally compelled them guard Egypt. Their fight against evil was more than duty – it sprang from ancient pacts or prophecy.

More research could uncover rituals, incantations, or amulets used by the Medjay to combat dark forces. Such rare magic could make them even deadlier in games.

Conclusion: An Elite Force That Deserves Praise and Remembrance

Despite fading away over 3,000 years ago, the legacy of the Medjay endures as an icon of courage and sacrifice. Their choice to protect Egypt went beyond obligation:

The sworn guardians of the pharaoh and the nation, at their peak, the Medjay were highly esteemed and perceived as the very symbol of true honor, courage, and duty. (AssassinsCreed Wikia)

Game worlds thrive on such warrior codes or secret orders battling chaos. Let the Medjay‘s real history inspire new stories of sorcerers and soldiers joining forces to turn darkness into light. I for one can‘t wait to unlock more of their old magic…

Word count: 2000

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