Exploring the Origins and Influences of The Elder Scrolls‘ Redguard Culture

The short answer is: yes, the iconic Redguards draw significant inspiration from Arabic and broader Middle Eastern cultures. As a passionate Elder Scrolls fan, I‘ve analyzed the lore and uncovered compelling evidence to support this. While the Redguards also have North African and other influences, their language, religion, names, clothing, and cultural traits point to a meticulously crafted fictional race with Arab roots.

Unmistakable Arabic Influences in Redguard Culture and Society

Redguard culture mixes real-world inspiration with fantasy archetypes, but Arab and Middle Eastern flavors permeate throughout:

  • Language: Their ancient Yokudan tongue shares phonetics and diction with Arabic dialects. Translated samples include words like "kaman" (also) and "ibn" (son of).
  • Religion: Their traditional Yokudan pantheon exhibits Islamic-esque traits fused with Tamrielic polytheism. Gods have Semitic names like Tall Papa, Morwha, and Onsi.
  • Naming Conventions: Common Redguard names like Nazeem, Anurasa, Hazadir, Za‘dan, and S‘ratha would seem at home in the Arab world.
  • Attire: Redguard elite warriors don flared dresses and turban-like headdresses, reminiscent of North African garb.
  • Cuisine: Signature Redguard dishes in Elder Scrolls cookbooks include couscous, puffed Iraq wheat cakes, fig cakes, and date cookes – all staples of Arab cuisine.

This pervasive and meticulous Middle Eastern theming leads me to confidently conclude that yes, the creators consciously modeled Redguards on Arab and related cultures.

Demographics Show Redguards are Minorities in Tamriel

While often portrayed prominently, Redguards are minority populations in their native Hammerfell and greater Tamriel:

RaceHammerfellAll Tamriel

Despite in-game prejudice, these demographics remind us that Redguards are valued members of the Elder Scrolls melange of diverse yet coexisting cultures and races.

Key Takeaways on the Thoroughly Arab-Inspired Redguards

After analyzing the evidence, my verdict is clear:

  • Redguards extensively reference Moorish, Arabic, and broader Middle Eastern civilizations
  • These signatures permeate names, deities, food, clothing, and language
  • However, as minorities in Tamriel, Redguards coexist harmoniously with other races in ES fantasy
  • They represent inclusion and diversity done right in game world cultures

For Elder Scrolls fans, I hope breaking down Redguard origins provides memborable insights into one of Skyrim‘s most iconic races. Despite tragic lore, they overcame adversity – not unlike the enduring cultures that inspired them.

What are your thoughts on Redguards in Elder Scrolls? Share below!

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