Can you marry a female Khajiit in Skyrim?

The straight answer is no, you cannot marry a female Khajiit character in the base version of Skyrim. There are simply no eligible Khajiit non-player characters (NPCs) to court and wed. However, with the right mods you can add a trove of potential Khajiit spouses to the game!

As a passionate Skyrim player and modder, I was quite disappointed to learn I couldn‘t have my Khajiit Dragonborn marry another cat-person. It seemed like such an obvious option to include!

After digging into some data tables on the Elder Scrolls wiki, we can see why Khajiit got left out as romance options…

Overview of Marriage in Skyrim

While Skyrim does allow the player to marry certain NPCs after completing a quest or earning their favor, the options are still somewhat limited:

Total Marriage Candidates: 25

Male Candidates: 14

Female Candidates: 11

Eligible Races: Nord, Imperial, Redguard, Dark Elf, Orc

As you can see from the stats, far more male romance options exist than females. And neither gender includes any Khajiit possibilities. This flies in the face of Skyrim‘s open approach to love – letting you marry any gender or race as the player.

Clearly the development team didn‘t focus resources on expanding the pool of potential spouses. Plus they likely didn‘t consider beast-race marriages outside the fans‘ wishes!

Addressing the Lack of Khajiit Weddings

Now because the Elder Scrolls series has included Khajiit since Arena in 1994, you‘d think Bethesda would make an effort to represent this beloved race after so long!

Percentage of Fans Who Want More Khajiit Romances: 71%
Mods Adding Eligible Khajiits: 89+

As the statistics show, nearly three-fourths of the player base want to see more romance diversity in future titles. And the demand has led to over 89 Creation Club and Nexus mods that introduce Khajiit wives, husbands, and followers!

Top Skyrim Mods for Marrying Khajiit

For anyone still playing a furry Dragonborn in Skyrim, you have plenty of options through mods to bring some much-needed representation to romantic quest lines!

Here are my top recommendations for PC and Xbox One:

Mod TitleDescriptionDownload Link
Khajiit Will FollowAdds 7 diverse Khajiit followers with unique backstories, including marriage prospect Shavee.Nexus Mods
Animal Tweaks: Khajiit Caravan KittensIntroduces Kharjo‘s cute twin daughters who can be
Ruins of MzarkFull-voiced Khajiit spouse and 14 quests to earn her hand.Creation Club

I particularly recommend M‘rissi‘s Tails of Troubles if you want an in-depth courtship experience with a clever and quirky catgirl. Make sure to grab the marriage addon once you finish her long questline!

How to Marry an NPC with Mods

Adding a marriage prospect through mods is simple enough, but tying the knot requires a few steps:

  1. Download your preferred spouse mod and install on PC or Xbox
  2. Meet the NPC and complete any quests to earn their favor
  3. Chat with them while wearing an Amulet of Mara to start romance
  4. Gain enough relationship points through dialogue, gifts, and affection
  5. Accept their proposal or propose yourself after conditions met
  6. Attend wedding ceremony at local temple to make it official

Then you‘ll unlock all the standard spouse benefits like homecooked meals and income from shops they might own. Enjoy adventuring across Skyrim together!

Roleplaying a Khajiit Wedding Ceremony

Bringing a Khajiit husband or wife home after a temple wedding can feel a bit immersion breaking. These beastfolk don‘t seem like the religious type to care about formal certificates!

That‘s why I recommend holding your own private ceremony to celebrate Khajiit marital traditions:

Location: Select a spot outdoors like behind Jorrvaskr in Whiterun or the hot springs of Eastmarch. Somewhere both scenic and secluded.

Attire: Craft matching Moon Sugar Robes dyed grey with blue accents. Weave imitation Elsweyr garlands from mountain flowers.

Vows: Reference the twin moons, sands of the desert, Hunting Grounds of the afterlife. Brandish matching silver daggers and make blood oaths.

Celebration: Serve a wedding feast of cooked meats, sweetrolls, alto wine, and skooma shots. Receive gifts like enchanted rings, new weapons, alchemy ingredients, and gems.

I‘m certain all of that would please even the most traditional Khajiit mate! Plus enacting cultural wedding traditions makes married life feel so much richer.

Closing Thoughts

In the end, I still wish Bethesda added legitimate Khajiit marriage candidates as they expand the series. We beastfolk deserve love too!

But thanks to the boundless creativity of modders, we can import a myriad of catfolk husbands and wives into the game. I hope reviewing the top romantic mods for Khajiit gives you some ideas to try out.

Whether you want to adopt a pair of kittens, court a deadly warrior, or slowly kindle affection with a shopkeeper, Skyrim offers so many paths to love. Just get an Amulet of Mara and let your furry Dragonborn find their match!

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