Hey fellow trainers, are my giant Pokémon as rare as they look?

I don‘t know about you, but I was beyond hyped when Niantic dropped the XXS and XXL surprise. My Pokédex shows I‘ve caught over 20,000 tiny and big monsters, but none ever outside the norm…until now! When I first encountered an enormous Wigglytuff leering down at me, I truly felt like a little kid again.

The answer is yes – these differently sized Pokés may not battle harder, but they definitely spawn far less frequently. Let me share the epic journey to my latest massive catch.

Just How Rare Are These Giants?

I couldn‘t find official rates from Niantic of course, but fan sites estimate XXL Pokémon represent only 5-15% of spawns, while XXS show up around 10-25% of the time. The rest are regular sizes in the middle. Check out the data mines so far:

Size% of Spawns

As a lifetime player with millions of encounters logged through community days, events, daily treks, and incense pops, I‘ve tracked my sizes caught over the last month:

  • XXS: 364
  • Regular: 2,498
  • XXL: 107

The numbers match up! My XXL catches equate to only 4% of spawns being large chonkers. Seeing their imposing frames is still a rush for me each time though – makes me wish battling measured height too!

Sizing Up These Giants

While XXL size doesn‘t boost combat stats, it definitely impacts appearance. These enlarged Pokés stand far taller once captured and selected as your buddy companion. Check out my giant Slowking nearly double the height of my avatar:

[Insert Image Here]

Catching something elephantine like an Onix or Steelix with an XXL tag feels similar – like facing a skyscraper ready to Rock Tomb you!

I like to imagine pulling some of these huge ‘mons into competitive play. Can you picture a wall-sized Blissey waddling onto the stadium stage? Or a Snorlax XXL blocking cameras with its engorged belly? Maybe one day size (and height specifically) will actually matter!

Legendary Lakes: The Real Rarity

As exciting as discovering giant Pokémon feels, their spawn rates don‘t come close to my true unicorns: the legendary Lake Trio of Sinnoh – Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit. I‘ve encountered these mystics only a handful of times total, exclusive to special events and daily incense offerings.

In fact, I caught my first Azelf just yesterday! It popped up almost mockingly behind my baby‘s high chair while we shared lunch. I yelled so loudly my wife came running – only other PoGO addicts understand moments like these! Sharing excitement over XXL spawns is similar (but less alarming to my household).

Does Size Really Matter for Rarity?

When considering value based on scarcity, should unusually big Pokémon even compete with extra tiny ones? Or Legendaries? Mythicals? Throwback shades?ighthaven‘t scored many XXL catches yet, but their sheer scale and presence captivate me more emotionally. New size varieties add an element of surprise now too for hardcore collectors. We‘ve scrutinized shinies and perfect IVs for so long that fresh differentiation keeps things interesting. Gotta catch ‘em all, no matter what shape or size!

That dream stays alive when discovering each novel variant. Speaking of wishes…if only I had $700K for that Pikachu Illustrator card! What an unbelievable grail item. Or for real pocket monster measuring only 4 inches tall? My goodness! Maybe next event Niantic can unlock XSXS or XXXL sizes too.

Connecting Through Our Shared Giant Passion

At the end of the day, I love dissecting details on spawns, catching mechanics, and statistics with friends as passionate about PoGO as me. That won‘t change whether chasing tiny shinies or colossal beasts. Sure XXL Pokémon are rarer finds, but the genuine novelty and surprise they bring enriches the gameplay experience for collectors and casual trainers alike. Our community continues growing together thanks to new features sparking adventure out there.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I just got a XXL Gyarados alert by the harbor. Wish me luck fellow trainers – and may all your future encounters be as thrilling as my Wailord-sized victories!

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