Are you allowed to sell your game account?

Let me be clear from the start – selling video game accounts is against the Terms of Service of almost every major multiplayer game. Accounts discovered to have changed ownership will in most cases be permanently banned or suspended.

Why Game Companies Won‘t Allow Account Selling

Game publishers actively monitor and shut down account trading to protect the integrity of their games. Here‘s why account selling and trading threatens online games and communities:

  • Damages Integrity of Ranked Modes – Buyers instantly gain high ranks and rare skins, undermining fair competition.
  • Account Security Risks – Accounts can change hands repeatedly, exposing personal data.
  • Illegal Profiting – Sellers wrongly profit from in-game assets they don‘t legally own.

According to 2021 industry reports, over 3 billion accounts were bought and sold last year across popular games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, FIFA, and more. This black market directly hurts game companies and honest players trying to progress fairly.

Consequences When Account Selling is Detected

Game companies actively monitor account logins for changes in location, device ID, and more that signal an account has been sold. The effects when accounts are banned:

For SellersLose access to accounts permanently but profit off the sale
For BuyersLose all money paid and the account itself gets banned

The buyers seeking shortcuts suffer the most immediate loss. But ultimately account selling erodes trust in game communities over time.

What to Do With Accounts Instead of Selling

For longtime players invested in accounts across various games, there are still good options beyond selling them off:

  • Trade Rare Skins Privately – Many games allow players to gift skins within their networks once eligibility criteria is met.
  • Family Share Accounts – Steam and Xbox allow setting up family groups for limited shared access to libraries.
  • Retire Old Accounts – Consider accounts achievements of the past and move on to new games and communities.

As a fellow gamer, I advise cherishing the memories and connections within games rather than violating trust for a quick buck. There are always more fun adventures awaiting around the next corner!

Parting Words

I hope this insider look clarified the risks around selling accounts and why it destroys communities. Please help protect what we love about gaming by reporting dodgy sales. When more players embrace integrity, we all win together.

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