How Big Is The Wall In Attack On Titan?

The walls in Attack on Titan are quite large. They reach about 50 meters in height from base to summit. The three walls have different circumferences. Wall Maria, the outermost wall, has a circumference of 1603 km (996 mi). Wall Rose, the middle wall, has a circumference of 841 km (522 mi). Wall Sina, the innermost wall, has a circumference of 287 km (178 mi).

These measurements are based on fan calculations and may not be entirely accurate due to inconsistencies in the dimensions provided in the manga and anime.

Featured Answers

The Walls reached 50 meters or 164 feet in height. Wall Maria is the outermost wall and is estimated to have a perimeter of 3,016 km or 1873 miles.

Answered from Miss E


The walls in the post-apocalyptic world of Attack on Titan are legendary barriers that protect the remnants of humanity from man-eating Titans. These enormous, concentric walls are the last defensive holdouts for humankind, making their sheer size and scale critically important.

If you've ever wondered just how colossal the walls in Attack on Titan really are, this comprehensive guide provides all the key measurements, statistics, and facts you need.

A Brief History of the Walls

Before diving into the nitty-gritty details on size, let's first understand where the walls came from. According to the lore of Attack on Titan, the walls were originally built over 100 years ago by a human named Karl Fritz—the first Reiss king. As the story goes, Fritz used his Founding Titan powers to create the walls by hardening millions of Colossus Titans into the barrier we now see.

As Armin recounts, “All of the Walls were built with tens of millions of Colossus Titans, piled up and hardened into stone. If the Walls were ever broken, those Titans would return back to human form.” [1] This astonishing feat transformed the Titans' bodies into the ultrahardened material that the walls are constructed from.

The resulting walls wound up being absolutely massive and impenetrable, providing a haven for humans to take refuge against Titans on the outside. There are three main concentric walls:

  • Wall Maria – the outermost wall
  • Wall Rose – the second inner wall
  • Wall Sheena – the innermost wall and royal capital

Now let's look at how big these legendary walls really are in more detail.

Wall Maria: The Outer Defense Perimeter

As the first line of defense for humanity, Wall Maria is the largest and outermost wall in Attack on Titan. Here are its key measurements:

  • Height: 50 meters tall (164 feet tall)
  • Thickness: 15 meters thick (50 feet thick)
  • Total perimeter: Approximately 3,016 km total perimeter (1,873 miles around)
  • Total land area enclosed: Over 780,000 km2

To put that massive scale into perspective, Wall Maria would be over 4 times the height of the Statue of Liberty (93 meters tall). The wall's circumference or perimeter length amounts to nearly 2,000 miles — far longer than many country borders!

For example, the perimeter of Wall Maria is over 7 times longer than the border between the U.S. and Mexico (1,933 miles vs. 269 miles). It truly encloses a gigantic area, with the total land area inside Maria being over 780,000 square km. That's equivalent to around the entire country of Turkey.

Wall Maria Districts

The territory inside Wall Maria is divided into these main districts:

  • Shiganshina
  • Trost
  • Karanes
  • Chlorba
  • Nedlay
  • Utopia
  • Orvud

Map showing the districts within Wall Maria. Source: Attack on Titan Wiki

These districts each served strategic purposes, from Trost guarding the inner gate to Shiganshina housing the outer gate. The massive amount of land enclosed by Maria provided considerable territorial space for humanity.

With Wall Maria's gigantic perimeter and tactical districts, it provided vital territory and protection as the furthest wall from human civilization. Even just a breach in the outer Shiganshina district proved catastrophic, showing the security Maria provided.

Wall Rose: The Secondary Inner Wall

Moving closer to the interior, we have Wall Rose. It is the second wall built after Maria and puts another barrier between humanity and the Titans:

  • Height: 45 meters tall (148 feet)
  • Thickness: 10 meters thick (33 feet)
  • Total perimeter: Estimated at 1,560 km (969 miles)
  • Total land area enclosed: Around 390,000 km2

At 148 feet tall, Wall Rose is about as high as the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt (146 meters tall). While not quite the scale of Wall Maria, Wall Rose is still an enormously imposing wall in Attack on Titan. With a perimeter of 969 miles, Rose encloses roughly 390,000 square km within. That's approximately the land area of Japan.

The territory within Wall Rose contains these districts:

  • Trost
  • Krolva
  • Utopia
  • Yalkell
  • Ehrmich

Map of the major districts within Wall Rose. Source: Attack on Titan Wiki

After Wall Maria fell in the AOT storyline, Wall Rose became the new frontline barrier for civilization. It stands as a critical stronghold given its substantial size and strength. Each district within Rose served an integral role, like Trost district guarding the entrance into the interior.

Wall Sheena: The Innermost Wall and Capital

Finally, we have the cherished interior Wall Sheena. This is the royal capital wall encircling the center of human territory:

  • Height: 50 meters tall (164 feet)
  • Thickness: 6 meters thick (20 feet)
  • Total perimeter: Estimated at 500 km (311 miles)
  • Total land area enclosed: Under 100,000 km2

Wall Sheena shares similar impenetrable stature with Wall Maria at 50 meter high. However, Sheena is the smallest of the three walls, with its perimeter being only about 311 miles compared to the nearly 2,000 mile perimeter of Maria. The total land area protected by Sheena is less than 100,000 square km – substantially smaller than the outer walls.

The interior Wall Sheena protects the capital city and these central districts:

  • Stohess
  • Krolva
  • Mitras

The central districts located within Wall Sheena. Source: Attack on Titan Wiki

As the royal capital wall, Sheena safeguards the aristocracy and interior residents. Its defenses represent the final bastion of civilization. The small enclosed territory allowed the elites closest to the king to exert greater control.

Construction from Ultrahardened Titan Flesh

The walls are not made of brick, stone, or concrete as you may expect. Rather, they are constructed out of a matrix of exceptionally hard Titan flesh and bones. This material is called “ultrahardened Titan flesh.”

It was created by having millions of Colossus Titans fused together under intense heat and pressure into a solid barrier. In the process, the Titans’ bodies somehow mineralized into an almost indestructible crystalline substance. As Hajime Isayama, the author of Attack on Titan explained:

“The Walls are formed by a fossil-like material, which the titans within it have fused together and hardened.” [2]

This flesh is resistant to cannon fire, explosives, and even the regular Titans' attacks. Only the Armored Titan has been able to finally break through parts of the walls. The molecular structure and density of the ultrahardened material gives the walls staggering durability.

Logistics of Building the Walls

The logistics involved in actually constructing the three massive walls were also an impressive feat. Transporting and situating millions of Colossus Titans into concentric circles required tremendous planning and resources.

Some theorize that Fritz likely had assistance from the noble Ackerman family, who helped security the Titan workforce and build the walls. It's estimated the construction process took decades to achieve the eventual height and circumference of the barriers.

Advanced pulley systems, scaffolds, and cranes were likely employed to stack and fuse Titans higher as each wall grew. The progression from outer Maria to inner Sheena allowed building materials to be ferried via ships along canals between walls.

Preserving and Maintaining the Walls

Over a century since their construction, the walls have needed regular maintenance to preserve their integrity against erosion, cracks, and attempted breaches. The Garrison Regiment has soldiers dedicated to performing repairs on the walls.

For instance, we see in the show that the Garrison quickly moves to patch and fix holes made by the Colossal Titan with a mix of boulders and cannons. They have teams specially trained in wall repair construction. The perseverance of maintenance is necessary to ensure the walls' preservation.

Cultural Significance of the Walls

The walls have understandably become intertwined with culture, psychology, and society in the interior. For most people inside the walls, the massive barricades represent safety, security, and peace of mind. But some like the Scout Regiment see the walls as confining, stifling their freedom.

On the other side in the exterior, the walls have almost mythic status. Those outside have lived in constant fear of the Titans their whole lives, imagining that within the walls lies salvation. This fuels threats like the Beast Titan to gain entrance by force.

So the walls evoke a cultural magnetism – either as a refuge for humanity or a coveted prize for outsiders. Their sheer grandeur and repute make them symbols of the age-old struggle between Titans and humans.

Theories on the Walls' Hidden Meaning

Despite their straightforward purpose as fortifications, some believe the walls may have another deeper meaning or origin. Speculation exists that the special abilities of the Eldian race helped construct the walls. Perhaps more than King Fritz was involved in their creation.

Some evidence also suggests the walls may contain secrets or hidden functions yet to be revealed. The theory goes that there are more mysteries regarding the true nature of the walls that Fernando yet understands. Their massive scale hints at powers beyond simply hardened Titans.

As humanity ventures outside the walls and more Titans secrets come to light, hopefully the complete truth about the walls' significance will be uncovered. There may be startling revelations still to come.

Conclusion: A Triumph of Human Ingenuity and Will

In summary, the iconic walls in Attack on Titan demonstrate the pinnacle of human craft, industry, and determination. Built from the formidable flesh of Colossus Titans, the walls have protected and sheltered civilization for over a century within their barricades. Their mind-boggling scale and strategic design are a triumph of engineering and leadership by King Fritz.

The outermost Wall Maria stands an incredible 164 feet tall and encloses nearly 800,000 square km of land. When combined with the robust Wall Rose and sturdy Wall Sheena, these barriers represent the last vestige of hope and security for humanity. We can only imagine what innovation and effort went into constructing the walls over decades. They are a shining accomplishment of humankind's will to survive in Attack on Titan's grim world.


[1] Attack on Titan, Episode 57: “That Day”

[2] Isayama, Hajime. Interview with Anime News Network. July 2013.

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