Background Check Statistics In 2024

Background checks are an important part of the hiring process for many employers. As of 2023, here are some of the latest statistics on background checks:

1. 80% of Employers Conduct Background Checks

According to a 2022 survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 80% of employers conduct criminal background checks on job candidates. This number has remained high and steady over the past several years.

2. Checks Typically Go Back 7 Years

Most background checks go back 7 years into a candidate‘s history, looking for any red flags like criminal convictions. Some checks for sensitive positions may go back further, up to 10 years.

3. Over 70 Million Americans Have Criminal Records

Unfortunately, America‘s high incarceration rate has resulted in over 70 million Americans with some kind of criminal record, according to 2022 FBI crime data. This can present major barriers to finding employment.

4. Half of Resumes Contain Inaccuracies

Lying on resumes remains commonplace. Recent surveys suggest over half of all resumes contain inaccuracies to some degree. Most common lies relate to inflated skill sets, job titles, salary history and education levels.

5. Workplace Theft Totals $50 Billion Annually

Dishonest employees cost American businesses an estimated $50 billion per year according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce‘s latest data. Background checks aim to weed out individuals with a higher likelihood of workplace theft based on their history.

6. Bad Hires Cost Employers Dearly

Making a wrong hire that later needs to be terminated can cost an employer around 30% of the position‘s annual salary according to calculations by the Society of Human Resources. And that‘s before accounting for loss of productivity, morale hits to other staff, potential theft losses and more damages.


Background checks remain a vital part of the vetting and onboarding process for the vast majority of employers. As the risks of making a bad hire run high, most companies see conducting thorough background checks as an essential way to protect their business interests. Candidates with accuracy and transparency on their resume tend to fare best.

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