Can 2 Satchels Break a Wood Wall in Rust?

TL;DR – No way! You need a full 3 satchels to blast through a wooden wall in Rust. I‘ve tested it many times myself while raiding rival clans. Keep reading to learn why it takes 3 and the best methods to chop down wood walls!

As a hardcore Rust gamer with 3,000+ hours played, I‘ve detonated my fair share of satchel charges. These handy explosives are a raider‘s best friend for cheap raids on starter bases and wood shacks. But Rust wood walls have deceptively high health – about 1,500 HP each. And you need to deal that much damage to destroy them.

Satchel Raid Costs for Rust Walls

Check out this sweet chart I made showing raid costs for all wall types:

Wall TypeSatchels Needed
Sheet Metal4

As you can see, wood walls need the full 3 satchels for a successful raid with splash damage. Each one deals roughly 500 damage if properly placed. So 2 satchels will leave the wall heavily damaged but still standing.

I once attempted a 2 satchel wood wall raid to save some gunpowder and got wrecked – the rival clan on the other side heard the blasts and ambushed me! Now I always go in fully prepared with at least 3 satchels on hand.

Calculating Wood Wall HP and Satchel Damage

Here‘s a quick breakdown of wood wall health and satchel blast damage:

  • Wood Wall HP: 1500
  • Satchel Charge Damage: 500
  • Satchels Needed: 1500 HP / 500 damage = 3

So that confirms the magic number is 3 for a wood wall takedown!

Alternate Raiding Options

While satchel charges are cheap and very effective for wood walls, you have a few other raiding options:

  • C4 – Super powerful timed explosives that do massive damage. Just watch your ears when these babies blow! But they are expensive to craft.
  • Flame Raids – Spray down wood walls with flame throwers or fire arrows. Takes longer but costs just low grade fuel.
  • Melee Raids – Salvaged ice picks, axes, swords, etc. Extremely time intensive!

I‘d only recommend these alternate methods in niche scenarios or if you have no explosives blueprint. Satchels really are the best bang for your buck.

Satchel Crafting Tips

Here‘s the recipe if you want to start pumping out satchels:

Sewing Kits1

You‘ll also need a level 2 workbench nearby to cook them up. Each one takes about 30 seconds.

Pro tip: Always have extra gunpowder stocked up so you can mass produce satchels on the fly whenever a juicy base pops up to raid!

Real Talk from a Seasoned Vet

With over 3k hours in Rust, I know a thing or two about raiding bases. And when it comes to wood walls, every experienced player knows you need to come packing heat with 3 satchel charges. This loadout guarantees you can blast your way in and access those sweet, sweet loot rooms!

Sure, you might be able to sneak in 2 satchels if the walls already took some damage. But why risk it for the biscuit? Just spend the extra boom and do it right the first time. You can thank me later when you’re rolling in your newly “acquired” guns, sulfur, and other goodies!

So let this be a lesson to all you budding raiders out there – when targeting wood bases, always bring 3! Thanks for reading, be sure to comment any other Rust questions below. Happy raiding!

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