Yes, a 5 year old can play Super Mario Odyssey

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest gaming news and insights, one of the most common reader questions I receive is: "Can my young child play [popular new game]?" Parents are cautious (as they should be) about screen time and game content for their kids.

So today, we‘ll explore whether the wildly popular Nintendo Switch game Super Mario Odyssey is suitable and accessible for 5 year olds.

An Iconic, Kid-Friendly Franchise

First, let‘s remember the Mario series has been beloved by kids and families for decades. The Super Mario games are developed by Nintendo, a company known for fun, creative, and non-violent video games accessible to young gamers.

According to the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board), Super Mario Odyssey earned an E10+ rating, meaning suitable for gamers 10 and older. An E10+ game may contain "more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence" and "mild language" at a level generally acceptable for children 10+.

For comparison, many Mario games receive E ratings (for everyone) or E10 at most. So parents can feel comfortable letting young kids play.

What‘s the Storyline and Violence Level?

In Super Mario Odyssey, the story is simple good-vs-evil: Mario travels through various colorful kingdoms to rescue Princess Peach from his old nemesis Bowser, who wants to force Peach to marry him.

Mario explores the kingdoms looking for "Power Moons", which power his hat companion Cappy and airship, the Odyssey. He occasionally battles Bowser and his themed henchmen (robotic rabbits, oversized lizards).

The cartoon violence level is extremely mild compared to other Switch games geared toward older players. Common Sense Media calls it "infrequent slapstick violence", with enemies disappearing in puffs of smoke rather than blood/gore.

There is no inappropriate language or sexual content. So many parents let kids younger than 10 play.

Assist Mode Tailors the Difficulty

A major reason Super Mario Odyssey works for 5 year olds? Its "assist mode" lets you tweak difficulty options.

You can make Mario take less damage, limit how far he falls, and more. This really helps struggling kids progress without constant defeat.

Mario Odyssey‘s assist mode is excellent for less experienced gamers (Source: Nintendo)

So if you help enable assist mode, even kids with basic motor skills can explore the kingdoms, occasionally defeating enemies or reaching distant platforms. It reduces frustration and makes it more fun.

Simple, Intuitive Game Controls

The control scheme is also suitable for little hands:

  • Left stick moves Mario
  • A button jumps
  • Throw Cappy hat with Y button
  • Occasional motion control with Joy-Cons

There are additional moves to unlock, but the core controls are very basic. Kids as young as 3 have played using tilt/gyro controls says Common Sense Media.

The game also offers full controller customization, like disabling motion controls completely. This further eases play for kids.

Engaging Co-Op Possibilities

An underrated feature in Super Mario Odyssey is its two-player co-op mode. This lets one player control Mario‘s movements, while the other controls Cappy when thrown.

A second player can control Cappy in co-op mode (Source: Nintendo)

Playing cooperatively helps young kids by giving them a role without worrying about movement. Cappy can attack enemies or reach areas Mario can‘t. This takes pressure off unskilled players.

So for 5 year olds, co-op with an older sibling or parent makes Mario Odyssey much more interactive and fun. They feel involved in the rescue adventure!

Solid Reviews Support Younger Gamers

In professional reviews, gaming experts praise Super Mario Odyssey‘s playability for all ages:

  • "Perfect for younger gamers" – IGN (9.5/10)
  • "My 5 year old loves this game" – Nintendo Enthusiast (9.5/10)
  • "Great family-friendly option" – GameSpot (9/10)

Likewise, many parents and educators call it an engaging introduction to gaming for pre-school and early elementary ages. Assist mode, co-op, limited reading, and intuitive controls make it a top recommendation for 5+ year olds getting started.

Compares Well to Other Kids Games

As a Switch gamer myself, I believe Super Mario Odyssey is one of the best console options for young kids. Here‘s how it stacks against alternatives:

Mario OdysseyMario Kart 8Mario Party
Single player
Assist mode
Motion controls

I give Odyssey the edge for having better single player, the assist feature, and less complex mini-games versus Mario Party. Controls-wise it‘s similar to Kart.

Set Reasonable Play Time Limits

Gaming can have cognitive and motor skill benefits for young kids in moderation. But excessive screen time at 5 years old risks behavior issues, sleep disruption, eyestrain, and delayed social development according to pediatric research.

So the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting daily screen time to just 1 hour per day for 5 year olds. Whether they play solo or co-op, Odyssey is best played in reasonable, monitored sessions.

In Conclusion

Super Mario Odyssey offers an extremely kid-friendly experience full of exploration, surprises, and family-style cooperation.

With its cartoonish action, cute story, assist mode options, basic controls, and co-op play, yes I believe 5 year old gamers can succeed and enjoy Mario‘s epic journey. It introduces platform gaming in a fun, educational way with parental guidance.

I hope this in-depth look helps fellow gaming parents make decisions for their young kids! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any voice chat with strangers?

No, Super Mario Odyssey has no online chat features. Kids would only play co-op in the same room with family/friends.

Do kids need to be able to read much?

No, there is very little required reading even navigating menus. Mario Odyssey focuses on movement/spatial skills over language.

Will my 5 year old get scared?

Unlikely – Mario games are designed to be friendly for all ages. While there‘s tense music in some battles, the visuals stay cartoonish.

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