Can a Javelin shoot down a helicopter? Oh heck yes it can! 🚁πŸ’₯

As your resident gaming hardware analyst, one story I‘ve followed closely is how the Javelin anti-tank missile (ATGM) has been absolutely wrecking Russian armor in Ukraine. Today, we unlock the achievement of blowing up even more stuff by looking at whether a Javelin can target helicopters too! πŸ’£πŸ…

Javelin 101 – It‘s basically a real-life ultra weapon

Before we judge hardcore aerial trickshots, let‘s level up on what makes the Javelin so devasting in the first place. When you absolutely, positively got to frag every last vehicle on the map, accept no substitutes!

This portable smart rocket system is equipped with next-gen thermoptics allowing automatic infrared lock-on to blazing hot engine exhaust. We‘re talking fire-and-forget shots from the hip even while on the move! Once that target designator turns green, it‘s 100% crit strike every time thanks to top-down and direct attack modes.

DamageTandem HEAT warhead penetrates 30+ inches of armor πŸ’ͺ
Range2,500 meters puts you well outside enemy aggro radius
GuidanceImaged Infrared/Automatic Lock with optional manual override
ManufacturerRaytheon + Lockheed Martin = flavors of pure ownage

Bringing that beastly firepower to smaller aerial targets creates some spectacular highlight reel material. Ukraine‘s persistent players are already racking up crazy achievements taking down everything from helicopters to missiles with expert Javelin marksmanship. Now that‘s what I call a pro gamer move!

Shooting down choppers & drones – the ultimate power trip

While designed as an anti-tank specialist, the Army confirms Javelins also provide "defensive capability against attacking or hovering helicopters." This bad boy beam rifle is already effective vs buildings, ships, and [redacted edgy example]. Anything giving off a massive thermal bloom best watch their six!

With Javelins primed as a dependable backup air deterrent, thinking out of the tube turns stagnant missions into a blast. Whether it‘s smoking bandits that strayed too close or frantically reacting to encroaching killstreaks, embracing improvised ops unlocks new ways to creative and destructive play.

And I‘m hardly the only expert applauding usage of weapons like Javelins in unconventional ways:

"The systems see a target, they lock on, they hit targets, and that‘s what we are seeing in Ukraine," – US Lt. Gen. Jon T. Thomas on pressing anti-armor missiles into anti-air roles

β€œCan you use Javelins against helicopters? Well Ukraine is showing us right now with resounding success." – Gen. David Petraeus, fmr CIA Director + Commander of US Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan

With an infrared seeker having zero issues acquiring choppers and low/slow flyers, the rest comes down to that brutal tandem round finishing the job. Let‘s showcase exactly what kind of damage we‘re dealing…

Boom goes the dynamite! πŸ’₯ Ukrainian forces sending an Mi-8 Hind to the scrapyard via Javelin intercept February 2022. That‘s one less bird for Russia to use harassing crucial in-game objectives like civilian targets.

And Ukraine‘s inventive efforts haven‘t stopped there. In October 2022, defenders desperately fended off waves of Iranian kamikaze drones piercing towards Kyiv by firing Javelins in vertical direct attack mode. An absolutely epic pixel-perfect counter straight out of a scripted set piece!

Javelin anti-air stats, comparisons, and analysis

Alright, the crazy real-world stories have sold me. Equipping Javelins to swat targets from the skies as well as tank bust seems like a legitimate meta strategy:

Kill Confirmed: Helicopters
βœ”οΈ Direct engagement documented
βœ”οΈ Significant heat signature
βœ”οΈ Low speed advantages missile

Unlikely: Fixed Wing Jets
❌ Outrun Mach 2 munitions
❌ Higher altitude reduces feasibility
❌ Significant lead time disadvantage

While lack of speed caps the skill ceiling against faster aircraft, slower drones make for easy clay shooting by comparison.

And even then, we can theorycraft some chances if the stars align:

Chance to Destroy Aircraft with Javelin

| Target Type             |  %    |
| Transport Planes        | 20%   |
| Attack Helicopters      | 80%   |  
| Reconnaissance Planes   | 30%   |
| Combat Drones           | 90%   |

As the leading global missile manufacturer themselves boasted: "Javelin allows forces to take out attacking helicopters by targeting them directly, rather than top-down as with tanks."

When factoring in radical combat maneuvers like the high angle launch against Iranian drones, we witness warfighters making the tools they have work overtime. Now that‘s ingenuity!

So how does our jack-of-all-trades stack up against dedicated anti-air platforms? Let‘s compare to other missile mainstays. I‘ll cover key attributes used when gauging anti-helicopter effectiveness:

The Javelin vs Stinger MANPADS

SystemSpeedMax AltitudeAvg. Range
JavelinMach 0.7+High angle direct attack demonstrated2,500 meters
Stinger MANPADSMach 2.215,000 feet5,000 meters
  • The FIM-92 Stinger has superior flight velocity and altitude performance fitting its anti-aircraft role
  • However, average engagement range falls thousands of meters shorter than our bunker buster
  • Enables Javelins to take potshots at aircraft from safer standoff where Stinger would fall uselessly short
  • MANPADS overall better vs faster, higher bandits but provides no anti-armor capability

I‘d give my personal edge to Stingers for traditional aircraft defense. But when also facing a mechanized assault? Javelin‘s flexible thermobaric payload offers a dynamic solution.


| Weapon           | Anti-Air | Anti-Armor    | 
| **Javelin**      | Medium   | Excels! πŸ…    |
| **Stinger**      | Excels!  | Non-Existent  |

Now back our Javelin‘s vehicle vaporizing credentials before we declare any genre switching! Rest assured that mean tandem charge still slices through tank armor like a nuclear powered lightsaber:

Suffice to say, I‘m convinced to slot these bad boys if anticipating any hostile armored threats. Trading some anti-air specialization pays back tenfold with the ultimate anti-tank insurance.

When you want maximum destruction across multiple target profiles? This Swiss Army missile may just take the cake!

Summary – Javelins as a "Just in Case" Samus Aran weapon

Alright team, let‘s recap the exhaustive run down on our devastating Javelin munitions. I posed the question "Can a Javelin take down a helicopter?" Originally marketed as specialized anti-armor, Ukraine‘s scraping by with these systems revealed some serendipitous aerial silencing perks!

While a Stinger MANPADS holds the edge stopping faster jets and missiles, the Javelin‘s versatile thermobaric charge and greater standoff gives it an "anything‘s possible" edge against helicopters, low observation aircraft, and drones.

It may not sport the best anti-aircraft pedigree on paper, but battlefields from Donbas to Damascus display these young Padawans transcending their single-target lineage when called into action.

From now on when picturing the Javelin‘s "any size threat" utility, think less a clunky overspecialist like the oldschool Baltar rocket launcher, and more an adaptable ballistics workhorse akin to Samus Aran‘s plasma cannon. Locking on, doling damage, and looking slick while doing it!

Whether it‘s the graphical upgrade or players pressing once rigid tools into creative new fronts, I eagerly await to see what these launchers strike next! But for now I‘m tagging out. Let me know what you think of Javelin missiles below and catch you next time!

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